Shut Down Vector and Back Up System
You should perform a clean shutdown of Vector, clearing all transactions from the transaction log, and then back up your system.
To perform a clean shutdown of Vector
1. Shut down Vector with the ingstop command.
2. Restart Vector.
3. Shut down Vector again.
4. Check the recovery process log (iircp.log) for the message “RCP Shutdown completed normally.”
To back up your system
5. Use a command appropriate to the platform to perform the backup.
6. Back up all Vector directories, including data, checkpoint, journal, dump areas, and the $II_SYSTEM/ingres directory containing Vector files and executables.
7. Back up the application directories
Note: Watch for symbolic links and cross-mounts; make sure real data is saved and not a symbolic link.
8. Include the root file system in the backup if Vector is typically started up at boot time. Alternatively, print a copy of any Vector boot time startup and shutdown scripts.
9. Perform the backup twice to ensure that you have an extra copy of your backup. This step ensures maximum safety.
10. Check the backup media to ensure that the backup can be read. If your backup medium is tape, use new tapes, and clean the tape drive before the backup.
11. Restart Vector.
Last modified date: 01/10/2025