Property | Accessor | Description |
Depth | get | The depth of nesting for the current row. This data provider always returns a depth of zero to indicate no nesting of tables. |
FieldCount | get | The number of columns in the current row. |
HasRows | get | Returns true if the data reader contains one or more rows. Returns false if the data reader contains zero rows. |
IsClosed | get | A true/false indicator as to whether the data reader is closed. |
Item | get | Gets the column value in its native format for a given column name or column ordinal. This property is the C# indexer for the IngresDataReader class. |
RecordsAffected | get | The number of rows updated, inserted, or deleted by execution of the SQL statement. -1 is returned for SELECT statements. |
Method | Description |
Close | Closes the IngresDataReader. |
GetBoolean | Gets the column value as a Boolean. |
GetByte | Gets the column value as an unsigned 8-bit Byte. |
GetBytes | Gets the column value as a byte stream into a Byte array. |
GetChar | Gets the column value as a Char. |
GetChars | Gets the column value as a character stream into a Char array. |
GetDataTypeName | Gets the column's data type name as known in Ingres. |
GetDateTime | Gets the column value as a DateTime. |
GetDecimal | Gets the column value as a Decimal. |
GetDouble | Gets the column value as a double. |
GetFieldType | Gets the column's .NET Type. |
GetFloat | Gets the column value as a Float. |
GetGuid | Gets the column value as a Guid. |
GetInt16 | Gets the column value as a signed 16-bit integer. |
GetInt32 | Gets the column value as a signed 32-bit integer. |
GetInt64 | Gets the column value as a signed 64-bit integer. |
GetName | Gets the column's name using a specified ordinal. |
GetOrdinal | Gets the column's ordinal using a specified name. |
GetSchemaTable | Returns a DataTable that describes the resultset column metadata. If ExecuteReader( CommandBehavior.KeyInfo ) was called, additional information about primary key columns, unique columns, and base names is retrieved from the database catalog and included in the returned DataTable. For column information returned, see
GetSchemaTable Columns Returned. |
GetString | Gets the column value as a string. |
GetTimeSpan | Gets the column value as a TimeSpan. |
GetValue | Gets the column value in its native format. |
GetValues | Gets all of the column values into an Object array. |
IsDBNull | Returns true/false indicating whether the column value is null. |
NextResult | Advances the data reader to the next result set if present. |
Read | Advances the data reader to the next row in the result set. |
Column Information | Data Type | Description |
ColumnName | String | The name of the column, which reflects the renaming of the column in the command text (that is, the alias). |
ColumnOrdinal | Int32 | The number of the column, beginning with 1. |
ColumnSize | Int32 | Maximum possible length of a value in the column. |
NumericPrecision | Int16 | This is the maximum precision of the column if the column is a numeric data type; otherwise the value is null. |
NumericScale | Int16 | This is the number of decimal places in the column if the column is a numeric data type; otherwise the value is null. |
DataType | Type | The .NET Framework data type of the column. |
ProviderType | IngresType | The indicator of the column's data type |
IsLong | Boolean | Set to true if the column contains a long varchar, long varbinary, or long nvarchar object; otherwise false. |
AllowDBNull | Boolean | Set to true if the application can set the column to a null value or if the data provider cannot determine if the application can set the column to a null value. Set to false if it is known that the application is not permitted to set the column to a null. Note that a column value may be null even if the application is not permitted to set the null value. |
IsReadOnly | Boolean | Set to true if it is known that the column cannot be modified; otherwise false. |
IsRowVersion | Boolean | Set to true if column has a persistent row identifier that cannot be written to and serves only to identify the row. The .NET Data Provider always returns false. |
IsUnique | Boolean | Set to true if no two rows in the table can have the same value in this column. Set to false if not unique or if uniqueness cannot be determined. Only set if ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.KeyInfo) was called. |
IsKey | Boolean | Set to true if this column is in the set of columns that, taken together, uniquely identify the row. Only set if ExecuteReader( CommandBehavior.KeyInfo ) was called. |
IsAutoIncrement | Boolean | Set to true if the column assigns values to new rows in fixed increments. The .NET Data Provider always returns false. |
BaseCatalogName | String | The name of the database catalog that contains the column. This value is null if the catalog name cannot be determined. The .NET Data Provider always returns a null value. |
BaseSchemaName | String | The name of the database schema that contains the column. This value is null if the schema name cannot be determined. Only set if ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.KeyInfo) was called. |
BaseTableName | String | The name of the database table or view that contains the column. This value is null if the table name cannot be determined. Only set if ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.KeyInfo) was called. |
BaseColumnName | String | The name of the column in the database. This value is null if the column name cannot be determined. Only set if ExecuteReader( CommandBehavior.KeyInfo ) was called. |
IngresType | Ingres Data Type | .NET Data Type | Accessor |
Binary | byte | Byte[] | GetBytes() |
Char | char | String | GetString() |
DateTime | date | DateTime | GetDateTime() |
Decimal | decimal | Decimal | GetDecimal() |
Double | double precision (float8) | Double | GetDouble() |
SmallInt | smallint | Int16 | GetInt16() |
TinyInt | integer1 | Byte | GetByte() |
Int | integer | Int32 | GetInt32() |
BigInt | bigint | Int64 | GetInt64() |
LongVarBinary | long byte | Byte[] | GetBytes() |
LongVarChar | long varchar | String | GetString() |
LongNVarChar | long nvarchar | String | GetString() |
Nchar | nchar | String | GetString() |
NvarChar | nvarchar | String | GetString() |
Real | real (float4) | Single | GetString() |
VarBinary | byte varying | Byte[] | GetBytes() |
VarChar | varchar | String | GetString() |
IntervalYearToMonth | interval year to month | String | GetString() |
IntervalDayToSecond | interval day to second | Timespan | GetTimeSpan() |