ActiveX Control Reference
This following topics describe the ActiveX controls for PSQL and list the properties, methods, and events of each type of control:
VAccess Data Source
The VAccess control is the data source control. It provides database communication with the source code of an application and data transfer to the other eight bound controls and to third-party controls.
The VAccess control is visible at design time as an icon, but is not visible at run time.
Each VAccess control references one table in a database at a time. The control is connected to a database in one of two ways:
•by setting the DdfPath property of the control to the location of the data dictionary files (FILE.DDF, FIELD.DDF, and INDEX.DDF) which define the database. The VAccess control requires DDF files for its database definition at design time. The record source for the control is specified by setting the TableName property to the name of one of the tables in the data dictionary. The physical operating system path to the database file is specified by the Location property, which defaults to the table location defined in the DDF when TableName is chosen..
•by setting the HostAddress property of the control to the name of a machine and the DatabaseName property to a database name on that machine. Choose the table using the TableName property
The OwnerName property allows you to specify an owner name if one is required for opening the table.
Record navigation properties and methods and field access properties provide record data in code. The data source can also be bound to the other controls provided or to third-party data controls that operate as bound controls in Visual Basic.
Custom Properties, Events, and Methods
Custom properties, events, and methods for this control are listed in the following tables in alphabetical order. For lists of custom properties, methods, and events by category, see the chapter
Properties, Methods, and Events By Category.
The lists of properties does not include stock properties such as (About), (Custom), (Name), Index, Left, Tag, and Top.
Table 7 VAccess Custom Properties
AutoDialog | DataLength | IndexNumber | RowPosition |
AutoLogon | DdfKeyUseIndexDDFOnly | Join | Rows |
AutoMode | DdfPath | Location | Selected Fields |
AutoOpen | DdfTransactionMode | MaxBufferSize | SelectedRecords |
Buffer | ExtendedOps | OemString | SessionID |
CacheRejectMax | FieldList | OpenMode | Status |
CacheRows | Fields | OwnerName | TableName |
CancelDialog | FieldValue | PageSize | TimeOutVal |
Column | FileVersion | Percentage | TotalRecords |
ColumnName | FireEvents | Port | VADebugMode |
Columns | HostAddress | Position | |
CompressData | HostConnect | RefreshLocations | |
DatabaseName | IncludeCurrent | Row | |
Table 8 VAccess Custom Methods
AboutBox | DdfGetFieldComments | GetLessOrEqual | ShowSelectedFieldsDlg |
Btrv | DdfModifyLocation | GetNext | ShowSelectedRecordsDlg |
Clear | DdfModifyTableName | GetNextExtended | Stat |
Close | DdfSetOwner | GetPrevious | StatusDialog |
Create | DdfTestOwnerName | GetPreviousExtended | StepFirst |
DdfAddIndex | Delete | GetTableList | StepLast |
DdfAddTable | FormatFieldValue | GetTotalSegments | StepNext |
DdfAddTableName | GetDirect | Init | StepNextExtended |
DdfClearFields | GetEqual | Insert | StepPrevious |
DdfClearIndexes | GetFileFlag | OpCode | StepPreviousExtended |
DdfCreateDictionary | GetFirst | Open | Transaction |
DdfCreateTable | GetGreater | Refresh | Unlock |
DdfDropIndex | GetGreaterOrEqual | RowColumnValue | Update |
DdfDropIndexMaintain | GetLast | SetFileFlag | |
DdfDropTable | GetLess | SetOwner | |
Table 9 VAccess Custom Events
CommError | Logon | Reposition |
GotData | OnRemote | Validate |
The VACheck control displays the state of a boolean (True/False) field value.
The data source for a VACheck Control is determined by the setting of the VAccessName property.
The field source is bound by setting the VAFieldName property to the name of a boolean (Logical or Bit type) field in the data source.
True and False storage values for the field, other than 1 and 0, can be defined with the VAValueTrue and VAValueFalse properties of the control.
Custom Properties and Methods
Custom properties and a custom method for this control are listed in the following tables:
Table 10 VACheck Custom Properties
VAccessName | VAFieldName |
VADataType | VAOffset |
VADebugMode | VASize |
VADecimal | |
Table 11 VACheck Custom Method
AboutBox |
The VACombo combines elements of a text box and a list box. The user may either enter a value or select from a list of options.
The VACombo can operate in three distinct modes: field-bound, record list, and index list.
To use this control as a field-bound data control, you assign the VAFieldName property the name of one of the fields in the file specified in the VAccessName property. You can use the AddItem method to populate a field-bound combo box with a list of valid selections for the field.
To use this control in record list mode, set the VARecordList property as True.
Note When using the VARecordList functionality of the VACombo (i.e. VARecordList = True), only one field name may be specified in the SelectedFields property, and that field must be the field indexed in the active key (or one of the fields indexed in a segmented key).
Specifying multiple field names in SelectedFields is not supported. This would result in only the first specified field appearing in the VACombo control.
Specifying a field that is not indexed is not supported. This would result in no data appearing in the VACombo control.
To use the control to populate the list with the indexes defined for the associated file and allow the user to select the current index at run time, set the VAFieldName property to [Index List].
Custom Properties and Methods
Custom properties and methods for this control are listed in the following tables:
Table 12 VACombo Custom Properties
IntegralHeight | VAccessName | VADecimal | VAOffset |
List | VADataType | VAFieldName | VARecordList |
VADebugMode | VAFormat | VASize | |
Table 13 VACombo Custom Methods
AboutBox | Clear | RemoveItem |
AddItem | Refresh | |
You can use the VACommand to execute common operations on the data source file when the button is clicked at run time.
The VACommand is bound to a data source by setting the VAccessName property at design time or run time.
The VAOperation property determines what operation will be performed when the button is clicked at run time.
If the VAOperation property specifies a record retrieval operation, you can use the VALockBias property to lock the record when it is retrieved. The VALockBias property has no effect on Open, Close, Insert, and Update operations.
The VAErrorDialog property enables or disables the display of a text message to the user if the operation performed by the control returns an error.
Note The Click event executes the code in the VACommand_Click subroutine before the PSQL operation specified in the VAOperation property is executed.
Custom Properties
Custom properties for this control are listed in the following table:
Table 14 VACommand Custom Properties
VAccessName | VALockBias |
VADebugMode | VAOperation |
VAErrorDialog | |
VAHScroll and VAVScroll
The VAHScroll and VAVScroll controls navigate through the data source along the currently selected index path.
The VAHScroll and VAVScroll are bound to a VAccess control via the VAccessName property.
The positioning of the thumb scroll will reflect the relative positioning of the current record along the current index path as determined by the PSQL FindPercentage operation, and dragging the thumb scroll will result in the appropriate record being retrieved by a PSQL GetByPercentage operation.
Custom Properties
Custom properties for this control are listed in the following table:
Table 15 VAHScroll and VAVScroll Custom Properties
VAccessName | VADebugMode | Value |
The VAList control allows a user to select an item from a list.
The data source for the VAList control is determined by the value of the VAccessName property.
The list box control can operate in two distinct modes, determined by the setting of the VARecordList property.
If the VARecordList property is False, the list box acts as a field-bound data control. Assign the field data source for the list box by setting the VAFieldName property to the name of one of the fields in the data source. Use the AddItem method to populate a field-bound list box with a list of valid arguments for the field.
If the VARecordList property is True, the list box acts as a multi-column record list for the associated data source. Set the value of the VAFieldName property to the list of fields to be displayed in the list, separated by semicolons. (If you leave the field blank, it will default to all fields.) You may also set formats for each field by specifying a list of format strings, separated by semicolons, in the VAFormat property. Control the horizontal spacing of the columns within the list box by setting the ColumnWidth property. Column widths are measured in pixels.
Custom Properties and Methods
Custom properties and methods for this control are listed in the following tables:
Table 16 VAList Custom Properties
ColumnWidth | VAccessName | VADecimal | VAOffset |
List | VADataType | VAFieldName | VARecordList |
VAAutoScroll | VADebugMode | VAFormat | VASize |
Table 17 VAList Custom Methods
AboutBox | Clear | RemoveItem |
AddItem | Refresh | |
The VAOption control displays the state of a boolean (True/False) field value.
The data source for a VAOption Control is determined by the setting of the VAccessName property.
The field source is bound by setting the VAFieldName property to the name of a boolean (Logical or Bit type) field in the data source.
True and False storage values for the field can be defined with the VAValueTrue and VAValueFalse properties of the control.
Only one option button in a given parent window (on a form or in a group box) may be selected, or True, at any one time.
Custom Properties and Methods
Custom properties and methods for this control are listed in the following tables:
Table 18 VAOption Custom Properties
VAccessName | VADebugMode | VASize |
VADataType | VAFieldName | VAValueFalse |
VADecimal | VAOffset | VAValueTrue |
Table 19 VAOption Custom Method
AboutBox |
The VAText control displays and allows a user to edit the value of a field.
The data source for a VAText Control is determined by the setting of the VAccessName property.
The field source is bound by setting the VAFieldName property to the name of a field in the data source.
As with other bound controls, changes made in the text box are reflected in the data buffer in memory but are not written to the file until an update or insert operation is performed on the current record.
If the VASearch property of the text box is True, changes in the text box will cause a repositioning of the current record using the value of the text in the text box as the first segment of the current index. You may use a text box in search mode in conjunction with a VAList in record list mode to implement a record browser or lookup table.
Custom Properties and Methods
Properties and a method for this control are listed in the following tables:
Table 20 VAText Custom Properties
AutoScroll | VAccessName | VAFieldName | VASize |
FocusSelText | VADataType | VAFormat | WantReturn |
LockedMaxLength | VADebugMode | VAOffset | |
Uppercase | VADecimal | VASearch | |
Table 21 VAText Custom Method
AboutBox |