2. Statements : OpenROAD SQL Statements : Create Group Statement
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Create Group Statement
The create group statement establishes a group identifier and associates it with the specified list of users. Group identifiers enable the database administrator (or user that has the security permission) to grant identical rights to a group of users. For a complete discussion of group identifiers and their use, see the Ingres Database Administrator Guide.
After creating a group identifier and specifying its members, the system administrator can grant rights to the group identifier. When a member of the group begins a session, the group identifier can be specified in the sql or connect statement (or on the operating system command line, using the -G flag) to obtain the privileges associated with the group. For more information, see the Ingres SQL Reference Guide.
This statement has the following syntax:
create group group_id {, group_id}
              [with users = (user_id {, user_id})];