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Upgrading VectorH
To upgrade your VectorH instance, use the install.sh command.
Stop the Instance and Management Server
Before upgrading, always stop your instance and the management server. Issue the following commands:
ingstop -mgmtsvr
Ways to Upgrade
Go to your saveset folder, and then use one of the following ways to upgrade:
As root user
As non-root user using the –noroot flag
As non-root user using the –usesudo flag
All operations performed during the upgrade are recorded in $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/install.log.
Upgrade Using install.sh (Interactive)
As root
Issue the following command:
Accept the license.
Choose as II_SYSTEM the path where the instance is installed. For example: /opt/Actian/VectorVH.
A message indicates that an upgrade scenario was detected:
An instance of:
    Actian Vector H
already exists under:
This instance will be upgraded.
Do you wish to continue? (y/n) [y]
Choose "y" to continue.
Settings will be kept from your old installation.
After a while you see a message that databases are being upgraded:
Upgrading Vector in Hadoop master and system databases...
Continue to choose the defaults until you see:
Re-sync datanodes now? (y/n) [y]
Choose "y". This step syncs the new binaries to the nodes. This is required for upgrade.
The installation will be started, and the upgrade will finish.
Note:  You may need to upgrade user databases, as described in Upgrade User Databases.
As non-root user, using -noroot flag
When installing as non-root using -noroot, you do not inherit any root rights, which means all the folders must be owned by you.
As the instance owner (for example "actian"), issue this command:
./install.sh -noroot
Respond to the installation utility prompts, as described previously.
As non-root user, using the -usesudo flag
When installing as non-root using –usesudo, you will inherit root rights.
As the instance owner (for example "actian"), issue the following command:
./install.sh -usesudo
Respond to the installation utility prompts, as described previously.
Upgrade Using install.sh (Non-interactive)
When using the non-interactive (-express option) form of install.sh, you must specify the installation path and ID of the instance you want to upgrade.
As root
Issue following command:
./install.sh /opt/Actian/VectorVH VH -express
As non-root user, using -noroot flag
As the instance owner (for example, "actian"), issue the following command:
./install.sh /opt/Actian/VectorVH VH -noroot -express
As non-root user, using -usesudo flag
As the instance owner (for example, "actian"), issue the following command:
./install.sh /opt/Actian/VectorVH -usesudo -express
Upgrade User Databases
Before you can access existing databases, they may need to be upgraded to support the new release of the VectorH server. (The system databases iidbdb and imadb are upgraded during the installation process.)
To upgrade user databases, issue the following command for each database:
upgradedb dbname
Last modified date: 01/26/2023