Getting Started > Getting Started > Installing Vector
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Installing Vector
Installation Considerations
During installation, your Vector instance will be configured according to the settings you provide. Such settings include:
Stored in Environment Variable
Default Value
Instance ID
System files location
For DEB: /opt/Actian/Vector
C:\Program Files\Actian\VectorVW
Data location
Value of II_SYSTEM
Backup location
Value of II_SYSTEM
Journal files location
Dump files location
Temporary files location
Value of II_SYSTEM
Transaction log file location
Not applicable
Value of II_SYSTEM
Time zone
For more information, see World Region and Time Zone.
The easiest way to install Vector is to accept all the default values during the installation process.
Note:  Due to operating system limitations with the Windows platform, installations must use only an ASCII pathname for II_SYSTEM.
Instance ID
The instance ID is a two-character code that identifies a specific Vector instance. The value of the instance ID is stored in the II_INSTALLATION environment variable.
The first character of an instance ID must be a letter; the second character can be a letter or numeral. The default instance ID is VW.
System Administrator Account
The system administrator account is a user account that is used for system management on each Vector instance. The system administrator account owns the instance, and so the system administrator is often referred to as the instance owner. This account is created when installing the DBMS Server. Vector must be installed under this account because every DBMS system file requires ownership by this user.
The default user name for this account is “actian”.
Log Files Location (II_LOG) (Windows)
The location for all Vector logs (such as vectorwise.log and errlog.log) is defined by the II_LOG variable, which is defined in the symbol table.
In new Vector for Windows installations, II_ LOG is set to %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Actian\VectorXX\files (where XX is the instance ID). Special privileges are not required for users to access the files in the %ALLUSERSPROFILE% location (typically C:\ProgramData).
You can move logs to a new II_LOG location after installation.
How to Move Logs to a New II_LOG Location
To relocate logs to a new II_LOG location after installation, follow these steps:
1. Shut down the installation using Actian Director, ingstop, or Actian Service Manager.
2. Shut down Visual Manager (IVM), if running.
3. Shut down the iimgmtsvr service (ingstop –mgmtsvr).
4. Reset II_LOG to a different location using the ingsetenv command.
5. Move all logs to the new location.
6. Restart the installation as a service. (This automatically starts the iimgmtsvr service, which starts the iimgmtsvr.)
7. Update the Start menu errlog.log shortcut to point to the new location.
World Region and Time Zone
You must specify the time zone for your instance. This value is stored in the II_TIMEZONE_NAME environment variable.
Some systems use a default value for II_TIMEZONE_NAME. If you are in a different time zone from the default, you must change the value of II_TIMEZONE_NAME.
The II_TIMEZONE_NAME parameter tells Vector what adjustments to make for Daylight Savings Time. If you must make other adjustments for special time changes imposed in your area (such as for energy conservation purposes), you can use the zic time zone compiler provided in the distribution.
Time Zone Names
Time zone names are organized by world region. The regions and their time zone names comply with the IANA specification for world regions and associated time zone names. For more information about the IANA specifications, see
Time zones are subject to change. You can download the latest IANA time zone definitions during installation or use the definitions packaged with the installer. After installation, you can download and install the latest definitions using the iisuitz utility, described in the Command Reference section of the User Guide.
Character Set (II_CHARSET)
All Vector instances use the UTF8 character set. This setting cannot be changed.
User Names
User names used to install and administer Vector can contain the following ASCII characters only: alphanumeric, at (@), pound (#), dollar ($), underscore (_), hyphen (-), period (.). Administrative user names cannot contain a blank character.
Non-administrative user names can contain any characters specific to the installation character set. User names that contain characters outside this range must be delimited.
Directory Names
Directory names must be valid for the operating system and also adhere to the following restrictions.
On both Linux and Windows, a directory name can contain ASCII letters (that is, a-z and A-Z), digits (0-9), and the following symbols: hyphen (-), underscore (_) and full stop (.).
Note:  On Windows, a directory name can also contain the following symbols: space and tilde (~).
Java Requirement for Management Server
The Management Server used by Actian Director requires the 64-bit Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.8 update 232 or above.
The Vector distribution includes OpenJDK to meet this requirement. After installation, the JRE to be used can be specified on the Vector environment variable II_MTS_JAVA_HOME; if not set, the OpenJDK bundled with Vector is used.
Set Up the Authorization String for Evaluation Version
If you are installing the Vector Evaluation package, a 32-character authorization string was emailed to you as an "authstring" file. You need this "authstring" file to install Vector.
If you did not receive an authorization string, contact Actian Corporation at
To set up the authstring
1. Unpack the saveset archive.
2. Copy the "authstring" file to the directory that is created during the unpacking operation. Example directory: actian-vector-x.x.x-xxx-eval-linux-rpm-x86_64
3. Proceed with the installation.
Failing to copy the file into the proper directory will result in an error when installing Vector.
The authorization string is stored in the II_AUTH_STRING installation parameter. If you have already installed the software and need to install an authorization string, you can set this parameter as follows:
ingsetenv II_AUTH_STRING "authstring"
where authstring is the 32-character authorization string, which must be delimited with double quotes. For example:
Last modified date: 12/19/2024