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In Linux environments, II_APP_NO_SIG_HANDLE will disable Vector from setting SIGNAL handlers in a user application. This variable should be set in the operating system environment to any value if the application relies on all SIGNALs received by it. By default, when a user application connects to a database, Vector sets up SIGNAL handlers.
The II_AUTH_STRING parameter defines the authorization string required for an evaluation version of the product. The authorization string is emailed to you when you download the product.
II_CHECKPOINT is an area set to the full file specification for the default checkpoint location. It is set during installation and cannot be changed, even during installation updates. Specific databases can designate alternate locations for checkpoints as a parameter to the createdb command.
II_CLIENT is set to “true” for client installations. Do not change II_CLIENT if it is set.
II_CONFIG sets the full file specification of the Vector files directory during the installation procedure. It cannot be changed.
II_DATABASE is an area set to the full file specification for the default database location. It is set during installation and cannot be changed, even during installation updates. Specific databases can designate alternate locations as a parameter to the createdb command.
II_DATE_FORMAT defines the format for date values. It is defined installation-wide. If set, it replaces the default format (the US setting) with an alternative format.
The following are valid II_DATE_FORMAT settings and their output formats:
Output Format
US (default)
yyyymmdd unless the date includes a time, in which case the format is: yyyymmddThhmmss
yyyymmdd unless the date includes a time, in which case the format is: yyyymmddThh:mm:ss
For example, if the II_DATE_FORMAT setting is ISO, the dates are output as yymmdd. If you enter a date using a similar, six-character format, such as mmddyy, the date is interpreted on output as yymmdd. For example, if you enter the date March 9, 1912, as 030912 (mmddyy) and II_DATE_FORMAT is set to ISO, this date is interpreted as Sept. 12, 1903 (030912 as yymmdd). If the date you entered cannot be interpreted as a valid date in the output format, you receive an error message.
Note:  When using the _date4() function (MULTINATIONAL4), the output format for the year value always returns ‘yyyy’.
II_DBMS_LOG points to the location of the log file containing DBMS server-specific error messages. It is set installation-wide. The server reads it at startup time, so changing it after startup has no effect on an existing server. Most error messages written to this file are also logged to the installation-wide error log (errlog.log). Some server trace messages and statistics information are written to the II_DBMS_LOG file that are not written to errlog.log. The default, if not set, is II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/errlog.log.
The file name specified can contain one or both of the following parameter values:
Replaced at startup with the Process Identifier (PID) of the server process.
Replaced at startup with the current date in YYYYMMDD format.
For example:
II_DBMS_LOG = $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/dbms_%d_%p.log
This file specification prevents DBMS servers from writing to the wrong log.
II_DBMS_SERVER points to the DBMS Server to which the client process automatically connects. It can be set installation-wide or locally. When II_DBMS_SERVER is set, application processes bypass the Name Server. Using II_DBMS_SERVER requires setting II_GC_REMOTE (see II_DBMS_SERVER) in the DBMS Server installation.
II_DECIMAL specifies the character used to separate fractional and non-fractional parts of a number. Valid characters are the period (.) (as in 12.34) or the comma (,) (as in 12,34). The default is the period. This variable is set installation-wide.
Note:  If II_DECIMAL is set to comma, be sure that when SQL syntax requires a comma (such as a list of table columns or SQL functions with several parameters), that the comma is followed by a space. For example:
select col1, ifnull(col2, 0), left(col4, 22) from t1:
II_DISABLE_SYSCHECK controls the execution of the syscheck command. The syscheck command checks the system to confirm the availability of the required resources for running Vector. If II_DISABLE_SYSCHECK is set, syscheck is still called but will immediately exit without performing any checks and with a success return status.
II_DUMP defines an “area” that specifies the default location of the dump log files used in online backup. It is defined installation-wide during installation and cannot be changed.
II_EMBED_SET allows application programs to set a variety of features. It can be set installation-wide or locally. The acceptable values and the actions they specify are:
Prints query that caused error.
Enables/disables saving of the text of the last query issued. Specify 1 to enable or 0 to disable. To obtain the text of the last query, you must issue the inquire_ingres(:query= querytext) statement. To determine whether saving is enabled, use the inquire_ingres(:status=savequery) statement.
Prints all query text and timing information to iiprtqry.log file in the current directory.
Specifies an alternate text file to which query information is written. The default file name is iiprtqry.log.
Traces GCA messages to the iiprtgca.log file in the current directory.
Specifies an alternate text file to which GCA information is written. The default file name is iiprtgca.log.
Enables or disables saving of DBMS trace messages to a text file (specified by tracefile). Specify 1 to enable saving of trace output, or 0 to disable saving.
Specifies an alternate text file to which tracepoint information is written. The default file name is iiprttrc.log.
Prints all errors and database procedure messages arising from embedded SQL statement.
Print events as they return from DBMS.
Makes local (DBMS) error numbers the default error numbers returned to the application in errorno and the SQLCA’s sqlcode.
Makes generic error numbers the default error numbers returned to the application in errorno and the SQLCA’s sqlcode.
Specifies the number of rows to be “prefetched” when retrieving data using cursors. Valid arguments are:
0 (default)
Vector determines the number of rows to prefetch.
Disables prefetching. Each row is fetched individually.
N (positive integer)
Specifies the number of rows to be prefetched.
II_ERSEND is set during the installation procedure to the full path name of the errlog.log file.
II_FORCE_HET must be set to TRUE to allow seamless communication between the local client and remote databases on 64-bit HP Tru64 Alpha (formerly DEC Alpha) systems. II_FORCE_HET must be set before the client program attempts communication. For the change to take effect, the Communication Server and Name Server must be stopped and restarted.
II_GC_REMOTE allows or disallows a direct connection between the application process on the client machine and the DBMS Server process on the server machine, thus bypassing the Name Server. The vnode attribute, connection_type, must be set to “direct” to enable direct connections. For additional information on this vnode attribute, see the Connectivity Guide.
If II_GC_REMOTE is not set, direct connections are disallowed (the default).
II_GC_REMOTE needs to be set in the DBMS Server installation only.
Valid II_GC_REMOTE values are:
Allows direct connections that use the vnode attribute connection_type=direct, and rejects direct connections that are attempted using the II_DBMS_SERVER environment variable (see II_DBMS_SERVER).
Allows both vnode controlled and II_DBMS_SERVER controlled direct connections.
Note:  Avoid using this setting because it compromises network security. (No validation occurs to determine whether the client installation has permission to access the server installation.)
II_GCD_LOG denotes the output destination for the Data Access Server (GCD) trace information. Setting this environment variable is preferable to using II_GCA_LOG because it is dedicated to the Data Access Server process. It must be set to the full path to a file.
The file name can contain the %p and %d parameters, as described in II_DBMS_LOG.
II_GCN_LOG denotes the output destination for the Name Server (GCN) trace information. Setting this environment variable is preferable to using II_GCA_LOG because it is dedicated to the Name Server process.
The file name can contain the %p and %d parameters, as described in II_DBMS_LOG.
II_GCNxx_PORT contains the connect address of a local installation’s Name Server. This variable must not be reset.
xx = 2-character code defined by II_INSTALLATION
II_GCx_TRACE specifies environment variables for tracing:
Sets the trace level for General Communications Architecture (GCA)
Sets the trace level for Name Server (GCN)
Sets the trace level for Communications Server (GCC)
Sets the trace level for Data Access Server (GCD)
Sets the trace level for GCA Compatibility Library
Sets the trace level for GCC Compatibility Library
Each variable can be set separately to a number from 0 to 5 indicating the trace level, with levels 1 through 5 increasing in amount of information traced.
If any of these values are set to non-zero, trace statements for the appropriate items are logged in the II_GCA_LOG file.
II_INSTALLATION is a two-character code used to define a specific instance of Vector. It is also referred to as an instance ID. This code is set during installation. To change it, rerun the installation program.
II_JOURNAL is set to the full file specification for the default journal location. It is set during installation and cannot be changed, even during installation updates. Specific databases can designate alternate locations for journals as a parameter to the createdb command.
II_LANGUAGE determines what language is used for screen messages, menu items, and prompts. It is defined installation-wide. Valid values are as follows:
ENGLISH English (Default)
DEU German
ESN Spanish
FRA French
ITA Italian
JPN Japanese
PTB Brazilian Portuguese
SCH Simplified Chinese
II_LOG defines the location for all Vector message logs (such as vectorwise.dbname.log and errlog.log).
II_MONEY_FORMAT defines the format of monetary output. It is set installation-wide.
II_MONEY_FORMAT is set to a string with two symbols separated by a colon (:). The symbol to the left of the colon indicates the location of the currency symbol—L for a leading currency symbol or T for a trailing currency symbol. The symbol to the right of the colon is the currency symbol you want displayed. Currency symbols can contain up to four physical characters.
If no currency symbol is required, set the value to NONE.
For example:
Logical Definition    Result
L:$               $100
T:DM              100DM
T:F               100F
II_MONEY_PREC specifies the number of decimal places to be displayed for money values. Valid values are 0, 1, and 2. The default is 2 (for decimal currency). It is set installation-wide. II_MONEY_PREC is applied when a money value is converted to a character string (for printing, for example). Extra decimal places are rounded. For example, if II_MONEY_PREC is set to 0, 9.50 is rounded to 10.
II_MSGDIR sets the directory containing error and information messages. Users must not change this setting. The default file is the II_LANGUAGE setting, located at II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/english.
II_MTS_JAVA_HOME defines the location of the 64-bit Java Runtime Environment (JRE), required by the Management Server used by Actian Director.
II_NULL_STRING specifies the string used by a terminal monitor and other Vector tools to represent the null value. The string consists of one to three characters. The default value is three blanks.
II_NUM_OF_PROCESSORS is set to the number of processors on the machine. The variable affects processing in the DBMS, particularly when waiting for mutually exclusive resources; a value larger than 1 causes a more compute-intensive strategy that may result in getting the resource faster; however, this strategy is not generally advisable on single processor machines.
II_PRINTSCREEN_FILE is used with the printscreen function. It specifies a default file name for the output file of the printscreen function. This environment variable is usually defined locally by the individual user. If this environment variable is set and no file name is sent to the printscreen function, no prompt is given and this file name is used. If not set, the user is prompted for a file name. If the file name “printer” is specified for II_PRINTSCREEN_FILE, the screen depiction is sent directly to the line printer.
II_RCP_STATS delay starts the Recovery Server statistics thread. The results are stored in an rcpstats*.csv file in the II_CONFIG area. The delay is a positive integer and denotes the delay in seconds between samplings. A value of 0 suspends the current sampling.
To disable or enable the thread (if started), connect to the recovery process using IIMONITOR and enter:
dmtstatrcpstats delay
II_SQL_INIT can be set locally to the full path name of a file containing SQL commands. Typically, it is defined locally by the individual user. When a user with II_SQL_INIT set connects to a terminal monitor, the commands in the named file are processed.
II_SYSTEM specifies an “area” that specifies the parent directory of the ingres directory, where many components of your installation are located. It must not be changed without reinstalling Vector.
II_TEMPORARY specifies the directory where temporary files used by the Vector tools are created. II_TEMPORARY can be redefined installation-wide or locally. By default, these files are created in:
Linux: /tmp
Windows: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Actian\VectorXX\temp
II_TERMCAP_FILE specifies an alternative termcap file to use. This file must be in Vector termcap file format. It can be redefined installation-wide or locally.
II_TIMEZONE_NAME specifies the world time zone that determines the installation’s location for timing purposes. It is defined during installation.
II_TM_EXIT_ON_ERROR=rollback directs the terminal monitor to perform a rollback instead of a commit before exiting due to an error.
This variable works only when the \nocontinue switch is set (either as a terminal monitor command in the script or on the II_TM_ON_ERROR variable), which instructs terminal monitor to exit whenever an SQL statement fails.
II_TM_ON_ERROR defines the action taken when an error occurs in a terminal monitor. The valid settings are continue (on error) or terminate (on error). If this environment variable is not set, the default action for the (non-forms based) terminal monitor is to continue; the default for interactive (the forms-based) terminal monitor is to terminate. It can be defined installation-wide or locally by the individual user.
II_UUID_MAC (Windows)
II_UUID_MAC, when set to TRUE, uses an older algorithm for generating UUIDs on Windows.
For security reasons, the uuid_create function on Windows no longer uses a machine's MAC address to generate UUIDs. You can use the II_UUID_MAC environment variable if you do not need the level of security provided by the new uuid_create algorithm and for the sake of compatibility want to continue to use the MAC address of your machine when creating UUIDs.
II_VNODE_PATH specifies a series of remote virtual nodes to be tried each time a user attempts to connect to the specified vnode. Node names are specified as strings to be appended to vnode. Commas must separate the strings.
For example, the following specifies that the remote virtual nodes mynode0, mynode1, mynode2, and mynode3 be tried each time a user attempts to connect to mynode:
II_MYNODE_PATH=0, 1, 2, 3
The names must be valid remote virtual nodes defined by the Network Utility or the Net Management Utility (netutil).
A single connection attempt begins with one of the nodes, chosen at random, and continues until all of the specified nodes have been tried. The number of connection attempts made before an error is returned to the user is determined by the value of II_CONNECT_RETRIES.
II_WORK specifies a directory that contains temporary files used during the execution of certain queries such as sorts, copies, and modifies.
IIDLDIR specifies a directory that contains dynamically loaded libraries.
ING_SET specifies a quoted string or startup file of set commands to be executed whenever a user connects to the DBMS Server through an application, Vector tool, or a single-line terminal monitor. It can be set installation-wide or locally.
ING_PRINT specifies the default printer command issued by the Print function. The default is PRINT. It is usually defined locally by the individual user.
ING_SET_DBNAME specifies a quoted string or startup file of set commands to be executed whenever a user connects to the database specified by DBNAME. Affects any user who connects to the specified database through an application, Vector tool, or a single-line terminal monitor. It can be set installation-wide or locally.
ING_SYSTEM_SET specifies a quoted string or startup file of set commands to be executed whenever a user connects to the DBMS Server through an application, Vector tool, or a terminal monitor. It is always global.
INGRES_KEYS specifies a mapping file to customize a user’s keyboard layout for use with forms-based programs. For a complete description of the mapping file syntax, see Character-based Querying and Reporting Tools User Guide. This environment variable is usually set in the user’s local environment.
ING_SHELL, if defined, contains the path name of the shell used by Actian Vector Menu and a terminal monitor when the shell operation is invoked.
TERM_INGRES contains the terminal designation for the terminal upon which you are executing one of the Vector forms-based products, such as QBF or VIFRED. It is usually defined locally by the individual user.
Windows: TERM_INGRES is most conveniently set in the symbol table to IBMPC.
Linux: TERM_INGRES is most conveniently set in a .login or .profile file. TERM_INGRES takes precedence over TERM in defining the terminal type. It allows TERM to be defined differently for use by other Linux programs such as vi.
UDF_PYTHONHOME is set to the path where Python is installed. This setting is required if user-defined functions are written in Python.
Instead of creating an error log configuration file, you can configure Vector logging by specifying the VWLOG environment variable before Vector is started.
The following results in INFO-level logging that is written to the file /tmp/vectorwise.dbname.log:
export VWLOG="default=info:file,filename=/tmp/vectorwise.dbname.log,file=timestamp:showlevel:flush:pid"
SET VWLOG="default=info:file,filename=C:\temp\vectorwise.dbname.log,file=timestamp:showlevel:flush:pid"
Last modified date: 12/19/2024