Loading Data
VectorH provides a number of methods for loading data into the database:
• INSERT is an SQL statement that is typically used for loading small volumes of data into VectorH tables.
• COPY is an SQL statement that can read and write file based data. The files can be located on the server or on the client.
• vwload is an external utility that can load file based data. As with COPY, files can be located on the client or on the server. The vwload utility also supports a cluster mode option that uses each DataNode, performing the load in a parallel fashion.
You can use SQL for the vwload cluster mode operation with the COPY table() VWLOAD FROM 'file1', 'file2',... syntax.
• The ODBC, JDBC, and .NET drivers support the high performance API calls such as addBatch().
For examples of COPY and vwload, see the SQL Language Guide and the User Guide.