Column | Description |
ColumnName | Specifies the name of the column, which might not be unique. If the name cannot be determined, a null value is returned. This name reflects the most recent renaming of the column in the current view or command text. |
ColumnOrdinal | Specifies the ordinal of the column, which cannot be null. The bookmark column of the row, if any, is 0. Other columns are numbered starting with 1. |
ColumnSize | Specifies the maximum possible length of a value in the column. For columns that use a fixed-length data type, this is the size of the data type. |
NumericPrecision | Specifies the precision of the column, which depends on how the column is defined in ProviderType. If ProviderType is a numeric data type, this is the maximum precision of the column. If ProviderType is not a numeric data type, the value is null. |
NumericScale | Specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point if ProviderType is DBTYPE_DECIMAL or DBTYPE_NUMERIC. Otherwise, this is a null value. The value depends on how the column is defined in ProviderType. |
DataType | Maps to the .NET Framework type of the column. |
ProviderType | Specifies the indicator of the column data type. This column cannot contain a null value. If the data type of the column varies from row to row, this must be Object. |
IsLong | Set if the column contains a BLOB that contains very long data. The setting of this flag corresponds to the value of the IS_LONG column in the PROVIDER_TYPES rowset for the data type. The definition of very long data is provider-specific. |
AllowDBnull | Set if the consumer can set the column to a null value, or if the data provider cannot determine whether the consumer can set the column to a null value. Otherwise, no value is set. A column can contain null values, even if it cannot be set to a null value. |
IsReadOnly | Determines whether a column can be changed. The value is true if the column can be modified; otherwise, the value is false. |
IsRowVersion | Is set if the column contains a persistent row identifier that cannot be written to, and has no meaningful value except to identify the row. |
IsUnique | Specifies whether the column constitutes a key by itself or if there is a constraint of type UNIQUE that applies only to this column. If set to true, no two rows in the base table (the table returned in BaseTableName) can have the same value in this column. If set to false (the initial default), the column can contain duplicate values in the base table. |
IsKey | Specifies whether a set of columns uniquely identifies a row in the rowset. This set of columns may be generated from a base table primary key, a unique constraint, or a unique index. The value is true if the column is one of a set of columns in the rowset that, taken together, uniquely identify the row. The value is false if the column is not required to uniquely identify the row. |
IsAutoIncrement | Specifies whether the column assigns values to new rows in fixed increments. If set to VARIANT_TRUE, the column assigns values to new rows in fixed increments. If set to VARIANT_FALSE (the initial default), the column does not assign values to new rows in fixed increments. |
BaseSchemaName | Specifies the name of the schema in the database that contains the column. The value is null if the base schema name cannot be determined. The initial default is null. |
BaseCatalogName | Specifies the name of the catalog in the data store that contains the column. A null value is used if the base catalog name cannot be determined. The initial default is null. |
BaseTableName | Specifies the name of the table or view in the data store that contains the column. A null value is used if the base table name cannot be determined. The initial default is null. |
BaseColumnName | Specifies the name of the column in the data store. This might be different than the column name returned in the ColumnName column if an alias was used. A null value is used if the base column name cannot be determined or if the rowset column is derived from, but is not identical to, a column in the database. The initial default is null. |
IsAliased | Specifies whether the name of the column is an alias. The value true is returned if the column name is an alias; otherwise, false is returned. |
IsExpression | Specifies whether the name of the column is an expression. The value true is returned if the column is an expression; otherwise, false is returned. |
IsIdentity | Specifies whether the name of the column is an identity column. The value true is returned if the column is an identity column; otherwise, false is returned. |
IsHidden | Specifies whether the name of the column is hidden. The value true is returned if the column is hidden; otherwise, false is returned. |
ColumnName | Description |
CollectionName | The name of the collection to pass to the GetSchema method to return the collection. |
NumberOfRestrictions | The number of restrictions that may be specified for the collection. |
NumberOfIdentifierParts | The number of parts in the composite identifier/data base object name. |
ColumnName | Description |
CompositeIdentifierSeparatorPattern | The regular expression to match the composite separators in a composite identifier. |
DataSourceProductName | The name of the product accessed by the data provider. |
DataSourceProductVersion | Indicates the version of the product accessed by the data provider, in the data source’s native format. |
DataSourceProductVersionNormalized | A normalized version for the data source. This allows the version to be compared with String.Compare(). |
GroupByBehavior | Specifies the relationship between the columns in a GROUP BY clause and the non-aggregated columns in the select list. |
Host | The host to which the data provider is connected. |
IdentifierCase | Indicates whether non-quoted identifiers are treated as case sensitive. |
IdentifierPattern | A regular expression that matches an identifier and has a match value of the identifier. |
OrderByColumnsInSelect | Specifies whether columns in an ORDER BY clause must be in the select list. A value of true indicates that they are required to be in the Select list, a value of false indicates that they are not required to be in the Select list. |
ParameterMarkerFormat | A format string that represents how to format a parameter. |
ParameterMarkerPattern | A regular expression that matches a parameter marker. It will have a match value of the parameter name, if any. |
ParameterNameMaxLength | The maximum length of a parameter name in characters. |
ParameterNamePattern | A regular expression that matches the valid parameter names. |
QuotedIdentifierCase | Indicates whether quoted identifiers are treated as case sensitive. |
QuotedIdentifierPattern | A regular expression that matches a quoted identifier and has a match value of the identifier itself without the quotation marks. |
StatementSeparatorPattern | A regular expression that matches the statement separator. |
StringLiteralPattern | A regular expression that matches a string literal and has a match value of the literal itself. |
SupportedJoinOperators | Specifies the types of SQL join statements that are supported by the data source. |
ColumnName | Description |
ColumnSize | The length of a non-numeric column or parameter refers to either the maximum or the length defined for this type by the data provider. |
CreateFormat | Format string that represents how to add this column to a data definition statement, such as CREATE TABLE. |
CreateParameters | The creation parameters that must be specified when creating a column of this data type. Each creation parameter is listed in the string, separated by a comma in the order they are to be supplied. For example, the SQL data type DECIMAL needs a precision and a scale. In this case, the creation parameters should contain the string "precision, scale". In a text command to create a DECIMAL column with a precision of 10 and a scale of 2, the value of the CreateFormat column might be DECIMAL({0},{1})" and the complete type specification would be DECIMAL(10,2). |
DataType | The name of the .NET Framework type of the data type. |
IsAutoIncrementable | Specifies whether values of a data type are auto-incremented. true: Values of this data type may be auto-incremented. false: Values of this data type may not be auto-incremented. |
IsBestMatch | Specifies whether the data type is the best match between all data types in the data store and the .NET Framework data type indicated by the value in the DataType column. true: The data type is the best match. false: The data type is not the best match. |
IsCaseSensitive | Specifies whether the data type is both a character type and case-sensitive. true: The data type is a character type and is case-sensitive. false: The data type is not a character type or is not case-sensitive. |
IsConcurrencyType | true: The data type is updated by the database every time the row is changed and the value of the column is different from all previous values. false: The data type is not updated by the database every time the row is changed. |
IsFixedLength | true: Columns of this data type created by the data definition language (DDL) will be of fixed length. false: Columns of this data type created by the DDL will be of variable length. |
IsFixedPrecisionScale | true: The data type has a fixed precision and scale. false: The data type does not have a fixed precision and scale. |
IsLiteralsSupported | true: The data type can be expressed as a literal. false: The data type cannot be expressed as a literal. |
IsLong | true: The data type contains very long data. The definition of very long data is provider-specific. false: The data type does not contain very long data. |
IsNullable | true: The data type is nullable. false: The data type is not nullable. |
IsSearchable | true: The data type contains very long data. The definition of very long data is provider-specific. false: The data type does not contain very long data. |
IsSearchableWithLike | true: The data type can be used with the LIKE predicate. false: The data type cannot be used with the LIKE predicate. |
IsUnisgned | true: The data type is unsigned. false: The data type is signed. |
LiteralPrefix | The prefix applied to a given literal. |
LiteralSuffix | The suffix applied to a given literal. |
MaximumScale | If the type indicator is a numeric type, this is the maximum number of digits allowed to the right of the decimal point. Otherwise, this is DBNull.Value. |
MinimumScale | If the type indicator is a numeric type, this is the minimum number of digits allowed to the right of the decimal point. Otherwise, this is DBNull.Value. |
ProviderDbType | The provider-specific type value that should be used when specifying a parameter's type. |
TypeName | The provider-specific data type name. |
ColumnName | Description |
Reserved Word | Provider-specific reserved words. |
ColumnName | Description |
CollectionName | The name of the collection to which the specified restrictions apply. |
RestrictionName | The name of the restriction in the collection. |
RestrictionDefault | Ignored. |
RestrictionNumber | The actual location in the collection restrictions for this restriction. |
IsRequired | Specifies whether the restriction is required. |
Column Name | .NET Framework DataType1 | Description |
CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_ LENGTH | Int32 | The maximum possible length of a value in the column. For character, binary, or bit columns, this is one of the following: • The maximum length of the column in characters, bytes, or bits, respectively, if one is defined. • The maximum length of the data type in characters, bytes, or bits, respectively, if the column does not have a defined length. • Zero (0) if neither the column or the data type has a defined maximum length, or if the column is not a character, binary, or bit column. |
CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH | Int32 | The maximum length in octets (bytes) of the column, if the type of the column is character or binary. A value of zero (0) means the column has no maximum length or that the column is not a character or binary column. |
COLUMN_DEFAULT | String | The default value of the column. |
COLUMN_HASDEFAULT | Boolean | TRUE: The column has a default value. FALSE: The column does not have a default value, or it is unknown whether the column has a default value. |
COLUMN_NAME | String | The name of the column; this might not be unique. |
DATA_TYPE | Object | The indicator of the column data type. This value cannot be null. |
IS_NULLABLE | Boolean | TRUE: The column might be nullable. FALSE: The column is known not to be nullable. |
NATIVE_DATA_TYPE | String | The data source description of the type. This value cannot be null. |
NUMERIC_PRECISION | Int32 | If the column data type is of numeric data, this is the maximum precision of the column. |
NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX | Int32 | The radix indicates in which base the values in NUMERIC_PRECISION and NUMERIC_SCALE are expressed. It is only useful to return either 2 or 10. |
NUMERIC_SCALE | Int16 | If the column type is a numeric type that has a scale, this is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. |
ORDINAL_POSITION | Int32 | The ordinal of the column. Columns are numbered starting from one. |
PROVIDER_DEFINED_TYPE | Int32 | The data source defined type of the column is mapped to the type enumeration of the data provider, for example, the PsqlDbType enumeration. This value cannot be null. |
PROVIDER_GENERIC_TYPE | Int32 | The provider-defined type of the column is mapped to the System.Data.DbType enumeration. This value cannot be null. |
TABLE_CATALOG | String | The database name. |
TABLE_NAME | String | The table name. |
TABLE_OWNER | String | The table owner. |
Column Name | .NET Framework Datatype1 | Description |
DEFERRABILITY | String | The deferrability of the foreign key. The value is one of the following: • INITIALLY DEFERRED • INITIALLY IMMEDIATE • NOT DEFERRABLE |
DELETE_RULE | String | If a delete rule was specified, the value is one of the following: CASCADE: A referential action of CASCADE was specified. SET NULL: A referential action of SET NULL was specified. SET DEFAULT: A referential action of SET DEFAULT was specified. NO ACTION: A referential action of NO ACTION was specified. |
FK_COLUMN_NAME | String | The foreign key column name. |
FK_NAME | String | The foreign key name. This is a required restriction. |
FK_TABLE_CATALOG | String | The catalog name in which the foreign key table is defined. |
FK_TABLE_NAME | String | The foreign key table name. This is a required restriction. |
FK_TABLE_OWNER | String | The foreign key table owner. This is a required restriction. |
ORDINAL | Int32 | The order of the column names in the key. For example, a table might contain several foreign key references to another table. The ordinal starts over for each reference; for example, two references to a three-column key would return 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3. |
PK_COLUMN_NAME | String | The primary key column name. |
PK_NAME | String | The primary key name. |
PK_TABLE_CATALOG | String | The catalog name in which the primary key table is defined. |
PK_TABLE_NAME | String | The primary key table name. |
PK_TABLE_OWNER | String | The primary key table owner. This is a required restriction. |
UPDATE_RULE | String | If an update rule was specified, one of the following: CASCADE: A referential action of CASCADE was specified. SET NULL: A referential action of SET NULL was specified. SET DEFAULT: A referential action of SET DEFAULT was specified. NO ACTION: A referential action of NO ACTION was specified. |
Column Name | .NET Framework DataType1 | Description |
CARDINALITY | Int32 | The number of unique values in the index. |
COLLATION | String | This is one of the following: ASC: The sort sequence for the column is ascending. DESC: The sort sequence for the column is descending. |
COLUMN_NAME | String | The column name. |
FILTER_CONDITION | String | The WHERE clause that identifies the filtering restriction. |
INDEX_CATALOG | String | The catalog name. |
INDEX_NAME | String | The index name. |
ORDINAL_POSITION | Int32 | The ordinal position of the column in the index, starting with 1. |
PAGES | Int32 | The number of pages used to store the index. |
TABLE_CATALOG | String | The catalog name. |
TABLE_NAME | String | The table name. |
TABLE_OWNER | String | The table owner. |
TABLE_QUALIFIER | String | The table qualifier. |
TYPE | String | The type of the index. One of the following values: • BTREE: The index is a B+-tree. • HASH: The index is a hash file using, for example, linear or extensible hashing. • CONTENT: The index is a content index. • OTHER: The index is some other type of index. |
UNIQUE | Boolean |
Column Name | .NET Framework DataType1 | Description |
COLUMN_NAME | String | The primary key column name. |
ORDINAL | Int32 | The order of the column names in the key. |
PK_NAME | String | The primary key name. |
TABLE_CATALOG | String | The database name in which the table is defined. |
TABLE_NAME | String | The table name. |
TABLE_OWNER | String | The table owner. |
Column Name | .NET Framework DataType1 | Description |
CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH | Int32 | The maximum length of the parameter. |
CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH | Int32 | The maximum length in octets (bytes) of the parameter, if the type of the parameter is character or binary. If the parameter has no maximum length, the value is zero (0). For all other types of parameters, the value is -1. |
DATA_TYPE | Object | The indicator of the column data type. This value cannot be null. |
DESCRIPTION | String | The description of the parameter. For example, the description of the Name parameter in a procedure that adds a new employee might be Employee name. |
IS_NULLABLE | Boolean | TRUE: The parameter might be nullable. FALSE: The parameter is not nullable. |
NATIVE_DATA_TYPE | String | The data source description of the type. This value cannot be null. |
NULLABLE | String | Denotes whether null value can be specified for the parameter. YES and NO are the two possible values. |
NUMERIC_PRECISION | Int32 | If the column data type is numeric, this is the maximum precision of the column. If the column data type is not numeric, this is DbNull. |
NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX | Int32 | Applicable when the column data type is numeric. The radix indicates in which base the values in NUMERIC_PRECISION and NUMERIC_SCALE are expressed. It is only useful to return either 2 or 10. |
NUMERIC_SCALE | Int16 | If the column data type is a numeric type that has a scale, this is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. Otherwise, this is DbNull. |
ORDINAL_POSITION | Int32 | If the parameter is an input, input/output, or output parameter, this is the one-based ordinal position of the parameter in the procedure call. If the parameter is the return value, this is DbNull. |
PARAMETER_DEFAULT | String | The default value of parameter. If the default value is a NULL, then the PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT column returns TRUE and the PARAMETER_DEFAULT column will not exist. If PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT is set to FALSE, then the PARAMETER_DEFAULT column will not exist. |
PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT | Boolean | TRUE: The parameter has a default value. FALSE: The parameter does not have a default value, or it is unknown whether the parameter has a default value. |
PARAMETER_NAME | String | The parameter name. If the parameter is not named, this is DbNull. |
PARAMETER_TYPE | String | This is one of the following: INPUT: The parameter is an input parameter. INPUTOUTPUT: The parameter is an input/output parameter. OUTPUT: The parameter is an output parameter. RETURNVALUE: The parameter is a procedure return value. UNKNOWN: The parameter type is unknown to the data provider. |
PROCEDURE_CATALOG | String | The catalog name. |
PROCEDURE_NAME | String | The procedure name. |
PROCEDURE_COLUMN_NAME | String | The procedure column name. |
PROVIDER_DEFINED_TYPE | Int32 | The data source defined type of the column as mapped to the type enumeration of the data provider, for example, the PSQLDbType enumeration. This value cannot be null. |
PROVIDER_GENERIC_TYPE | Int32 | The data source defined type of the column as mapped to the System.Data.DbType enumeration. This value cannot be null. |
SQL_DATETIME_SUB | Object | Applicable when the column data type is DateTime. |
Column Name | .NET Framework DataType1 | Description |
PROCEDURE_CATALOG | String | The database name. |
PROCEDURE_NAME | String | The procedure name. |
PROCEDURE_OWNER | String | The procedure owner. |
PROCEDURE_TYPE | String | This is one of the following: UNKNOWN: It is not known whether a value is returned. PROCEDURE: Procedure; no value is returned. FUNCTION: Function; a value is returned. |
Column Name | Type Indicator1 | Description |
GRANTEE | String | The user name (or PUBLIC) to whom the privilege has been granted. |
PRIVILEGE_TYPE | String | The privilege type. This is one of the following types: • DELETE • INSERT • REFERENCES • SELECT • UPDATE |
TABLE_CATALOG | String | The name of the database in which the table is defined. |
TABLE_NAME | String | The table name. |
TABLE_OWNER | String | The table owner. |
Column Name | .NET Framework DataType1 | Description |
DESCRIPTION | String | A description of the table. If no description is associated with the column, the data provider returns DbNull. |
TABLE_CATALOG | String | The name of the database in which the table is defined. |
TABLE_NAME | String | The table name. |
TABLE_OWNER | String | The table owner. |
TABLE_TYPE | String | The table type. One of the following: • ALIAS • GLOBAL TEMPORARY • LOCAL TEMPORARY • SYNONYM • SYSTEM TABLE • SYSTEM VIEW • TABLE • VIEW This column cannot contain an empty string. |
Column Name | Type Indicator1 | Description |
TABLE_CATALOG | String | The name of the database in which the table is defined. |
TABLE_NAME | String | The table name. |
TABLE_OWNER | String | The table owner. |
TABLE_QUALIFIER | String | The table qualifier. |
VIEW _DEFINITION | String | The view definition. This is a query expression. |