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Define a Database Connection Profile
To use any of the Workbench tabs other than the Connect tab, you first must connect to a database through a database connection profile. Therefore, you must create at least one connection profile before you can connect to a database.
You can create connection profiles to connect to existing databases or you can create a new database for the connection. You create database connection profiles on the Connect tab using the OpenROAD Startup Assistant. For information about fields and parameters used in the OpenROAD Startup Assistant, see OpenROAD Startup Assistant and Connection Details Properties.
Note:  If this is the first time you have started this version of OpenROAD, the OpenROAD Startup Assistant will prompt you to create a new database connection profile. see OpenROAD Startup Assistant and Connection Details Properties.
To create a database connection profile to connect to an existing database
1. Click the Connect tab.
2. Click File, New Profile.
The Connection Profile Assistant opens.
Click Next.
3. Select Existing Database and click Next.
Note:  This option is available only if OpenROAD is installed into a local Ingres DBMS installation. If OpenROAD is installed with the Ingres Net client, skip directly to Step 4.
4. Select whether the database is a local or remote connection.
A vnode is a virtual node, which provides all connection data to connect to an Ingres installation on a remote system. For more information, see the Ingres Network Management Utility (netutil) or Network Utility (ingnet) in the Ingres Connectivity Guide.
5. Select the database.
6. Specify connection options.
For more information about connection options, see the SQL command in the Ingres Command Reference Guide.
7. Name the profile and optionally provide a description.
The profile name must be unique.
To create a database connection profile to create a new database
1. Click the Connect tab.
2. Click File, New Profile.
The Connection Profile Assistant opens.
3. Select Create Database and click Next.
4. Name the database, and specify the owner and any startup flags. Then click Next.
5. Specify connection options.
For more information about connection options, see the SQL command in the Ingres Command Reference Guide.
6. Name the profile and optionally provide a description.
The profile name must be unique.
OpenROAD Startup Assistant and Connection Details Properties
An OpenROAD profile contains connection information to a particular repository. To use OpenROAD you must first establish a connection to a repository, which contains or will contain source code of an OpenROAD application that you want to examine or work on. You can have many different repositories available, each with unique connection characteristics. To define an OpenROAD profile you specify the necessary connection information by either completing a wizard or directly interacting with the Connection Details portlet.
Depending on your context, you will encounter two types of wizards that both systematically lead you through the creation of a profile. These wizards are the OpenROAD Startup Assistant and the Connection Profile Assistant.
When OpenROAD Workbench starts, it first searches for any existing profiles to display. If it finds no profiles, the OpenROAD Startup Assistant wizard automatically opens to create the first profile. Otherwise, you may choose to create a profile with the Connection Profile Assistant. This wizard starts from Workbench’s Connect tab either when the developer selects File,New, Profile from the menu bar or clicks the New toolbar button.
The final way to create or modify an OpenROAD profile is to interact directly with the Connections Details portlet, which is displayed in the lower right corner of the Connect tab.
The OpenROAD Connect tab contains four portlets: Default Profile, Recent Profiles, Connection Profiles, and Connections Details. The first three portlets show existing OpenROAD profiles.The Connections Details portlet displays the various properties for the selected profile. This portlet also highlights mandatory properties with a yellow bullet immediately preceding the property label.
In Workbench, only one portlet can be active at a time. The active portlet has a thin navy blue border with a caption highlight that shows as a thin yellow line across a lavender background. The inactive portlets have a light gray border with caption that displays a light gray background. To change the active portlet, simply click on the caption of the portlet you want to make active.
The rest of this section assumes that the Connection Details Portlet is active and editable. Once you make the Connection Detail Portlet active, it is still not editable; to make it editable, click File, Connect on the menu bar or click the Open button on the main toolbar. The following are descriptions for the different properties you can set in the Connection Profile portlet to create or modify an OpenROAD profile.
Specifies a unique name for this OpenROAD profile that holds the necessary information to connect to a specific repository or database instance
Specifies an optional description for this profile
Database Management System (DBMS)
Specifies which database management system this connection profile uses. The options available are:
Ingres (Actian Corporation
Oracle (Oracle Corporation
MS SQL (Microsoft Corporation)
DB2 UDB (IBM Corporation)
Specifies the type of connection this profile uses to connect to a specific repository. A repository lives in a DBMS installation on a physical machine. You either install OpenROAD into an existing Ingres or Enterprise Access installation or install it into its own installation. OpenROAD installations that are part of a DBMS installation are local to any repository managed by that DBMS installation and remote to any repository managed by another DBMS installation. OpenROAD installations that are not part of a DBMS installation are remote to any repository even if the different installations happen to be on the same machine. Available Type options are:
Specifies that this OpenROAD installation is part of the DBMS installation that manages this profile’s repository. This is the default.
Specifies that the repository to connect to is remote to this OpenROAD installation, regardless of whether this installation is part of a DBMS installation. The repository to connect to is in a different installation, which might or might not be on the same physical machine.
Selecting this option reveals the following mandatory property:
If you specified VNode as the Type, identifies the name of the remote virtual node, as defined by your network administrator, where the desired database is installed. It provides all connection data to connect to an Ingres installation on a remote system.
For more information, see the Ingres Network Management Utility (netutil) or Network Utility (ingnet) in the Ingres Connectivity Guide.
Specifies that the profile uses a dynamic connection string to connect to the remote DBMS installation that manages this profile’s repository.
Selecting this option reveals the following mandatory properties:
Specifies the name of the server where the DBMS installation that manages this repository resides. Alternatively, you can enter the IP address of the physical machine.
Specifies the installation ID of the remote DBMS installation. Each Ingres or Enterprise Access installation has a two-character ID that uniquely identifies an installation on a machine. This enables multiple installations on a machine, for example, II.
Specifies the communications protocol that this dynamic connection string uses to communicate between OpenROAD and the remote DBMS installation. The only option is tcp_ip.
Note:  Setting up connection information to access a repository managed by Ingres and Enterprise Access DBMS installations is complex enough that an entire guide exists to fully document this functionality. For more information, see the Ingres Network Management Utility (netutil) or Network Utility (ingnet) in the Ingres Connectivity Guide.
Specifies the name of the repository to connect to in this remote DBMS installation.
(Optional) Setting this property allows you to override the user name defined in the virtual node used to connect to this repository. You still own all files created by OpenROAD, not the user whose user name you enter.
Note:  The user name that you specify must be an Ingres super user such as an Ingres system administrator, the database administrator (DBA) of the specified database, or a user that has the db_admin permission, or the connection will fail.
Note:  (Optional) Specifies the group identifier for the session, allowing the group's database directory and file permissions to be applied to the session.
Note:  If you omit this flag and there is a default group identifier specified for you, the default group identifier is assigned to the session.
Note:  To specify a group, you must be a member of the specified group identifier's user list or an Ingres super user, which is an Ingres system administrator, the database administrator (DBA) of the specified database, or a user that has the db_admin permission.
Note:  (Optional) Specifies the role identifier for an application image and associates the role identifier's permissions to the session. To specify a role with a password, concatenate the role name and password separated by a slash, for example, RoleName/Password.
Note:  The role identifier is not validated if you are an Ingres super user, which is an Ingres system administrator, the DBA of the specified database, or a user that has the db_admin permission.
Other flags
(Optional) Enter other Ingres session flags here that you want to include when using this profile to connect to this repository. For more information about these optional flags, see the Ingres Command Reference Guide.
Profile Icon
This specifies the graphic image that represents a connection profile on the Connect tab. You can use the default connection icon, shown in the following illustration, or you can specify another image file containing a custom icon by clicking on the browse button and selecting a different icon. You can always reset to the default icon by clicking the reset button.
Set As Default
Sets the selected database connection profile as the default, and displays it in the Default Profile portlet on the Connect tab.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024