Installation and Configuration Guide : B. OpenROAD Command Line Installation (Windows Only) : How to Use the ormsiexec.bat Script : Install Loadnrun 6.2 without the Standalone Net Client
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Install Loadnrun 6.2 without the Standalone Net Client
1. Change to the directory that contains the installer files:
cd /d C:\temp\loadnrun-OpenROAD_version-win-x86-com-a
For example:
cd /d C:\temp\loadnrun-6.20.15062-win-x86-com-a
2. Enter the following command to display a simulated installation:
ormsiexec loadnrun_x86_nonet.rsp
3. Enter the following command to install Loadnrun:
ormsiexec loadnrun_x86_nonet.rsp /install
Product installation will take several minutes, and the results will be displayed to the command window.
This product can be uninstalled, using the following command:
ormsiexec loadnrun_x86_nonet.rsp /uninstall
If any errors occur, the MSI log file and additional diagnostic information can be displayed to the command window by using the following command:
ormsiexec loadnrun_x86_nonet.rsp /install /debug
The output generated by this command can be analyzed or passed to Actian Engineering for any problem resolution activity.