2. Statements : OpenROAD SQL Statements : Select Statement
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Select Statement
This statement retrieves rows from a database table.
It has the following syntax:
[repeated] subselect
{union [all] subselect}
[order by orderclause
where subselect has the following syntax:
select [all | distinct]
resultexpression{, resultexpression}
from fromclause
[where searchcondition]
[group by groupclause
[having searchcondition]
and fromclause has the following alternative syntaxes:
from tablename [corrname]{, tablename [corrname]}
from :fromvariable
and groupclause has the following alternative syntaxes:
[group by columnname{, columnname}]
[group by :groupvariable
and orderclause has the following alternative syntaxes:
[order by orderspecification{, orderspecification}]
[order by :ordervariable