Server Reference Guide : Loadnrun : Getting Started with Loadnrun : Set Up the Loadnrun Server
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Set Up the Loadnrun Server
You must set up the Loadnrun Server before the Loadnrun Client can be used. Setting up the Loadnrun Server includes the following basic steps:
1. Install OpenROAD 6.2.
2. Configure the OpenROAD 6.2 Server.
3. Set up the OpenROAD Gatekeepers:
a. Set up the ASP.NET Gatekeeper using IIS.
b. Set up the Java Servlet using Tomcat (or equivalent).
4. Install the Loadnrun 6.2 Server.
5. Configure the Loadnrun OpenROAD Server Application.
6. Host the Loadnrun eClient applications.
The following sections describe each of these steps.
Step 1: Install OpenROAD 6.2
Use the OpenROAD 6.2 Windows Installer to install OpenROAD 6.2.
There can be only one instance of OpenROAD 6.2 per Windows machine.
Select the OpenROAD Server as an installation option. You will configure it in the next section.
Step 2: Configure the OpenROAD 6.2 Server
After OpenROAD 6.2 is installed, you must configure the OpenROAD 6.2 Server using the asreg utility.
To configure the OpenROAD Server
1. Launch the OpenROAD Server Installer (asreg utility): Click Start, All Programs, Actian OpenROAD 6.2, Server, Install or Uninstall OpenROAD Server.
When the OpenROAD Server Installer starts, click the Install button.
The OpenROAD Server Configuration frame is displayed.
2. Enter the Run As user account information.
This is the account that the OpenROAD Server will be launched under. This account must defined to Ingres if the OpenROAD Server will access an Ingres DBMS.
3. Enter credentials the User, Password, and Confirm Password fields. Click Accept.
The following should be displayed:
  Installing the OpenROAD Server... done
  Registering the OpenROAD Server... done
  Configuring the OpenROAD Server... done
  Configuring orserver.json... done
  Starting the OpenROAD Server... done
Note:  Only one OpenROAD Server can be configured per Windows machine.
4. After the OpenROAD Server is configured, launch a command window: Start, All Programs, Actian OpenROAD 6.2, OpenROAD Administrative Command Window.
Enter the comtestrso command at the command line to determine whether the OpenROAD Server is running:
The following output should be displayed:
Successfully created component.
Using interface IRun4GLrs.
ImageFile: "comtest.img"
CmdFlags: "-Tall,logonly -Lcomtest.log"
Location: ""
  Routing: ""
  Private: 0
    pIRun4GLrs->Initiate; hr = 0x00000000
    Input string is: Hello, World.
    Input count is:  99
    pIRun4GLrs->Call4GL; hr = 0x00000000
    Output string is: Well "Hello, World." to you too.
    Output count is:  100
    Releasing interface IRun4GLrs.
If there are any errors, correct them and re-enter the command until you get the previous output. (If this is the first time the OpenROAD Server has been set up, a reboot may be necessary. Any time that II_W4GLAPPS_SYS, II_W4GLAPPS_DIR, PATH, or II_SYSTEM is changed, the system must be rebooted for the OpenROAD Server to recognize the changes.)
Step 3: Set Up the OpenROAD Gatekeepers
Follow the instructions in the appropriate section to set up the OpenROAD Gatekeepers.
Set Up the OpenROAD Java Servlet Gatekeeper
Follow these steps to set up the OpenROAD Java Servlet Gatekeeper.
To set up the Java Servlet Gatekeeper
1. Install the 32-bit JRE.
In the following example the 7.0 JRE is installed.
2. Setup the Tomcat 7.0 server:
a. Configure Tomcat 7.0 to use the JRE 7.0.
b. Start the Tomcat server and verify that it is working.
3. Follow the instructions in How You Configure the OpenROAD Server ASP .NET Client Gatekeeper2 on page 82.
In the following example, the URL for the Java Servlet Gatekeeper is:
This URL should be accessible to the remote client.
Set Up the OpenROAD ASP.NET Gatekeeper
Follow these steps to set up the OpenROAD ASP.NET Gatekeeper.
To set up the ASP.NET Gatekeeper
1. Enable ASP.NET in IIS.
2. Configure an Application Pool to use the 4.0 or higher .NET Framework.
3. Enable use of 32-bit applications with this pool.
This application pool will be used to setup the ASP.NET application.
4. Follow the instructions in How You Configure the OpenROAD Server ASP .NET Client Gatekeeper2 on page 82.
In the following example, the URL for the ASP.NET Gatekeeper is:
This URL should be accessible to the remote client.
Step 4: Install the Loadnrun 6.2 Server
Follow these steps to install the Loadnrun 6.2 Server on the server machine.
To install the Loadnrun Server
1. Obtain the Loadnrun 6.2 installer from Typically it is distributed as a Zip file with the following name:
This file contains all necessary components.
2. Unzip this file into a directory.
3. Change to the directory created in the previous step.
4. Launch the setup.exe command. You can do this one of two ways:
Windows Explorer: Double-click on the setup.exe file.
Command Prompt: Enter the following command:
You can use the following command to launch the installer with traces turned on:
setup.exe -Tyes -LC:\temp\loadnrun_install.log -/appflags DEBUG=YES LOGFILE=YES
Launching setup.exe creates two files:
File Installed
The setup.exe log file
The MSIEXEC log file
The MSIEXEC log file typically is not used unless there is an installer error. These two files will be needed by Actian Support to diagnose any installer issues.
Launching setup.exe opens a frame where you specify parameters.
5. Specify parameters in the following four sections:
Enter the name of a user-provided eClient application that Loadnrun will launch as the default application. This is typically a user-written OpenROAD eClient application that you can use to launch other Loadnrun eClient applications.
If you have no default application, simply enter the following string:
This will be used if a Default Appname Shortcut option is required.
Gateway URL
Enter the URL used to verify access to the OpenROAD Gatekeeper. For example:
This URL will be used by the client to access the OpenROAD Server.
Server Suffix
Enter the value of a subdirectory used to host the eClient applications that will be accessed by Loadnrun to download to the local machine. The default for your OpenROAD version is one of the following:
Note:  This suffix value has nothing to do with the version of the Loadnrun Client running on the local system. The Loadnrun application hosted on the Loadnrun Server determines which Loadnrun Client runtime it will use. This is determined on an application-by-application basis and can be configured in the install4gl.txt file for the application on the Loadnrun Server.
Client Operations
eClient Runtime
Installs the Loadnrun eClient runtime. Specify Yes.
Launcher Shortcut
Installs the Loadnrun Simple Launcher shortcut. If specified, the Launcher Loadnrun eClient application will be downloaded and started. Specify Yes.
Default Appname Shortcut
Installs the Default Appname Shortcut. If specified, a user eClient application (specified in the Appname option) will have a shortcut created that uses Loadnrun to launch that application. Specify as No if no user application is being used.
Install Stand-Alone Net Client
Specifies that the Loadnrun Net Client should be installed and configured. This enables Loadnrun to support client/server OpenROAD deployments using a prepackaged Ingres Net client.
If the connect_example1, connect_example2, or qt (Query Tool) demo applications will be used, specify this as Yes.
Demo Shortcuts
The Simple Launcher application can be used to launch the demo applications provided as samples. If this option is selected, shortcuts will be created to launch these Loadnrun demo applications directly:
If this option is specified as Yes, the shortcuts will be created. If specified as No, no shortcuts to launch these demo applications will be created.
Server Options
Sample Demos
Used by the Loadnrun Server. Specify as Yes.
Demo Source
Used by the Loadnrun Server. Specify as Yes.
Common Options
Product Uninstall Shortcut
Creates a product uninstallation shortcut.
Specify as Yes.
After setting all of these options to their required values, click Next.
If you selected the Install S/A Net Client option, the Input Net Client Configuration Parameters frame is displayed. If you did not select the Install S/A Net Client option, this frame is not displayed.
6. (Optional) Specify S/A Net Client installation parameters:
Ingres Installation Code (II_INSTALLATION)
Indicates the Ingres installation code for the S/A Net Client. For Loadnrun 6.2, it has a value of XP. This cannot be modified.
Ingres Character Set (II_CHARSET)
Specifies the Ingres character set. It can be set to any valid Ingres character set value such as UTF8 or ISO88591.
Default: WIN1252
Ingres Terminal (TERM_INGRES)
Specifies the TERM_INGRES environment variable, which is used primarily to control the behavior of tools such as NETUTIL.
Date Format (II_DATE_FORMAT)
Set this to any valid Ingres date format value.
Money Format (II_MONEY FORMAT)
Set this to any valid money format value.
Decimal Character (II_DECIMAL)
Set this to any valid decimal character value.
After setting all of these options to their required values, click Next. This launches the MSI installer. The MSI installer will complete the installation of the Loadnrun Client.
Assuming that all options were selected during installation, Loadnrun 6.2 installs the following shortcuts under the Windows Start menu: Start, All Programs, Actian Loadnrun 6.2:
Comtestclient Utility
Connect Example 1
Connect Example 2
Httptest Utility
Command Window
Network Utility
Uninstall Loadnrun 6.2
You may use the Launcher shortcut to start the Loadnrun Simple Launcher demo application.
For information about testing the Loadnrun Client, see Test the Loadnrun Client or Server.
Step 5: Configure the Loadnrun OpenROAD Server Application
After installing the Loadnrun OpenROAD Server Application, you must configure it. Follow these steps.
To configure the Loadnrun OpenROAD Server Application
1. Verify that II_W4GLAPPS_DIR has been set at the SYSTEM level:
II_W4GLAPPS_DIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Actian\OpenROAD\Loadnrun62\bin\
If this environment variable is not set, you may need to reboot your machine.
2. Start the OpenROAD Server Manager (VOSA): Click Start, All Programs, Actian OpenROAD 6.2, Resources, Visual OpenROAD Server Administrator.
For more information about using VOSA, see the VOSA help.
3. Register the Loadnrun application in VOSA:
Name: Loadnrun
Image: loadnrun.img
Flags: -Tyes -Lloadnrun.log -cserver -A
Leave all other options unchanged.
4. Inspect the Interfaces for the Loadnrun application.
5. Test that the Gatekeeper is functioning:
a. Launch an OpenROAD Command Window.
b. Enter the following commands to access the Loadnrun application through the Gatekeeper.
Java Servlet OpenROAD Gatekeeper:
comtestrso http://hostname:8080/openroad/ http loadnrun
The following output is displayed:
Successfully created component.
Using interface IRun4GLrs.
ImageFile: "loadnrun"
 CmdFlags: "-Tall,logonly -Lcomtest.log"
 Location: "http://hostname:8080/openroad/"
  Routing: "http"
  Private: 0
pIRun4GLrs->Initiate; hr = 0x00000000
Input string is: Hello, World.
Input count is:  99
pIRun4GLrs->Call4GL; hr = 0x00000000
Output string is: Well "Hello, World." to you too.
Output count is:  100
Releasing interface IRun4GLrs.
ASP.NET OpenROAD Gatekeeper:
comtestrso http://hostname/openroad/ http loadnrun
The following output is displayed:
Successfully created component.
Using interface IRun4GLrs.
ImageFile: "loadnrun"
CmdFlags: "-Tall,logonly -Lcomtest.log"
 Location: "http://hostname/openroad/"
 Routing: "http"
 Private: 0
pIRun4GLrs->Initiate; hr = 0x00000000
Input string is: Hello, World.
Input count is:  99
pIRun4GLrs->Call4GL; hr = 0x00000000
Output string is: Well "Hello, World." to you too.
Output count is:  100
Releasing interface IRun4GLrs.
Correct any errors before proceeding.
Step 6: Host Loadnrun eClient Applications
The Loadnrun 6.2 installer places the demos here:
The subdirectories created under this directory by the Loadnrun Installer are:
The contents of these directories are described in Contents of the 62demo Application Directories.