Function Group | Purpose | List of Functions |
Catalog catalog.h | Managing the database catalog information, such as creating, opening, copying, or closing named databases, and creating, modifying or deleting data source names (DSNs), | PvCheckDbInfo() PvCloseDatabase() PvCopyDatabase() PvCountDSNs() PvCreateDatabase() PvCreateDatabase2() PvCreateDSN() (deprecated) PvCreateDSN2() (deprecated) PvDeleteDSN() (deprecated) PvDropDatabase() PvFreeDbNamesData() PvGetDbCodePage() PvGetDbDataPath() PvGetDbDictionaryPath() PvGetDbFlags()) PvGetDbName() PvGetDbNamesData() PvGetDbServerName() PvGetDSN() (deprecated) PvGetDSNEx() (deprecated) PvGetDSNEx2() (deprecated) PvGetEngineInformation() PvListDSNs() (deprecated) PvModifyDatabase() PvModifyDatabase2() PvModifyDSN() (deprecated) PvModifyDSN2() (deprecated) PvOpenDatabase() |
Configuration config.h | Controlling the configuration settings for the database engines, the communication managers, and the local requester components. | PvCountSelectionItems() PvGetAllPossibleSelections() PvGetBooleanStrings() PvGetBooleanValue() PvGetCategoryInfo() PvGetCategoryList() PvGetCategoryListCount() PvGetLongValue() PvGetSelectionString() PvGetSelectionStringSize() PvGetSelectionValue() PvGetSettingHelp()() PvGetSettingHelpSize() PvGetSettingInfo() PvGetSettingList() PvGetSettingListCount() PvGetSettingMap() PvGetSettingUnits() PvGetSettingUnitsSize() PvGetStringType() PvGetStringValue() PvGetStringValueSize() PvGetValueLimit() PvIsSettingAvailable() PvSetBooleanValue() PvSetLongValue() PvSetSelectionValue() PvSetStringValue() |
Connection connect.h | Starting and stopping a DTI session, connecting to a server, retrieving the name of the connected server, and disconnecting from a server. | |
Dictionary ddf.h | Creating and closing dictionaries (DDFs), and creating or deleting tables, indexes, users and groups. | PvAddIndex() PvAddTable() PvAddUserToGroup() PvAlterUserName() PvAlterUserPassword() PvCloseDictionary() PvCreateDictionary() (deprecated) PvCreateGroup() PvCreateUser() PvDropGroup() PvDropIndex() PvDropIndexByName() PvDropTable() PvDropUser() PvFreeTable() PvFreeTableNames() PvGetError() PvGetTable() PvGetTableNames() PvGetTableStat() PvGetTableStat2() PvGetTableStat3() PvOpenDictionary() (deprecated) PvRemoveUserFromGroup() |
License Administration dtilicense.h | Administering licensing such as authorizing or deauthorizing a key or retrieving information about keys. | |
Monitoring and Diagnostic monitor.h | Monitoring files, clients, and SQL connections, such as the following information for the MicroKernel Engine: Active Files – count and list open files, query if file is open, query user who opened/locked the file, obtain page size, read-only flag, record locks, transaction locks, number of handles, obtain handle information for each handle. Active Clients – count and list clients, query active handles, obtain client information, obtain handle information, disconnect a client and all client functionality. Resource Usage – retrieve current, peak, and maximum settings for data, including files, handles, clients, worker threads, licenses in use, transactions, locks. Communications Statistics – retrieve all communications statistics, total, delta, current, peak, maximum where appropriate, reset delta functionality. | PvDisconnectMkdeClient() PvDisconnectSQLConnection() PvFreeMkdeClientsData() PvFreeOpenFilesData() PvFreeSQLConnectionsData() PvGetFileHandlesData() PvGetFileHandleInfo() PvGetFileInfo() PvGetMkdeClientId() PvGetMkdeClientInfo() PvGetMkdeClientHandlesData() PvGetMkdeClientHandleInfo() PvGetMkdeClientsData() PvGetMkdeCommStat() PvGetMkdeCommStatEx() PvGetMkdeUsage() PvGetMkdeUsageEx() PvGetMkdeVersion() PvGetOpenFilesData() PvGetOpenFileName() PvGetSQLConnectionsData() PvGetSQLConnectionInfo() |
Security dtisecurity.h | Enabling, disabling, or querying the status of security on databases. |
In | dictHandle | Handle of an open dictionary returned by PvOpenDatabase(). |
In | tableName | Name of the table where the indexes will be added. |
In | indexList | Array of index definitions. |
In | indexCount | Number of indexes in the indexList array. |
PCM_Success | The operation completed successfully. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation did not complete successfully. |
PCM_errInvalidDictionaryHandle | The specified dictionary handle does not exist. |
PCM_errTableNotFound | The specified table was not found. |
PCM_errMemoryAllocation | An error occurred during memory allocation. |
PCM_errInvalidIndexName | The specified index name is invalid. |
PCM_errColumnNotFound | The specified column was not found in the table. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | license | License to be applied (authorized). |
P_OK | The operation completed successfully. |
P_E_FAIL | The operation did not complete successfully. |
P_E_LIC_ALREADY_INSTALLED | The license is already applied. |
P_E_LIC_INVALID | The license specified is invalid. |
Status code pertaining to license administration or to authorization | See Status Codes and Messages for License Administrator Status Codes and Authorization Status Codes. |
In | dictHandle | Handle of an open dictionary returned by PvOpenDatabase(). |
In | tableProps | Structure containing table information. |
In | columnList | Array of columns defined in the table. |
In | columnCount | Number of columns in columnList. |
In | indexList | Array of index definitions. |
In | indexCount | Number of indexes in the following indexList array. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation was not successful. |
PCM_errInvalidDictionaryHandle | The specified dictionary handle does not exist. |
PCM_errTableNotFound | The specified table was not found. |
PCM_errMemoryAllocation | An error occurred during memory allocation. |
PCM_errInvalidColumnName | The specified column name is invalid. |
PCM_errInvalidDataType | The specified data type is invalid. |
PCM_errDuplicateColumnName | The column name already exists in the table. |
PCM_errInvalidDataSize | The data size is invalid. |
PCM_errInvalidIndexName | Index name is invalid. |
PCM_errColumnNotFound | Column specified for a segment cannot be found. |
In | dbHandle | Handle of an open database returned by PvOpenDatabase(). |
In | user | Database user name |
In | group | Database group name |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation was not successful. |
PCM_errInvalidAccountName | The specified account or user name does not exist. |
PCM_errUserAlreadyPartOfGroup | User already part of the group. |
PCM_errDatabaseHasNoSecurity | Database has no security. |
PCM_errSessionSecurityError | Database opened with insufficient privilege. |
In | dbHandle | Handle of an open database returned by PvOpenDatabase(). |
In | user | Database user name. |
In | newName | New name for the database user. If set to NULL, the function fails. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation was not successful. |
PCM_errInvalidAccountName | The account or user name does not exist, or the new name is invalid. |
PCM_errUserAlreadyExists | New user name already exists. |
PCM_errDatabaseHasNoSecurity | Database has no security. |
PCM_errSessionSecurityError | Database opened with insufficient privilege. |
In | dbHandle | Handle of an open database returned by PvOpenDatabase(). |
In | user | Database user name. |
In | newPassword | New user password. If set to NULL, the password is cleared. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation was not successful. |
PCM_errInvalidAccountName | The specified account or user name does not exist. |
PCM_errDatabaseHasNoSecurity | Database has no security. |
PCM_errSessionSecurityError | Database opened with insufficient privilege. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | dbName | Name of an existing named database. A list of all named databases for a particular server is obtained with the PvGetDbNamesData() function. A single named database from the resulting list can be obtained with the PvGetDbName() function. |
In | checkFlags | Reserved. The function checks for all database flags. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Connection handle that identifies the server is invalid. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | The function was called with a null pointer. |
P_E_ACCESS_RIGHT | Insufficient access rights to call the function. |
P_E_NOT_EXIST | Named database specified in dbName does not exist. |
P_E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
In | dbHandle | Handle to a database opened by PvOpenDatabase(). |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | Operation was not successful. |
PCM_errMemoryAllocation | An error occurred during memory allocation |
PCM_errDictionaryNotOpen | No database open with specified handle. |
In | dictHandle | Handle of an open or newly-created dictionary. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation was not successful. |
PCM_errMemoryAllocation | An error occurred during memory allocation. |
PCM_errDictionaryNotOpen | The specified dictionary was not open. |
In | serverName | Server name or IP address to which you want to connect. See also Drive-based Formats in Getting Started with Zen. |
In | userName | User name with which you will connect to serverName. See the Remarks section for information on omitting this parameter. |
In | password | User password. See the Remarks section for information on omitting this parameter. |
In/Out | phConnection | Address of a long integer that receives the connection handle if connection is successful. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to connect to the named server. |
P_E_SERVER_NOT_FOUND | The specified server was not found |
P_E_ENGINE_NOT_LOADED | The specified engine is not running. |
P_E_REQUESTER_NOT_LOADED | The client requester is not loaded. |
P_E_SERVER_TABLE_FULL | The internal server name table is full. |
P_E_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS_LIMIT_REACHED | The operation could not connect because the limit on client connections has been reached. Check the configuration of the server. |
P_E_PERMISSION_ERROR | The operation encountered a permissions error. |
P_E_NO_MEMORY | The operation encountered a memory error. |
P_E_NO_AVAILABLE_TRANSPORT | No remote connection could be established. |
P_E_CONNECTION_LOST | The remote connection to the server was lost. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | dbName | Name of the database to copy. |
In | newdbName | Name of the new database. |
In | newdictPath | Dictionary path of the new database. |
In | newdataPath | Data path. Pass an empty string to use the default data path (that is, the same as the dictionary path) If you want to create a new database that consists of MicroKernel Engine data files located in multiple paths, specify this parameter as a semicolon (;) delimited list. For example: C:\data\path1;C:\data\path2 |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_ACCESS_RIGHT | Insufficient access right for the operation |
P_E_DICTIONARY_ALREADY_EXISTS | Cannot create dictionary because it already exists. |
P_E_SHARED_DDF_EXIST | The dictionary path is being used by another database. |
P_E_DUPLICATE_NAME | Named database already exists on the server. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
Out | pdsnCount | Address of an unsigned long to receive the number of DSNs. |
In | filtering | Set to 1 if you want only Zen DSNs. Set to 0 if you want all DSNs. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of categories can be obtained with the PvGetCategoryList() function. A list of settings for a particular category can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
Out | pNumItems | Address of an unsigned long that receives the number of selection items. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_INVALID_DATA_TYPE | The requested setting is not of selection type. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | dbName | Name of the database. |
In | dictPath | Dictionary path. |
In | dataPath | Data path. Pass an empty string to use the default data path (that is, the same as the dictionary path) If you want to create a database that consists of MicroKernel Engine data files located in multiple paths, specify this parameter as a semicolon (;) delimited list. For example: C:\data\path1;C:\data\path2 |
In | dbFlags | Database flags, which can be a combination of the P_DBFLAG_ constants. • P_DBFLAG_RI (enforce integrity constraints, including referential integrity and triggers) • P_DBFLAG_BOUND. Create DDF files and stamp the database name on the dictionary files so only that the database can use them. If the database is not bound, then more than one database can use the same dictionary file set. If you are creating a bound database and want to bind to DDF files that already exist, specify both P_DBFLAG_CREATE_DDF and P_DBFLAG_BOUND. • P_DBFLAG_CREATE_DDF (create DDF files. The directory specified for dictPath has to exist.) • P_DBFLAG_DBSEC_AUTHENTICATION (use database security authentication, Mixed security policy. See Btrieve Security Policy.) • P_DBFLAG_DBSEC_AUTHORIZATION (use database security authorization, Database security policy. See Btrieve Security Policy.) • P_DBFLAG_LONGMETADATA (use V2 metadata. See Metadata Version.) |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_ACCESS_RIGHT | Insufficient access right for the operation |
P_E_DICTIONARY_ALREADY_EXISTS | Cannot create dictionary because it already exists. |
P_E_SHARED_DDF_EXIST | The dictionary path is being used by another database. |
P_E_DUPLICATE_NAME | Named database already exists on the server. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
This Flag Combination | Represents This Security Model |
No flags | Classic |
Dictionary Location Contains | Result of DDF Creation |
No DDFs | New DDFs added to dictionary location |
DDFs of other metadata version | New DDFs added to group of existing DDFs |
DDFs of same metadata version | New DDFs overwrite existing DDFs. Information in old DDFs is lost. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | dbName | Name of the database. |
In | dictPath | Dictionary path. |
In | dataPath | Data path. Pass an empty string to use the default data path (that is, the same as the dictionary path) If you want to create a database that consists of MicroKernel Engine data files located in multiple paths, specify this parameter as a semicolon (;) delimited list. For example: C:\data\path1;C:\data\path2 |
In | dbFlags | Database flags, which can be a combination of the P_DBFLAG_ constants. • P_DBFLAG_RI (enforce integrity constraints, including referential integrity and triggers) • P_DBFLAG_BOUND (create DDF files and stamp the database name on the dictionary files so only that database can use them. If the database is not bound, then several databases can use the same dictionary file set.) If trying to create a bound database and you want to bind to DDF files that already exist, specify both P_DBFLAG_CREATE_DDF and P_DBFLAG_BOUND. • P_DBFLAG_CREATE_DDF (create DDF files. The directory specified for dictPath has to exist.) • P_DBFLAG_DBSEC_AUTHENTICATION (use database security authentication, Mixed security policy. See Btrieve Security Policy.) • P_DBFLAG_DBSEC_AUTHORIZATION (use database security authorization, Database security policy. See Btrieve Security Policy.) • P_DBFLAG_LONGMETADATA (use V2 metadata. See Metadata Version.) |
In | dbCodePage | For databases on Windows platforms, a number indicating the code page for database data and metadata strings. For databases on Linux and macOS distributions, one of the following to indicate the code page for database data and metadata strings: • P_DBCODEPAGE_UTF8 • P_DBCODEPAGE_EUCJP • P_DBCODEPAGE_ISO8859_1 For databases on Windows, Linux, and macOS, a value of zero can also be used. Zero indicates legacy behavior. That is, no code page is specified, defaulting to the operating system encoding on the server machine. See also the Code Page database property in Zen User’s Guide. Note: The database engine does not validate the encoding of the data and metadata that an application inserts into a database. The engine assumes that all data was entered using the encoding of the server or the client as explained under Database Code Page and Client Encoding in Advanced Operations Guide. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_ACCESS_RIGHT | Insufficient access right for the operation |
P_E_DICTIONARY_ALREADY_EXISTS | Cannot create dictionary because it already exists. |
P_E_SHARED_DDF_EXIST | The dictionary path is being used by another database. |
P_E_DUPLICATE_NAME | Named database already exists on the server. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | path | Fully-qualified path to the dictionary files. |
Out | dictHandle | Handle to be used in subsequent calls |
In | user | User name used with the new dictionary. This argument can be set to NULL. |
In | password | Used in conjunction with user name to create new dictionary files. Can also be NULL. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation was not successful. |
PCM_errMemoryAllocation | An error occurred during memory allocation. |
PCM_errPathNotFound | The specified path is invalid. |
PCM_errSessionSecurityError | Either the user name or password is invalid. |
PCM_errDictionaryAlreadyExists | A set of ddf files already exists at the specified location. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | pdsnName | Name for the new DSN. |
In | pdsnDesc | Description for the new DSN. |
In | pdsnDBQ | Database name to which this DSN will connect. This name must already exist. To create a database name, see PvCreateDatabase(). |
In | OpenMode | Open mode for the DSN, which is one of the following: • NORMAL_MODE • ACCELERATED_MODE • READONLY_MODE • EXCLUSIVE_MODE |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_INVALID_NAME | The specified DSN name is invalid. |
P_E_DSN_ALREADY_EXIST | The specified DSN name already exists. |
P_E_ACCESS_RIGHT | Insufficient access right for the operation. |
P_E_INVALID_OPEN_MODE | The specified open mode is invalid. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to retrieve data path. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | pdsnName | Name for the new DSN. |
In | pdsnDesc | Description for the new DSN. |
In | dsnDBQ | Database name to which this DSN will connect. This name must already exist. To create a database name, see PvCreateDatabase(). |
In | OpenMode | Open mode for the DSN, which is one of the following: • NORMAL_MODE • ACCELERATED_MODE • READONLY_MODE • EXCLUSIVE_MODE See also DSN Open Mode in ODBC Guide. |
In | translate | Encoding option for data, which can be one of the following: • DSNFLAG_DEFAULT • DSNFLAG_OEMANSI • DSNFLAG_AUTO See also Encoding Translation in ODBC Guide. Note that DSNFLAG_DEFAULT corresponds to the "None" encoding option in ODBC Administrator. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_INVALID_NAME | The specified DSN name is invalid. |
P_E_DSN_ALREADY_EXIST | The specified DSN name already exists. |
P_E_ACCESS_RIGHT | Insufficient access right for the operation. |
P_E_INVALID_OPEN_MODE | The specified open mode is invalid. |
P_E_INVALID_TRANSLATE_OPTION | The specified encoding translation option is invalid. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to retrieve data path. |
In | dbHandle | Handle of an open database returned by PvOpenDatabase(). |
In | Group | Database group name. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation was not successful. |
PCM_errInvalidAccountName | The specified group name is invalid. |
PCM_errDatabaseHasNoSecurity | Database has no security |
PCM_errSessionSecurityError | Database opened with insufficient privilege |
PCM_errGroupAlreadyExists | Group already exists |
In | dbHandle | Handle of an open database returned by PvOpenDatabase(). |
In | user | Database user name. |
In | password | User password. If set to NULL, no password is set. |
In | group | Database group name for user. If set to NULL, user is not assigned to a group. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation was not successful. |
PCM_errInvalidAccountName | The specified account or user name is invalid. |
PCM_errUserAlreadyExists | User already exists. |
PCM_errDatabaseHasNoSecurity | Database has no security. |
PCM_errSessionSecurityError | Database opened with insufficient privilege. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | pdsnName | DSN to delete. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_DSN_DOES_NOT_EXIST | The specified DSN name does not exist. |
P_E_ACCESS_RIGHT | Insufficient access right for the operation. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to retrieve data path. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | licenses | License to be deleted. |
P_OK | The operation completed successfully |
P_E_FAIL | The operation did not complete successfully |
P_E_LIC_NOT_FOUND | The license specified is not currently authorized. |
P_E_LIC_INVALID | The license specified is invalid. |
Status code pertaining to license administration or to authorization | See Status Codes and Messages for License Administrator Status Codes and Authorization Status Codes. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle to be disconnected.Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to disconnect to the named server. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | pClientId | Address of the PVCLIENTID structure to identify the MicroKernel Engine client. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_DATA_UNAVAILABLE | Data related to active clients not available. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_INVALID_CLIENT | Invalid client ID. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to disconnect to the named server. |
In | hConnection | Server connection handle that contains the SQL connection to be disconnected. Server connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | pSQLConnId | Address of the PVSQLCONNID structure to identify the SQL connection. SQL connections are obtained with the PvGetSQLConnectionsData() |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_DATA_UNAVAILABLE | Data related to active clients not available. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_INVALID_CLIENT | Invalid client ID. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to disconnect to the named server. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | dbName | Name of the database. A list of all database names for a particular server is obtained with the PvGetDbNamesData() function. A single database name from the resulting list can be obtained with the PvGetDbName() function. |
In | option | Bit mask that specifies options. Set the low-order bit to one (0001h) if you want DDF files to be deleted in addition to the database name. Otherwise, only the database name will be deleted but DDF files will remain. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_ACCESS_RIGHT | Insufficient access right for the operation |
P_E_NOT_EXIST | Named database does not exist. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | dbHandle | Handle of an open database returned by PvOpenDatabase(). |
In | group | Database group name. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation was not successful. |
PCM_errInvalidAccountName | The specified group name does not exist. |
PCM_errDatabaseHasNoSecurity | Database has no security |
PCM_errSessionSecurityError | Database opened with insufficient privilege |
PCM_errGroupNotEmpty | An user is associated with this group |
In | dictHandle | Handle of an open dictionary returned by PvOpenDatabase(). |
In | tableName | Name of the table with the index to be dropped. |
In | indexNumber | Number of the index to be dropped. |
In | renumber | Indicates whether the remaining indexes should be renumbered. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation was not successful. |
PCM_errInvalidDictionaryHandle | The specified dictionary handle does not exist. |
PCM_errTableNotFound | The specified table was not found. |
PCM_errInvalidIndex | The specified index was not found. |
In | dictHandle | Handle of an open dictionary returned by PvOpenDatabase(). |
In | tableName | Name of the table with the index to be dropped. |
In | indexName | Name of the index to be dropped. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation was not successful. |
PCM_errInvalidDictionaryHandle | The specified dictionary handle does not exist. |
PCM_errTableNotFound | The table specified in tableName was not found in the dictionary. |
In | dictHandle | Handle of an open dictionary returned by PvOpenDatabase(). |
In | tableName | Name of the table to delete. |
In | keepFile | Indicates whether or not the data file will be deleted. If set to 0, the data file associated with the table will be deleted. If non-zero, the data file will not be deleted. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation was not successful. |
PCM_errInvalidDictionaryHandle | The specified dictionary handle does not exist. |
PCM_errTableNotFound | The specified table name was not found. |
In | dbHandle | Handle of an open database returned by PvOpenDatabase(). |
In | user | Database user name |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation was not successful. |
PCM_errInvalidAccountName | The specified account or user name does not exist. |
PCM_errNotAllowedToDropAdministrator | Attempt to drop Master user. |
PCM_errDatabaseHasNoSecurity | Database has no security. |
PCM_errSessionSecurityError | Database opened with insufficient privilege. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_DATA_UNAVAILABLE | Data related to database names not available. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_DATA_UNAVAILABLE | Data related to active clients not available. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to disconnect to the named server. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_DATA_UNAVAILABLE | Data related to active clients not available. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to disconnect to the named server. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_DATA_UNAVAILABLE | Data related to active clients not available. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to disconnect to the named server. |
In/Out | tableProps | Pointer to a structure containing table information |
In/Out | columnList | Pointer to an array of columns defined in the table. |
In/Out | indexList | Pointer to an array of segments defined in the table. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | A general failure occurred |
In/Out | tableList | Array of TABLEMAP structures that contain table names. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation was not successful. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of settings can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
In/Out | pNumItems | Address of an unsigned long that receives the total number of selection items. You can also retrieve the number of selection items by calling PvCountSelectionItems() |
Out | pSelectionList | Array that contains all available selection choices. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_INVALID_DATA_TYPE | The requested setting is not of selection type. |
P_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | The array size is too small. In this case, the required size is returned in pNumItems. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of settings can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
Out | trueStringSize | Long integer containing the length of trueString. |
Out | trueString | Display string for TRUE (size >= 16 bytes). |
Out | falseStringSize | Long integer containing the length of falseString. |
Out | falseString | Display string for FALSE (size >= 16 bytes). |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_INVALID_DATA_TYPE | The requested setting is not of long type. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of settings can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
Out | pValue | Address of a Boolean variable that receives the setting value. |
In | whichData | Flag to indicate which value is requested: PVDATA_DEFAULT returns default value. PVDATA_CURRENT returns current value |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_INVALID_DATA_TYPE | The requested setting is not of Boolean type. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | categoryID | Unique identifier for the category. You can obtain a list of identifiers via the PvGetCategoryList() function. |
Out | pCatInfo | Address of a PVCATEGORYINFO structure that will receive the category information. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In/Out | pnumCategories | Address of an unsigned long containing the number of categories that can be returned in pCategoriesList. You can also call PvGetCategoryListCount() to retrieve this value. |
Out | pCategoriesList | Array containing the category IDs. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
P_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | Array size is too small. The required size is returned in pnumCategories. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
Out | pListCount | Address of an unsigned long containing the number of categories. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | dbName | Name of the database. A list of all database names for a particular server is obtained with the PvGetDbNamesData() function. A single database name from the resulting list can be obtained with the PvGetDbName() function. |
Out | pDbCodePage | Code page of the database. A value of zero indicates the default code page on the server. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_NOT_EXIST | Named database does not exist. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | dbName | Name of the database. A list of all database names for a particular server is obtained with the PvGetDbNamesData() function. A single database name from the resulting list can be obtained with the PvGetDbName() function. |
In/Out | pBufSize | Address of an unsigned long containing size of the buffer. Receives actual size of the path returned. |
Out | dataPath | Contains the data path if successful, or empty string otherwise. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | The buffer is too small for the string. In this case, the required buffer size is returned in pBufSize. |
P_E_NOT_EXIST | Named database does not exist. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | dbName | Name of the database. A list of all database names for a particular server is obtained with the PvGetDbNamesData() function. A single database name from the resulting list can be obtained with the PvGetDbName() function. |
In/Out | pBufSize | Address of an unsigned long containing size of the buffer. Receives actual size of the path returned. |
Out | dictPath | Contains the dictionary path if successful, or empty string otherwise. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | The buffer is too small for the string. In this case, the required buffer size is returned in pBufSize. |
P_E_NOT_EXIST | Named database does not exist. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | dbName | Name of the database. A list of all database names for a particular server is obtained with the PvGetDbNamesData() function. A single database name from the resulting list can be obtained with the PvGetDbName() function. |
Out | pDbFlags | Database flags, which can be a combination of the P_DBFLAG_ constants. • P_DBFLAG_RI (integrity constraints, including referential integrity and triggers) • P_DBFLAG_BOUND (DDF files stamped with the database name so only that database can use them) • P_DBFLAG_DBSEC_AUTHENTICATION (Mixed security policy. See Btrieve Security Policy.) • P_DBFLAG_DBSEC_AUTHORIZATION (Database security policy. See Btrieve Security Policy.) • P_DBFLAG_LONGMETADATA (see Metadata Version) |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_NOT_EXIST | Named database does not exist. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
This Flag Combination | Represent This Security Model |
No flags | Classic |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | sequence | The sequence number (1 based) of the database name. Must be within a valid range with upper limit defined by PvGetDbNamesData(). |
In/Out | pBufSize | Address of an unsigned long containing size of buffer allocated to receive the database name. Receives actual size of chars copied. The size should include the null terminator. |
Out | dbName | String value returned. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_DATA_UNAVAILABLE | Data related to database names not available. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | Allocated buffer is too small for the string. |
P_E_INVALID_SEQUENCE | Sequence number is not valid. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
Out | pCount | Address of an unsigned long to receive the number of database names on the server. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | dbName | Name of the database. A list of all database names for a particular server is obtained with the PvGetDbNamesData() function. A single database name from the resulting list can be obtained with the PvGetDbName() function. |
In/Out | pBufSize | Address of an unsigned long containing the size of the buffer. Actual size of server name is returned. |
Out | serverName | Contains server name if successful, empty string otherwise. |
Out | pIsLocal | Returns zero for remote server, non-zero for local server. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | The buffer is too small for the string. In this case, the required buffer size is returned in pBufSize. |
P_E_NOT_EXIST | Named database does not exist. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | dsnName | Name of the datasource. A list of DSNs can be obtained with the PvListDSNs() function. |
In/Out | pdsnDescSize | Address of an unsigned long containing size of the buffer for DSN description. Receives actual size of DSN description. |
Out | dsnDesc | Contains the description of DSN if successful. |
In/Out | pdsnDBQSize | Address of an unsigned long containing size of the buffer for name of database. Receives actual size of database name. |
Out | dsnDBQ | Contains the name of the database if successful. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | The buffer is too small for the string. In this case, the required buffer size is returned in pdsnDescSize or pdsnDBQSize. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to retrieve data path. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | dsnName | Name of the datasource. A list of DSNs can be obtained with the PvListDSNs() function. |
In/Out | pdsnDescSize | Address of an unsigned long containing size of the buffer for DSN description. Receives actual size of DSN description. |
Out | dsnDesc | Contains the description of DSN if successful. |
In/Out | pdsnDBQSize | Address of an unsigned long containing size of the buffer for name of database. Receives actual size of database name. |
Out | dsnDBQ | Contains the name of the database if successful. |
Out | pOpenMode | Contains open mode of DSN, which is one of the following: • NORMAL_MODE • ACCELERATED_MODE, • READONLY_MODE • EXCLUSIVE_MODE See also DSN Open Mode in ODBC Guide. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | The buffer is too small for the string. In this case, the required buffer size is returned in pdsnDescSize or pdsnDBQSize. |
P_E_ACCESS_RIGHT | Insufficient access right for the operation. |
P_E_DSN_DOES_NOT_EXIST | The specified DSN does not exist. |
P_E_INVALID_OPEN_MODE | Invalid open mode. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to retrieve data path. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | dsnName | Name of the datasource. A list of DSNs can be obtained with the PvListDSNs() function. |
In/Out | pdsnDescSize | Address of an unsigned long containing size of the buffer for DSN description. Receives actual size of DSN description. |
Out | dsnDesc | Contains the description of DSN if successful. |
In/Out | pdsnDBQSize | Address of an unsigned long containing size of the buffer for name of database. Receives actual size of database name. |
Out | dsnDBQ | Contains the name of the database if successful. |
Out | pOpenMode | Open mode for the DSN, which is one of the following: • NORMAL_MODE • ACCELERATED_MODE • READONLY_MODE • EXCLUSIVE_MODE See also DSN Open Mode in ODBC Guide. |
Out | translate | Encoding option for data, which can be one of the following: • DSNFLAG_DEFAULT • DSNFLAG_OEMANSI • DSNFLAG_AUTO See also DSN Open Mode in ODBC Guide. Note that DSNFLAG_DEFAULT corresponds to the "None" encoding option in ODBC Administrator. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | The buffer is too small for the string. In this case, the required buffer size is returned in pdsnDescSize or pdsnDBQSize. |
P_E_ACCESS_RIGHT | Insufficient access right for the operation. |
P_E_DSN_DOES_NOT_EXIST | The specified DSN does not exist. |
P_E_INVALID_OPEN_MODE | Invalid open mode. |
P_E_INVALID_TRANSLATE_OPTION | The specified encoding translation option is invalid. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to retrieve data path. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
Out | pserverClient | Address of a BTI_CHAR_PTR True - MKDE_SERVR_ENGINE_CID False - MKDE_CLNT_ENGINE_CID |
Out | pdbuApiVer | Version of the structures. Can be NULL |
Out | pmajor | Major version - can be NULL. |
Out | pminor | Minor version - can be NULL. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In/Out | errorDesc | String that will contain the error description. |
In/Out | size | Size of errorDesc. If the size is not large enough to contain the error description, an error is returned and the required size is contained in size. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errStringTooShort | The size parameter was not large enough to contain the error description. The required length is returned in the size argument. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | fileName | Full path name of the file to be queried. |
Out | pCount | Address of an unsigned long to receive the number of handles for the open file. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_DATA_UNAVAILABLE | Data related to active clients not available. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_FILE_NOT_OPEN | Specified file is not currently open. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to disconnect to the named server. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | fileName | Full path name of the file to be queried. |
In | sequence | The sequence number (zero-based) of the file handle. Must be within a valid range with upper limit defined by the number of file handles obtained by PvGetFileHandlesData(). |
Out | pFileHdlInfo | Address of a PVFILEHDLINFO structure to receive the information on the file handle. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_DATA_UNAVAILABLE | Data related to active clients not available. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_INVALID_SEQUENCE | Sequence number is not valid |
P_E_FILE_NOT_OPEN | Specified file is not currently open. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to disconnect to the named server. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | fileName | Full path name of the file to be queried. |
Out | pFileInfo | Address of a PVFILEINFO structure to receive the information on the file. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_DATA_UNAVAILABLE | Data related to active clients not available. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_FILE_NOT_OPEN | Specified file is not currently open. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of settings can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
Out | pValue | Address of a long integer variable that receives the setting value. |
In | whichData | Flag to indicate which value is requested: PVDATA_DEFAULT returns default value. PVDATA_CURRENT returns current value |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_INVALID_DATA_TYPE | The requested setting is not of long integer type. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | sequence | The sequence number (zero based) of the MicroKernel Engine client. Must be within a valid range with upper limit returned by PvGetMkdeClientsData(). |
Out | pClientId | Address of the PVCLIENTID structure to hold the returned client ID information. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_DATA_UNAVAILABLE | Data related to active clients not available. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_INVALID_SEQUENCE | Sequence number is not valid. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | pClientId | Address of the PVCLIENTID structure to identify the MicroKernel Engine client. |
Out | PClientInfo | Address of a PVMKDECLIENTINFO structure to receive the information for the MicroKernel Engine client. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_DATA_UNAVAILABLE | Data related to active clients not available. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_INVALID_CLIENT | Invalid client ID. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | pClientId | Address of the PVCLIENTID structure to identify the MicroKernel Engine client. |
Out | pCount | Address of an unsigned long to receive the number of handles for the MicroKernel Engine client. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_DATA_UNAVAILABLE | Data related to MicroKernel Engine clients not available. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | pClientId | Address of the PVCLIENTID structure to identify the MicroKernel Engine client. |
In | sequence | The sequence number (zero based) of the client handle. Must be within a valid range with upper limit defined by the number of handles obtained by PvGetMkdeClientHandlesData(). |
Out | pClientHdlInfo | Address of a PVMKDECLIENTHDLINFO structure to receive the information on the client handle. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_INVALID_CLIENT | Invalid client ID. |
P_E_INVALID SEQUENCE | Sequence number is not valid. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to disconnect to the named server. |
P_E_DATA_UNAVAILABLE | Data related to active clients not available. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
Out | pCount | Address of an unsigned long to receive the number of active MicroKernel Engine clients. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
Out | pCommStat | Address of a PVCOMMSTAT structure to receive the MicroKernel Engine communication statistics. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_COMPONENT_NOT_LOADED | Component is not loaded |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to disconnect to the named server. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
Out | pCommStatEx | Address of a PVCOMMSTATEX structure to receive the MicroKernel Engine communication statistics. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_COMPONENT_NOT_LOADED | Component is not loaded |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to disconnect to the named server. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
Out | pMkdeUsage | Address of a PVMKDEUSAGE structure to receive the MicroKernel Engine resource usage information. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
Out | pMkdeUsage | Address of a PVMKDEUSAGEEX structure to receive the MicroKernel Engine resource usage information. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
Out | pMkdeVersion | Address of a PVVERSION structure to receive the MicroKernel Engine version information. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_COMPONENT_NOT_LOADED | Component not loaded. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
Out | pCount | Address of an unsigned long to receive the number of open files. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | sequence | The sequence number (zero based) of the file. Must be within a valid range with upper limit returned by PvGetOpenFilesData(). |
In/Out | pBufSize | Address of an unsigned long containing size of buffer allocated to receive the file name. Receives actual size of chars copied. The size should include the null terminator. |
In/Out | fileName | String value returned. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_DATA_UNAVAILABLE | Data related to active clients not available. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | Allocated buffer is too small for the string, returned string is truncated. In this case the required size is in pBufSize. |
P_E_INVALID_SEQUENCE | Sequence number is not valid. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to disconnect to the named server. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
Out | productInfo | XML string returned with product information. |
In/Out | pBufSize | Address of an unsigned long containing size of the buffer allocated to receive the string. It receives the actual length of selection string. |
DBU_SUCCESS | The operation was successful. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
Status code pertaining to license administration or to authorization | See Status Codes and Messages for License Administrator Status Codes and Authorization Status Codes. |
products | A container for all products returned by PvGetProductsInfo(). |
product | A container for information about a single product. |
name | The name of the product. |
id | The Zen code for the product. Refer to the dtilicense header file for the list of product codes returned. |
licenses | A container for all licenses that apply to the product. |
license | A container for information about a single license. |
type | The license type: 1: Permanent 2: Expiring license set at issue date 4: Expiring license applied at install time 7: User count increase |
productCode | The Zen code for the product. See the dtilicense header file for the list of product codes returned. |
productKey | The key used for product authorization. Can be empty if product authorization was not used. |
state | The current state of the license: 0: Active 1: Expired 2: Disabled 3: Inactive 4: Failed validation |
feature | Reserved. |
edition | Reserved. |
maxUserCount | Maximum concurrent users allowed. Zero indicates unlimited users on Zen Enterprise Server and Workgroup editions. Not applicable on Zen Cloud Server edition and always returns zero. |
maxSessionCount | Maximum concurrent sessions allowed. Zero indicates unlimited sessions on the Zen Cloud Server edition. Not applicable on Zen Enterprise Server and Workgroup editions and always returns zero. |
maxDatainUseGB | Maximum amount of data allowed to be used simultaneously, measured in gigabytes. Zero indicates unlimited amount of data on Zen Cloud Server edition. Not applicable on Zen Enterprise Server and Workgroup editions and always returns zero. |
platform | The supported platforms: 0: ANY 1: WIN 2: WIN32 3: WIN64 4: LINUX 5: LINUX32 6: LINUX64 7: MAC 8: MAC32 9: MAC64 |
sequence | The license sequence number. |
userCount | The number of users permitted by the license. -1 indicates unlimited number of users on Zen Enterprise Server and Workgroup editions. Not applicable on Zen Cloud Server edition and always returns zero. |
sessionCount | The number of sessions permitted by the license. -1 indicates unlimited number of users on Zen Cloud Server editions. Not applicable on Zen Enterprise Server and Workgroup editions and always returns zero. |
dataInUseGB | The amount of data in use permitted by the license, measured in gigabytes. -1 indicates unlimited data count size on Zen Cloud Server editions. Not applicable on Zen Enterprise Server and Workgroup editions and always returns zero. |
timeStamp | For temporary keys, the expiration day represented as the number of days from January 1, 2000. |
oemId | The vendor ID. |
application | The vendor’s application ID. |
description | Reserved. |
isremovable | The license key is removable: 0: Not removable 1: Removable |
gracePeriodEnd | Number of days remaining before the engine is disabled for failing license validation. Empty if a failed-validation period is not applicable to this product. -1 if a failed-validation period is applicable but not in effect for this product. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of settings can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
In | selection | Selection choice index. PSelectionList returned from PvGetAllPossibleSelections(). |
In/Out | pBufSize | Address of an unsigned long containing size of the buffer allocated to receive the string. It receives the actual length of selection string. |
Out | dispString | Display string returned. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_INVALID_DATA_TYPE | The requested setting is not of selection type. |
P_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | The array size is too small. In this case, the required size is returned in pBufSize. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of settings can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
In/Out | pBufSize | Address of an unsigned long containing size of the buffer in PvGetSelectionString() call allocated to receive the string. It receives the actual length of selection string. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_INVALID_DATA_TYPE | The requested setting is not of selection type. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of settings can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
In/Out | pNumItems | Address of an unsigned long that specifies the array size on input, and receives the number of individual selection items on return. |
Out | pValue | Array of individual selection indexes. |
In | whichData | Flag to indicate which value is requested: PVDATA_DEFAULT returns default value. PVDATA_CURRENT returns current value |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_INVALID_DATA_TYPE | The requested setting is not of string type. |
P_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | The array size is too small. In this case, the required size is returned in pNumItems. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In/Out | pBufSize | Address of an unsigned long containing size of the buffer allocated to receive server name. |
In/Out | serverName | Returned server name if successful, empty string otherwise. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | The buffer is too small for the string. In this case, the required buffer size is returned in PBufSize. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to connect to the named server. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of settings can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
In/Out | pBufSize | Address of an unsigned long containing size of buffer allocated to receive setting value. Receives actual size of setting value. The size should include the NULL terminator. |
Out | pHelpString | String value returned. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | The buffer allocated is too small and the display string is truncated. In this case, the required buffer size is returned in pBufSize. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of settings can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
In/Out | pBufSize | Address of an unsigned long containing size of buffer allocated to receive setting value. Receives actual size of setting value. The size should include the NULL terminator. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of settings can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
Out | pSettingInfo | Address of a PVSETTINGINFO structure that receives setting information. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | categoryID | Unique identifier for the category |
Out | pNumSettings | Address of an unsigned long containing size of the array on input, and receives number of items in the returned list. |
Out | pSettingList | Pointer to the list of returned setting IDs. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | The array size is too small. In this case, the required size is returned in pNumSettings. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | categoryID | Unique identifier for the category. |
Out | pNumSettings | Address of an unsigned long containing size of the array on input, and receives number of items in the returned list. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of settings can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
Out | pComponentID | Address of an unsigned short for Component. |
Out | pOptionID | Address of an unsigned short for Option |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of settings can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
In/Out | pBufSize | Address of an unsigned long containing size of the buffer allocated to receive string of default units. Receives actual size of string of default units. The size should include the NULL terminator. |
Out | pValue | String of default value returned. |
Out | pFactor | Address of an unsigned long for factor. |
In/Out | pFBufSize | Address of an unsigned long containing size of buffer allocated to receive string of "factor" units. Receives actual size of string of default units. The size should include the NULL terminator. |
Out | pFValue | String of "factor" value returned. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_INVALID_DATA_TYPE | The setting requested is not of long integer type. |
P_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | The buffer is too small for the string. In this case, the required buffer size is returned in pBufSize. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to connect to the named server. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of settings can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
In/Out | pBufSize | Address of an unsigned long containing size of the buffer allocated to receive string of default units. Receives actual size of string of default units. The size should include the NULL terminator. |
In/Out | pFBufSize | Address of an unsigned long containing size of buffer allocated to receive string of "factor" units. Receives actual size of string of default units. The size should include the NULL terminator. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_INVALID_DATA_TYPE | The setting requested is not of long integer type. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
Out | pCount | Address of an unsigned long to receive the number of SQL connections. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | sequence | The sequence number (zero based) of the SQL connection. Must be within a valid range with upper limit defined by the number of SQL connections obtained by PvGetSQLConnectionsData(). |
Out | pSQLConnInfo | Address of a PVSQLCONNINFO structure to receive the information on the SQL connection. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | hConnection parameter is not a valid connection handle. |
P_E_DATA_UNAVAILABLE | Data not available for the SQL connection. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | pSQLConnInfo pointer is NULL. |
P_E_INVALID_SEQUENCE | Sequence number is not valid. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to disconnect to the named server. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of settings can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
Out | pTypeString | Subtype of PVSETTING_STRING returned. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_INVALID_DATA_TYPE | The setting requested is not of string type. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of settings can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
In/Out | pBufSize | Address of an unsigned long containing the size of the buffer allocated to receive the setting value. Receives the actual size of setting value. |
Out | value | Address of a long integer variable that receives the setting value. |
In | whichData | Flag to indicate which value is requested: PVDATA_DEFAULT returns default value. PVDATA_CURRENT returns current value |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_INVALID_DATA_TYPE | The requested setting is not of string type. |
P_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | Allocated buffer is too small for the string (the return string is truncated). In this case, the required size is returned in pBufSize. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of settings can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
In/Out | pBufSize | Address of an unsigned long containing the size of the buffer allocated to receive the setting value. Receives the actual size of setting value. |
In | whichData | Flag to indicate which value is requested: PVDATA_DEFAULT returns default value. PVDATA_CURRENT returns current value |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_INVALID_DATA_TYPE | The requested setting is not of string type. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | dictHandle | Handle of an open dictionary returned by PvOpenDatabase(). |
In | tableName | Name of table to retrieve. |
Out | tableProps | Structure containing table information. |
Out | columnList | Array of columns defined in the table. |
Out | columnCount | Number of columns in columnList. |
Out | indexList | Array of segments defined in the table. |
Out | indexCount | Number of indexes in the indexList array. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | A general failure occurred |
PCM_errMemoryAllocation | Error during memory allocation |
PCM_errInvalidDictionaryHandle | The specified dictionary handle does not exist. |
In | dictHandle | Handle of an open dictionary returned by PvOpenDatabase(). |
Out | tableList | Array of TABLEMAP structures that contain table names. |
Out | tableCount | Number of table names returned in tableList. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation was not successful. |
PCM_errMemoryAllocation | An error occurred during memory allocation. |
PCM_errInvalidDictionaryHandle | The specified dictionary handle obtained by PvOpenDatabase() is invalid. |
In | dbHandle | Handle of an open database returned by PvOpenDatabase(). |
In | tableName | Table name for which you want statistical information. |
Out | tableStat | TABLESTAT structure containing table statistics information. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation was not successful. |
PCM_errMemoryAllocation | An error occurred during memory allocation. |
PCM_errInvalidDictionaryHandle | The specified dictionary handle obtained by PvOpenDatabase() is invalid. |
PCM_errTableNotFound | The specified table was not found. |
In | dbHandle | Handle of an open database returned by PvOpenDatabase(). |
In | tableName | Table name for which you want statistical information. |
Out | tableStat | TABLESTAT2 structure containing table statistics information. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation was not successful. |
PCM_errMemoryAllocation | An error occurred during memory allocation. |
PCM_errInvalidDictionaryHandle | The specified dictionary handle obtained by PvOpenDatabase() is invalid. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
In | dbHandle | Handle of an open database returned by PvOpenDatabase(). |
In | tableName | Table name for which you want statistical information. |
Out | tableStat | TABLESTAT3 structure containing table statistics information. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation was not successful. |
PCM_errMemoryAllocation | An error occurred during memory allocation. |
PCM_errInvalidDictionaryHandle | The specified dictionary handle obtained by PvOpenDatabase() is invalid. |
PCM_errTableNotFound | The specified table was not found |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of settings can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
Out | pMaxValue | Address of a long integer that receives the upper limit value. If NULL is passed here, no value will be returned. If a negative value is returned, interpret it as follows: /* Maximum valid memory or disk size */P_MAX_MEM_DISK_SIZE -129 /* Maximum size limited by available disk space */P_MAX_LIMITED_BY_DISK -2 /* Maximum size limited by available memory */P_MAX_LIMITED_BY_MEMORY -1 |
Out | pMinValue | Address of a long integer that receives the lower limit value. If NULL is passed here, no value will be returned. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_INVALID_DATA_TYPE | The requested setting is not of long type. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | dbName | Name of the database to check. |
Out | dbAuthentication | 2 if database is secured using domain authentication 1 if database is secured using Zen database authentication 0 if database is not secured |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_ACCESS_RIGHT | Insufficient access right for the operation. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to open the database for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. |
Zero | Setting is unavailable. |
Non-zero | Setting is available. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In/Out | pdsnListSize | Address of an unsigned long containing the size of the buffer for the list of DSNs. Receives actual size of the returned DSN list. |
Out | pdsnList | Contains the list of DSNs if successful. |
In | filtering | Set to 1 if you want only Zen DSNs. Set to 0 if you want all DSNs. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | The buffer is too small for the string. In this case, the required buffer size is returned in pdsnListSize. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | dbNameExisting | Name of the existing database |
In | dbNameNew | Name of the new database. Set this parameter to NULL if you want the database name to remain unchanged. |
In | dictPath | Dictionary path. |
In | dataPath | Data path. Set this value to NULL to use the default data path (that is, the same as the dictionary path) If you want to modify a database to include MicroKernel Engine data files located in multiple paths, specify this parameter as a semicolon (;) delimited list. For example: C:\data\path1;C:\data\path2 |
In | dbFlags | Database flags, which can be a combination of the P_DBFLAG_ constants. • P_DBFLAG_RI (enforce integrity constraints, including referential integrity and triggers) • P_DBFLAG_BOUND (stamps the database name on the dictionary files so only that database can use them) • P_DBFLAG_DBSEC_AUTHENTICATION (use database security authentication, Mixed security policy. See Btrieve Security Policy.) • P_DBFLAG_DBSEC_AUTHORIZATION (use database security authorization, Database security policy. See Btrieve Security Policy.) • P_DBFLAG_LONGMETADATA (use V2 metadata. See Metadata Version.) |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_ACCESS_RIGHT | Insufficient access right for the operation |
P_E_NOT_EXIST | Named database does not exist on the server. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
This Flag Combination | Represents This Security Model |
No flags | Classic |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | dbNameExisting | Name of the existing database |
In | dbNameNew | Name of the new database. Set this parameter to NULL if you want the database name to remain unchanged. |
In | dictPath | Dictionary path. |
In | dataPath | Data path. Set to NULL to use the default data path (that is, the same as the dictionary path) If you want to modify a database to include MicroKernel Engine data files located in multiple paths, specify this parameter as a semicolon (;) delimited list. For example: C:\data\path1;C:\data\path2 |
In | dbFlags | Database flags, which can be a combination of the P_DBFLAG_ constants. • P_DBFLAG_RI (enforce integrity constraints, including referential integrity and triggers) • P_DBFLAG_BOUND (stamps the database name on the dictionary files so only that database can use them) • P_DBFLAG_DBSEC_AUTHENTICATION (use database security authentication, Mixed security policy. See Btrieve Security Policy.) • P_DBFLAG_DBSEC_AUTHORIZATION (use database security authorization, Database security policy. See Btrieve Security Policy.) • P_DBFLAG_LONGMETADATA (use V2 metadata. See Metadata Version.) |
In | dbCodePage | For databases on Windows platforms, a number indicating the code page for database data and metadata strings. For databases on Linux and macOS distributions, one of the following to indicate the code page for database data and metadata strings: • P_DBCODEPAGE_UTF8 • P_DBCODEPAGE_EUCJP • P_DBCODEPAGE_ISO8859_1 For databases on Windows, Linux, and macOS, the value can also be a zero or P_DBCODEPAGE_NA. A zero indicates legacy behavior. That is, no code page is specified, defaulting to the operating system encoding on the server machine. See also the Code Page database property in Zen User’s Guide. P_DBCODEPAGE_NA specifies to leave the code page as is (the database code page is not to be changed). Note: The database engine does not validate the encoding of the data and metadata that an application inserts into a database. The engine assumes that all data was entered using the encoding of the server or the client as explained under Database Code Page and Client Encoding in Advanced Operations Guide. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer |
P_E_ACCESS_RIGHT | Insufficient access right for the operation |
P_E_NOT_EXIST | Named database does not exist on the server. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | pdsnName | Name of the DSN to modify. |
In | pdsnDesc | New description for the DSN. |
In | pdsnDBQ | New Database name for the DSN. |
In | openMode | New Open mode for the DSN, which is one of the following: NORMAL_MODE ACCELERATED_MODE, READONLY_MODE EXCLUSIVE_MODE See also DSN Open Mode in ODBC Guide. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_DSN_DOES_NOT_EXIST | The specified DSN name does not exist. |
P_E_ACCESS_RIGHT | Insufficient access right for the operation. |
P_E_INVALID_OPEN_MODE | The specified open mode is invalid. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to retrieve data path. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | pdsnName | Name of the DSN to modify. |
In | pdsnDesc | New description for the DSN. |
In | pdsnDBQ | New Database name for the DSN. |
In | openMode | Open mode for the DSN, which is one of the following: • NORMAL_MODE • ACCELERATED_MODE • READONLY_MODE • EXCLUSIVE_MODE See also DSN Open Mode in ODBC Guide. |
In | translate | Encoding option for data, which can be one of the following: • DSNFLAG_DEFAULT • DSNFLAG_OEMANSI • DSNFLAG_AUTO See also Encoding Translation in ODBC Guide. Note that DSNFLAG_DEFAULT corresponds to the "None" encoding option in ODBC Administrator. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_DSN_DOES_NOT_EXIST | The specified DSN name does not exist. |
P_E_ACCESS_RIGHT | Insufficient access right for the operation. |
P_E_INVALID_OPEN_MODE | The specified open mode is invalid. |
P_E_INVALID_TRANSLATE_OPTION | The specified encoding translation option is invalid. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to retrieve data path. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | dbName | Name of the database. |
In | dbUser | Database user name if security is defined. |
In | dbPassword | Database password if security is defined. |
Out | dbHandle | Returned handle to the database. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_ACCESS_RIGHT | Insufficient access right for the operation. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to open the database for other reasons. |
PCM_errSessionSecurityError | Invalid user name or password. |
In | path | Fully-qualified path to the dictionary files. |
Out | dictHandle | Handle to be used in subsequent calls |
In | user | User name needed to open the dictionary. This argument can be set to NULL. |
In | password | Used in conjunction with user name to open the dictionary files. Can also be NULL. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation was not successful. |
PCM_errMemoryAllocation | An error occurred during memory allocation. |
PCM_errDictionaryPathNotFound | The specified dictionary path is invalid. |
PCM_errDictionaryAlreadyOpen | The specified dictionary files are currently open. |
PCM_SessionSecurityError | Either the user name or password is invalid. |
In | dbHandle | Handle of an open database returned by PvOpenDatabase(). |
In | user | Database user name. |
In | group | Database group name. |
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation was not successful. |
PCM_errInvalidAccountName | The specified account or user name does not exist. |
PCM_errUserNotPartOfGroup | The specified user is not a member of the group. |
PCM_errDatabaseHasNoSecurity | Database has no security. |
PCM_errSessionSecurityError | Database opened with insufficient privilege. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | dbName | Name of the database. |
In | dbUser | Database user name – must be Master to set security. |
In | dbPassword | Database password for Master user. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_ACCESS_RIGHT | Insufficient access right for the operation. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to open the database for other reasons. |
PCM_errSessionSecurityError | Invalid user name or password. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | dbName | Name of the database. |
In | dbPassword | Database password for Master user. |
In | dbAuthentication | Type of authentication to enable. Values are 1 for database and 2 for domain. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_ACCESS_RIGHT | Insufficient access right for the operation. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to open the database for other reasons. |
PCM_errSessionSecurityError | Invalid password. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of settings can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
In | newValue | Integer value to be set. |
In | whichData | Flag to indicate which value is to be set: • PVDATA_CURRENT means apply setting changes to current session and save to registry, ini or ncf file. Only valid for Trace Op in Btr 6.15 NT release. • PVDATA_PERSISTENT don’t apply setting change to the current session. Save setting to registry, ini or ncf files only. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_INVALID_DATA_TYPE | The setting is not of Boolean type. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of settings can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
In | newValue | Integer value to be set. Before calling this function, check to see that the value is within the limits for the particular setting by using the PvGetValueLimit() function. |
In | whichData | Flag to indicate which value is to be set: PVDATA_CURRENT sets current value. PVDATA_PERSISTENT sets persistent value |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_INVALID_DATA_TYPE | The setting is not of long type. |
P_E_OUT_OF_RANGE | The value specified to be set is out of range. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of settings can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
In | numItems | Number of individual selection items to be set. |
In | pNewValue | Array of individual selection items to be set. |
In | whichData | Flag to indicate which value is to be set: PVDATA_CURRENT sets current value. PVDATA_PERSISTENT sets persistent value |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_INVALID_DATA_TYPE | The setting is not of selection type. |
P_E_INVALID_SELECTION | At least one selection item is invalid. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | settingID | Unique identifier for the setting. A list of settings can be obtained from PvGetSettingList(). |
In | newValue | String value to be set. |
In | whichData | Flag to indicate which value is to be set: PVDATA_CURRENT sets current value. PVDATA_PERSISTENT sets persistent value |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_INVALID_DATA_TYPE | The setting is not of string type. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
In | reserved | Reserved for future use. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
In | preserved | Reserved for future use. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
In | dbName | Name of the database. |
In | dbUser | Database user name - must be Master to enable or disable security. |
In | dbPassword | Database password for Master user. |
P_OK | The operation was successful. |
P_E_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid connection handle. |
P_E_NULL_PTR | Call with NULL pointer. |
P_E_ACCESS_RIGHT | Insufficient access right for the operation. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed to open the database for other reasons. |
PCM_errSessionSecurityError | Invalid user name or password. |
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the PvConnectServer() function. |
P_OK | The validation operation completed successfully. |
P_E_FAIL | The validation operation did not complete successfully. |
Status code pertaining to license administration or to authorization | See Status Codes and Messages for License Administrator Status Codes and Authorization Status Codes. |