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Install Vector
To install Vector, see the Vector installation instructions for your platform.
During the installation process, the DBMS Server setup asks whether all databases are to be upgraded; answer No. The installation procedure automatically upgrades the iidbdb. If the upgrade of iidbdb fails, see the chapter “Troubleshooting Upgradedb.” It is better to complete the Vector setup, and then use the upgradedb command to upgrade the user databases.
After the iidbdb is upgraded, the DBMS Server setup attempts to upgrade imadb and install Remote Command Server objects into imadb. Some versions of upgradedb neglect to create imadb first, and you will get “Database does not exist: imadb” errors. These will be corrected in the next step.
How to Upgrade Using install.sh
Go to the folder where the distribution resides, and then use one of the following ways to upgrade:
As root user
As non-root user using the –noroot flag
As non-root user using the –usesudo flag
All operations performed during the upgrade are recorded in $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/install.log.
To upgrade using install.sh
As root
Issue the following command:
Accept the license.
Choose as II_SYSTEM the path where the instance is installed. For example: /opt/Actian/VectorVW.
A message indicates that an upgrade scenario was detected:
An instance of:
    Actian Vector
already exists under:
This instance will be upgraded.
Do you wish to continue? (y/n) [y]
Choose "y" to continue.
Settings will be kept from your old installation.
After a while you see a message that databases are being upgraded:
Upgrading Vector master and system databases...
Continue to choose the defaults.
The installation starts, and the upgrade completes.
Note:  You may need to upgrade user databases, as described in How You Upgrade Using the Upgradedb Utility.
As non-root user, using -noroot flag
When installing as non-root using -noroot, you do not inherit any root rights, which means all the folders must be owned by you.
As the instance owner (for example "actian"), issue this command:
./install.sh -noroot
Respond to the installation utility prompts, as described previously.
As non-root user, using the -usesudo flag
When installing as non-root using –usesudo, you will inherit root rights.
As the instance owner (for example "actian"), issue the following command:
./install.sh -usesudo
Respond to the installation utility prompts, as described previously.
How to Upgrade Using RPM
The process for safely upgrading any Vector release using RPM is as follows.
1. Make sure the instance you want to upgrade is completely shut down and that you have taken a backup.
Note:  Files that you have customized may be lost during the upgrade. Copy your customized files to a safe place.
2. Run rpm -Uvh to install the new RPM packages over the existing instance.
If the instance was originally installed using --prefix to change II_SYSTEM from the default, then this parameter must also be used for the upgrade.
For default instance location:
rpm -Uvh --nopreun --nopostun \complete list of RPM files to be installed
For any other instance location:
rpm -Uvh --nopreun --nopostun --prefix II_SYSTEM \complete list of RPM files to be installed
Note:  If you are upgrading an instance that was installed using RPMs that were renamed to embed an instance ID, then use "actian-vector-XX" or "actian-vector-pkgname-XX" instead.
Note:  All packages must be upgraded at once. Any attempt to perform an upgrade on a single or smaller group of packages will fail.
3. Run the systemd service to configure and start the instance:
% systemctl start actian-vectorXX
where XX is the instance ID.
Last modified date: 01/10/2025