Btrieve 2
No Matches
BtrieveCollection Class Reference

The Btrieve collection class. More...

#include <btrieveCpp.h>

Public Member Functions

 BtrieveCollection ()
 ~BtrieveCollection ()
Btrieve::StatusCode Decrypt ()
 Decrypt a collection.
int DocumentCreate (const char *json)
 Create a document.
int DocumentCreate (const char *json, const char *blob, int blobLength)
 Create a document.
Btrieve::StatusCode DocumentDelete (int id, int entityTag=-1)
 Delete a document.
Btrieve::StatusCode DocumentRetrieve (int id, char *json=NULL, int jsonSize=0, char *blob=NULL, int blobSize=0, int documentBlobOffset=0, int documentBlobLength=0)
 Retrieve a document.
Btrieve::StatusCode DocumentRetrieveBlob (int id, char *blob, int blobSize, int documentBlobOffset=0, int documentBlobLength=0)
 Retrieve a document blob.
int DocumentRetrieveEntityTag (int id)
 Retrieve a document entity tag.
const char * DocumentRetrieveJson (int id)
 Retrieve a document json.
const char * DocumentRetrieveJson (int id, char *blob, int blobSize, int documentBlobOffset=0, int documentBlobLength=0)
 Retrieve a document json.
Btrieve::StatusCode DocumentUpdate (int id, const char *json)
 Update a document.
Btrieve::StatusCode DocumentUpdate (int id, const char *json, const char *blob, int blobLength)
 Update a document.
Btrieve::StatusCode DocumentUpdate (int id, int entityTag, const char *json)
 Update a document.
Btrieve::StatusCode DocumentUpdate (int id, int entityTag, const char *json, const char *blob, int blobLength)
 Update a document.
Btrieve::StatusCode Encrypt (const char *password, const char *passwordAgain)
 Encrypt a collection.
Btrieve::StatusCode GetLastStatusCode ()
 Get the last status code.
Btrieve::StatusCode Query (BtrieveDocumentSet *btrieveDocumentSet, const char *query=NULL)
 Query the collection.

Detailed Description

The Btrieve collection class.

This class is currently a beta release; feedback about usage and suggestions for improvements are requested, and can be submitted at

A Btrieve collection consists of zero or more documents. Each document consists of a label, JSON and an optional BLOB. The maximum label length is Btrieve::MAXIMUM_KEY_LENGTH bytes, including the terminating NULL byte. The maximum JSON length is Btrieve::MAXIMUM_RECORD_LENGTH bytes. The maximum BLOB length is 2147483647 bytes (2 GiB - 1).

JSON field names which begin with "_" or "$" are reserved. The following reserved JSON field names are currently defined:

Field Name User Settable System Generated Indexed Duplicates Allowed Type Description
_blobLength no yes yes yes number The document blob length.
_createTime no yes yes yes number The document create time in microseconds since the Unix Epoch.
_id no yes yes no number The document identifier.
_jsonLength no yes yes yes number The document json length.
_label yes no yes yes string The document label.
_updateTime no yes yes yes number The document update time in microseconds since the Unix Epoch.

Non-user settable JSON field names are silently ignored by BtrieveCollection::DocumentCreate and BtrieveCollection::DocumentUpdate. Use of reserved JSON field names other than those listed above will generate an error. Reserved JSON field names are added to the document JSON retrieved by BtrieveCollection::DocumentRetrieveJson and BtrieveCollection::DocumentRetrieve.

The document identifier is an autoincrement positive integer with a maximum value of 2147483647 (2^31 - 1).


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BtrieveCollection()

BtrieveCollection::BtrieveCollection ( )
C++ bcollection.cpp
BtrieveCollection btrieveCollection;
btrieveCollection = btrievePython.BtrieveCollection()
assert(btrieveCollection != None)
See also

◆ ~BtrieveCollection()

BtrieveCollection::~BtrieveCollection ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Decrypt()

Btrieve::StatusCode BtrieveCollection::Decrypt ( )

Decrypt a collection.

Return values
= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORSuccess.
!= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORAn error has occurred.
See also

◆ DocumentCreate() [1/2]

int BtrieveCollection::DocumentCreate ( const char * json)

Create a document.

[in]jsonThe json.
C++ bcollection.cpp
// If DocumentCreate() fails.
if (btrieveCollection->DocumentCreate(json) < 0)
status = btrieveCollection->GetLastStatusCode();
printf("Error: BtrieveCollection::DocumentCreate():%d:%s.\n", status, Btrieve::StatusCodeToString(status));
goto leave;
rc = btrieveCollection.DocumentCreate(documentJson)
assert(rc >= 0), "Error: BtrieveCollection::DocumentCreate():%d:%s.\n" % (rc, btrievePython.Btrieve_StatusCodeToString(btrieveCollection.GetLastStatusCode()))
Return values
>= 0The document identifier.
-1An error has occurred. Use BtrieveCollection::GetLastStatusCode to determine the Btrieve::StatusCode associated with any error.

◆ DocumentCreate() [2/2]

int BtrieveCollection::DocumentCreate ( const char * json,
const char * blob,
int blobLength )

Create a document.

[in]jsonThe json.
[in]blobThe blob.
[in]blobLengthThe blob length. If blob is NULL, then blobLength must be 0.
Return values
>= 0The document identifier.
-1An error has occurred. Use BtrieveCollection::GetLastStatusCode to determine the Btrieve::StatusCode associated with any error.

◆ DocumentDelete()

Btrieve::StatusCode BtrieveCollection::DocumentDelete ( int id,
int entityTag = -1 )

Delete a document.

[in]idThe identifier.
[in]entityTagThe entity tag. The entity tag must either equal the entity tag of the document or -1.
Return values
= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORSuccess.
!= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORAn error has occurred.
See also

◆ DocumentRetrieve()

Btrieve::StatusCode BtrieveCollection::DocumentRetrieve ( int id,
char * json = NULL,
int jsonSize = 0,
char * blob = NULL,
int blobSize = 0,
int documentBlobOffset = 0,
int documentBlobLength = 0 )

Retrieve a document.

This method is available only in C++.
[in]idThe identifier.
[out]jsonThe json.
[in]jsonSizeThe json size.
[out]blobThe blob.
[in]blobSizeThe blob size.
[in]documentBlobOffsetThe document blob offset.
[in]documentBlobLengthThe document blob length. If document blob length is 0, then the entire document blob will be retrieved beginning at document blob offset.
Remember to allocate enough space to retrieve not only the document JSON but also the reserved JSON field names and values, e.g. "_bloblength" : 1234567890.
Return values
= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORSuccess.
!= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORAn error has occurred.
See also

◆ DocumentRetrieveBlob()

Btrieve::StatusCode BtrieveCollection::DocumentRetrieveBlob ( int id,
char * blob,
int blobSize,
int documentBlobOffset = 0,
int documentBlobLength = 0 )

Retrieve a document blob.

[in]idThe identifier.
[out]blobThe blob.
[in]blobSizeThe blob size.
[in]documentBlobOffsetThe document blob offset.
[in]documentBlobLengthThe document blob length. If document blob length is 0, then the entire document blob will be retrieved beginning at document blob offset.
Return values
= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORSuccess.
!= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORAn error has occurred.
See also

◆ DocumentRetrieveEntityTag()

int BtrieveCollection::DocumentRetrieveEntityTag ( int id)

Retrieve a document entity tag.

[in]idThe identifier.
Return values
>= 0The document entity tag.
-1An error has occurred. Use BtrieveCollection::GetLastStatusCode to determine the Btrieve::StatusCode associated with any error.

◆ DocumentRetrieveJson() [1/2]

const char * BtrieveCollection::DocumentRetrieveJson ( int id)

Retrieve a document json.

This method is not thread safe. The string returned will be overwritten on subsequent calls.
[in]idThe identifier.
C++ bcollection.cpp
// If DocumentRetrieveJson() fails.
if ((json = btrieveCollection->DocumentRetrieveJson(id)) == NULL)
status = btrieveCollection->GetLastStatusCode();
printf("Error: BtrieveCollection::DocumentRetrieveJson():%d:%s.\n", status, Btrieve::StatusCodeToString(status));
goto leave;
rc = btrieveCollection.DocumentRetrieveJson(rc)
assert(rc != None), "Error: BtrieveCollection::DocumentRetrieveJson():%d:%s.\n" % (rc, btrievePython.Btrieve_StatusCodeToString(btrieveCollection.GetLastStatusCode()))
Return values
!= NULLThe json.
NULLAn error has occurred.

◆ DocumentRetrieveJson() [2/2]

const char * BtrieveCollection::DocumentRetrieveJson ( int id,
char * blob,
int blobSize,
int documentBlobOffset = 0,
int documentBlobLength = 0 )

Retrieve a document json.

This method is not thread safe. The string returned will be overwritten on subsequent calls.
[in]idThe identifier.
[out]blobThe blob.
[in]blobSizeThe blob size.
[in]documentBlobOffsetThe document blob offset.
[in]documentBlobLengthThe document blob length. If document blob length is 0, then the entire document blob will be retrieved beginning at document blob offset.
Return values
!= NULLThe json.
NULLAn error has occurred.

◆ DocumentUpdate() [1/4]

Btrieve::StatusCode BtrieveCollection::DocumentUpdate ( int id,
const char * json )

Update a document.

[in]idThe identifier.
[in]jsonThe json. If json is NULL, then the document json will not be updated.
Return values
= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORSuccess.
!= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORAn error has occurred.
See also

◆ DocumentUpdate() [2/4]

Btrieve::StatusCode BtrieveCollection::DocumentUpdate ( int id,
const char * json,
const char * blob,
int blobLength )

Update a document.

[in]idThe identifier.
[in]jsonThe json. If json is NULL, then the document json will not be updated.
[in]blobThe blob. If blob is NULL, then the document blob will not be updated.
[in]blobLengthThe blob length. If blob is not NULL and blobLength is 0, then the document blob will be deleted.
Return values
= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORSuccess.
!= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORAn error has occurred.
See also

◆ DocumentUpdate() [3/4]

Btrieve::StatusCode BtrieveCollection::DocumentUpdate ( int id,
int entityTag,
const char * json )

Update a document.

[in]idThe identifier.
[in]entityTagThe entity tag. The entity tag must either equal the entity tag of the document or -1.
[in]jsonThe json. If json is NULL, then the document json will not be updated.
Return values
= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORSuccess.
!= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORAn error has occurred.
See also

◆ DocumentUpdate() [4/4]

Btrieve::StatusCode BtrieveCollection::DocumentUpdate ( int id,
int entityTag,
const char * json,
const char * blob,
int blobLength )

Update a document.

[in]idThe identifier.
[in]entityTagThe entity tag. The entity tag must either equal the entity tag of the document or -1.
[in]jsonThe json. If json is NULL, then the document json will not be updated.
[in]blobThe blob. If blob is NULL, then the document blob will not be updated.
[in]blobLengthThe blob length. If blob is not NULL and blobLength is 0, then the document blob will be deleted.
Return values
= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORSuccess.
!= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORAn error has occurred.
See also

◆ Encrypt()

Btrieve::StatusCode BtrieveCollection::Encrypt ( const char * password,
const char * passwordAgain )

Encrypt a collection.

[in]passwordThe password. Password is a null terminated string limited to 32 bytes in length.
[in]passwordAgainThe password (again).
An encrypted file cannot be opened without providing the correct password. See BtrieveClient::CollectionOpen.
Return values
= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORSuccess.
!= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORAn error has occurred.
See also

◆ GetLastStatusCode()

Btrieve::StatusCode BtrieveCollection::GetLastStatusCode ( )

Get the last status code.

This method is intended for use following methods which don't return a status code.
C++ bcollection.cpp
// If DocumentCreate() fails.
if (btrieveCollection->DocumentCreate(json) < 0)
status = btrieveCollection->GetLastStatusCode();
printf("Error: BtrieveCollection::DocumentCreate():%d:%s.\n", status, Btrieve::StatusCodeToString(status));
goto leave;
rc = btrieveCollection.DocumentCreate(documentJson)
assert(rc >= 0), "Error: BtrieveCollection::DocumentCreate():%d:%s.\n" % (rc, btrievePython.Btrieve_StatusCodeToString(btrieveCollection.GetLastStatusCode()))
Return values
= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORSuccess.
!= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORAn error has occurred.
See also

◆ Query()

Btrieve::StatusCode BtrieveCollection::Query ( BtrieveDocumentSet * btrieveDocumentSet,
const char * query = NULL )

Query the collection.

[out]btrieveDocumentSetThe Btrieve document set.
[in]queryThe query. The maximum query length is Btrieve::MAXIMUM_RECORD_LENGTH bytes.
query ::= { } | { <expressions> }
<expressions> ::= <expression> | <expression> , <expressions>
<expression> ::= <json_expression> | <reserved_expression>
<json_expression> ::=
"$and" : [ <braced_json_expression> , <braced_json_expressions> ] |
"$not" : <braced_json_expression> |
"$or" : [ <braced_json_expression> , <braced_json_expressions> ] |
<braced_json_expressions> ::=
<braced_json_expression> |
<braced_json_expression> , <braced_json_expressions>
<braced_json_expression> ::= { <json_expression> }
<field_expression> ::=
<field> : <value> |
<field> : { "$exists" : false | true } |
<field> : { "$in" : [ <value> , <values> ] } |
<field> : { "$nin" : [ <value> , <values> ] } |
<field> : { "$type" : <type> } |
<field> : { <operator> : <value> } |
<field> : { <field_expression> }
<field> ::= <string>
<values> ::= <value> | <value> , <values>
<value> ::= false | true | NULL | <string> | <number> | <array>
<type> ::= "array" | "boolean" | "null" | "number" | "object" | "string"
<operator> ::= "$eq" | "$gt" | "$gte" | "$lt" | "$lte" | "$ne"
<reserved_expression> ::=
"_blobLength" : <number> |
"_blobLength" : { <operator> : <number> } |
"_createTime" : <number> |
"_createTime" : { <time_operator> : <number> } |
"_id" : <number> |
"_id" : { <operator> : <number> } |
"_jsonLength" : <number> |
"_jsonLength" : { <operator> : <number> } |
"_label" : <string> |
"_label" : { <string_operator> : <string> } |
"_sortField" : <sort_field> |
"_sortOrder" : "ascending" |
"_sortOrder" : "descending" |
"_updateTime" : <number> |
"_updateTime" : { <time_operator> : <number> }
<sort_field> := "_blobLength" | "_createTime" | "_id" | "_jsonLength" | "_label" | "_updateTime"
<time_operator> ::= "$eq" | "$gt" | "$gte" | "$lt" | "$lte"
<string_operator> ::= "$eq" | "$gt" | "$gte" | "$like" | "$lt" | "$lte" | "$ne" | "$notlike"
In a JSON expression, if the query value is not an array and the document value is an array then each element in the array is evaluated. If any evaluation returns true then the JSON expression returns true.
Only one each of "_sortField" and "_sortOrder" may appear in a query. The default sort field is "_id". The default sort order is "ascending". String values are sorted in code point order (simple byte-by-byte comparison).
C++ bcollection.cpp
// If Query() fails.
if ((status = btrieveCollection->Query(&btrieveDocumentSet, query.c_str())) != Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERROR)
printf("Error: BtrieveCollection::Query():%d:%s.\n", status, Btrieve::StatusCodeToString(status));
goto leave;
rc = btrieveCollection.Query(btrieveDocumentSet, query)
assert(rc == btrievePython.Btrieve.STATUS_CODE_NO_ERROR), "Error: BtrieveCollection::Query():%d:%s.\n" % (rc, btrievePython.Btrieve_StatusCodeToString(rc))
Return values
= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORSuccess.
!= Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERRORAn error has occurred. A more detailed description of the error may be available in the Zen event log.
See also