4. Designing and Writing OpenROAD Server Applications : OpenROAD Parameter Data COM Object : COM (Non-OpenROAD) Client ASO Session Object : Connect Method
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Connect Method
The Connect method uses the required Application Known As Name (AKA Name) parameter to request Initiate parameters from a Name Server. It then uses these parameters to make a connection to a server installation and process that hosts the OpenROAD application image. If the Name Server parameters indicate that ASOLib should be used, a persistent session context is created in the server application.
An internal Remote Server Object instance is used to make the connection and it is exposed as a property of the ASOSession class.
        [in] BSTR AKAName,
        [in, optional] BSTR Location,
        [in, optional] BSTR Routing
This method uses the following parameters:
(Required.) Contains the name of the Application Known As Name registered with Visual OSA.
Identifies the location where the OpenROAD Server is started. Contains the machine name (or DNS name or IP address) of the machine on which the Name Server is located. If no location is specified, the DCOM settings on the client machine are used to determine where to locate the Name Server.
Specifies a routing string. Specifying “unauthenticated” enables an explicitly unauthenticated connection to the Name Server. This overrides the default authentication level currently set for the client process.