Getting Started > Getting Started > Uninstalling VectorH
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Uninstalling VectorH
How You Safely Uninstall Vector
Removing Vector is an irreversible event with pervasive effects. Any products or applications that share the removed DBMS Server are affected, as follows:
Any future attempt to connect to this database will fail.
If you re-install Vector, you may not be able to reference the data.
Removing the RPMs does not remove data by default. For an installation installed from a TAR file, however, if the data is under II_SYSTEM, it will be removed.
If you know you want to remove a Vector instance, follow this process:
1. If you want to keep data for later use or you want to move your data to another hardware/operating system configuration, you must run unloaddb against each database before removing Vector. Doing so will allow you to reload the data easily if you re-install Vector later a different machine.
2. If you do not want to keep the data files, you can run destroydb against each database before removing Vector. The destroydb command locates and deletes all data files.
3. Uninstall Vector.
Uninstall VectorH
The following instructions assume that the user is actian, the instance ID is VH, and II_SYSTEM is /opt/Actian/VectorVH. The HDFS locations used in the installation are stored in II_HDFSDATA, II_HDFSBACKUP, and II_HDFSWORK.
To uninstall VectorH
On the master node:
1. As actian user, source the environment, stop VectorH, and stop the Management Server:
source ~/.ingVHsh
ingstop –mgmtsvr
Or, if you have installed the service script, stop the service, and then remove it, as root:
service actian-vectorhVH stop
chkconfig --del actian-vectorhVH
rm -f /etc/init.d/actian-vectorhVH
2. As actian user, remove the HDFS locations:
hdfsloc=$(ingprenv II_HDFSDATA)
hdfs dfs -rm -r -skipTrash $hdfsloc
hdfsloc=$(ingprenv II_HDFSBACKUP)
hdfs dfs -rm -r -skipTrash $hdfsloc
hdfsloc=$(ingprenv II_HDFSWORK)
hdfs dfs -rm -r -skipTrash $hdfsloc
3. As root, remove installation:
rm -rf /opt/Actian/VectorVH
Issue commands to remove RPM packages, if applicable, as follows:
rpm -e actian-vectorh-net-6.0.0... actian-vectorh-dbms-6.0.0... actian-vectorh-6.0.0...
4. (Optional) Remove user:
userdel -r actian
On the slave nodes:
1. As root, remove installation:
rm -rf /opt/Actian/VectorVH
2. (Optional) Remove user:
userdel -r actian
uninstall Command--Uninstall VectorH
For Linux distributions that have RPM or DEB package manager, you can uninstall VectorH using an uninstall command.
The uninstall command is in the extracted distribution archive in the bin subfolder.
The uninstall command removes any or all instances of VectorH on a machine. This command invokes the appropriate package manager for the installation. If this command is run without any parameters, it generates a list of standard (non-renamed) installed packages and prompts for confirmation before removing them.
Run the uninstall command on the master node only.
This command has the following format:
uninstall {[instance ID] | [-a (--all)]} [-y (--yes)] [-c (--clean)]
instance ID
Identifies the instance ID embedded in the renamed package names to be removed.
Removes all Vector packages for all Vector instances. This parameter cannot be used if specifying an instance ID.
Answers yes to all prompts (that is, does not prompt).
Removes the $II_SYSTEM/ingres directory and all database locations after the uninstall operation is complete.
Last modified date: 01/26/2023