System Administrator Guide : 7. Troubleshooting Vector
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Troubleshooting Vector
Process of Troubleshooting
Tools for Troubleshooting
Determine the Problem Area
Troubleshoot Startup, Shutdown, or Configuration Problems
Vector Processes on Windows
Vector Processes on Linux
Problems with Tools Startup
Inconsistent Databases and Recovery
Performance Problems
Resource and Maintenance Problems
What You Need Before Contacting Actian Support
Process of Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting is a process of defining and correcting a problem that occurs in an otherwise functioning Vector installation and includes narrowing down the problem to a well-defined point, identifying the cause of failure, and eliminating it. When troubleshooting, you:
1. Determine the nature of the problem
2. Isolate the problem to a defined area
3. Eliminate the cause, using the following techniques:
Correcting user errors
Changing the Vector installation environment
Changing the user environment
Changing the operating system environment
Changing the system configuration
Restarting the system if needed