About This Document
Status Codes
Successful Interface Completion Status Code
0: The interface completed successfully
1 to 199
MicroKernel Engine Status Codes
1: The operation parameter is invalid
2: The application encountered an I/O error
3: The file is not open
4: The application cannot find the key value
5: The record has a key field containing a duplicate key value
6: The key number parameter is invalid
7: The key number has changed
8: The current positioning is invalid
9: The operation encountered the end-of-file
10: The key field is not modifiable
11: The specified file name is invalid
12: The MicroKernel cannot find the specified file
13: The MicroKernel could not open the extension file for an extended file
14: The MicroKernel cannot create or open the pre-image file
15: The application encountered an I/O error during pre-imaging
16: The application encountered an expansion error
18: The disk is full
19: The application encountered an unrecoverable error
20: The MicroKernel or Btrieve Requester is inactive
21: The key buffer parameter is too short
22: The data buffer parameter is too short
23: The position block parameter is not 128 bytes long
24: The page size or data buffer size is invalid
25: The application cannot create the specified file
26: The number of keys specified is invalid
Conditions For Which Status Code 26 Is Returned
Nullable Columns
27: The key position is invalid
28: The record length is invalid
29: The key length is invalid
30: The file specified is not a MicroKernel file
31: The file is already extended
32: The file cannot be extended
33: The MicroKernel cannot unload
34: The specified extension name is invalid
35: The application encountered a directory error
37: Another transaction is active
38: The MicroKernel encountered a transaction control file I/O error
39: A Begin Transaction operation must precede an End/Abort Transaction operation
40: The file access request exceeds the maximum number of files allowed
41: The MicroKernel does not allow the attempted operation
42: A file previously opened in Accelerated mode was not closed
43: The specified record address is invalid
44: The specified key path is invalid
45: The specified key flags are invalid
46: Access to the requested file is denied
47: The number of files opened exceeds the maximum allowed
48: The alternate collating sequence definition is invalid
49: The extended key type is invalid
50: The file owner is already set
51: The owner name is invalid
52: An error occurred while writing to the cache
53: The language interface version is invalid
54: The variable-length portion of the record is corrupt
55: The application specified an invalid attribute for an AUTOINCREMENT key
56: An index is incomplete
57: An expanded memory error occurred
58: The compression buffer length is too short
59: The specified file already exists
60: The specified reject count has been reached
61: The work space is too small
62: The descriptor is incorrect
63: The data buffer parameter specified on an Insert Extended operation is invalid
64: The filter limit has been reached
65: The field offset is incorrect
66: The maximum number of open databases has been exceeded
67: The MicroKernel cannot open the SQL data dictionary files
68: The MicroKernel cannot perform the RI Delete Cascade operation
69: The Delete operation specified a file that is damaged
71: There is a violation of the RI definitions
72: The MicroKernel cannot open the RI referenced file
73: The RI definition is out of sync
75: The Btrieve operation has been canceled
76: There is a conflict on the referenced file
77: The application encountered a wait error
78: The MicroKernel detected a deadlock condition
79: A programming error occurred
80: The MicroKernel encountered a record-level conflict
81: The MicroKernel encountered a lock error
82: The MicroKernel lost positioning
83: The MicroKernel attempted to update or delete a record that was read outside the transaction
84: The record or page is locked
85: The file is locked
86: The file table is full
87: The handle table is full
88: The application encountered an incompatible mode error
89: A name error occurred
90: The redirected device table is full
91: The application encountered a server error
92: The transaction table is full
93: The record lock types are incompatible
94: The application encountered a permission error
95: The session is no longer valid
96: A communications environment error occurred
97: The data buffer is too small
100: No cache buffers are available
101: Insufficient operating system memory is available
102: Insufficient stack space is available
103: The chunk offset is too big
104: The MicroKernel does not recognize the locale
105: The file cannot be created with Variable-tail Allocation Tables (VATs)
106: The MicroKernel cannot perform a Get Next Chunk operation
107: The application attempted to perform a chunk operation on a pre-6.0 file
109: An unknown error was encountered either creating or accessing a semaphore
110: The MicroKernel cannot access the archival logging configuration file
111: The specified file name was not found in the archival logging configuration file
112: The specified file is in use by another client
113: The MicroKernel is unable to open the archival log for the specified file
114: The archival log for the specified file is invalid
115: The MicroKernel cannot access the archival logging dump file
116: The file is owned by another MicroKernel engine acting as a Gateway
117: Invalid content detected in Continuous Operations delta file
120: Maximum number of B-Tree index levels reached
121: Start of defragmentation blocked by conflicting activity
123: Defragmentation is not supported for certain types of files, such as key-only
124: Defragmentation stopped because request to lock file access timed out with no response
125: Defragmentation stopped because validation failed. No changes have been made to the file.
126: Start of defragmentation blocked by insufficient free storage space
127: Open file handles prevented completion of defragmentation.
130: The MicroKernel ran out of system locks
132: The file has reached its size limit
133: More than 5 concurrent users attempted to access the same data file
134: The MicroKernel cannot read the International Sorting Rule
135: The specified ISR table is corrupt or otherwise invalid
136: The MicroKernel cannot find the specified Alternate Collating Sequence in the file
137: The operation with this access method is incompatible
138: The NULL indicator position is invalid
139: The MicroKernel has detected an unacceptable value in the key number
143: The MicroKernel cannot allow unauthorized access to files in a secure MicroKernel database
146: Duplicate system key
147: The log segment is missing
148: A roll forward error occurred
149: SQL Trigger
151: Chunk Offset Too Small
160: Invalid parameters passed to MicroKernel
161: A key has reached a maximum limit for user count, session count, or data in use, or has changed state to expired or disabled
162: The client table is full
163: The NULL indicator cannot be the last segment
169: Protocol mismatch between client cache and remote engine
170: Database login required
171: Database login failed
172: Database name not found
173: Already logged in
174: Logout failed
175: Wrong database URI format
176: File or table not specified in URI
177: Table not in database
178: Directory not in database
1000 to 1999
MicroKernel Status Codes for Windows and DOS Workstations
1001: The lock parameter is out of range
1002: A memory allocation error occurred
1003: An invalid memory size parameter was specified
1006: The pre-image buffer parameter is out of range
1007: The files parameter is out of range
1008: The initialization parameter is invalid
1009: The transaction file name parameter is invalid
1010: An error occurred during the access of the transaction control file
1011: The compression buffer parameter is out of range
1012: Invalid /n: option
1013: The task list is full
1015: One of the pointer parameters passed to the MicroKernel is invalid
1016: The MicroKernel is already initialized
1017: The Btrieve Requester is unable to find the resource file WBTRVRES.DLL
1018: The application attempted to call the MicroKernel from a Btrieve callback function
1019: The MicroKernel canceled the current Btrieve operation at the request of the application’s Btrieve callback function
1020: Btrieve Requester Interface communications error
1021: The MicroKernel failed to initialize
1022: The MicroKernel is shutting down
2000 to 2099
Btrieve Requester Status Codes
2000: Internal error
2001: The memory allocation is insufficient
2002: Invalid option
2003: The Requester does not allow local access to the specified file
2007: A pointer parameter is invalid
2008: Router cannot find engine
2009: Cannot load MicroKernel Router component
2011: Btrieve requester resource DLL not loaded
2012: The Btrieve requester encountered an operating system error
2200 to 2299
XLT Status Codes
2200: XLT Winsock Error
2201: XLT RPC Error
2300 to 2399
Named Database Status Codes
2300: No more database names are defined
2301: The database name is invalid
2302: Invalid buffer length
2303: The database name must be unique; the specified database name already exists
2304: The database type is invalid
2305: The specified path for data dictionary or data file locations is invalid
2306: DBNAMES.CFG could not be updated
2307: Cannot open DBNAMES.CFG file
2308: The specified RI flag is invalid
2309: The database is in use
2312: The bound database cannot share table data files
2313: The bound database cannot share data dictionary files
2314: Cannot create DBNAMES.CFG file
2316: Cannot create DDF files for the bound database
2324: Data dictionary files are not bound
2325: Data dictionary files are already bound
2326: Data dictionary files are bound, but do not need to be bound
2329: Data file for a table is not bound
2330: Data file for a table is bound, but does not need to be bound
2331: Not allowed to change data dictionary location and change name at the same time
2332: Not allowed to bind database and change name at the same time
2333: Not allowed to unbind database and change name at the same time
2334: Not allowed to create a data dictionary files and change name at the same time
2335: Not allowed to change data locations and change name at the same time
2336: Not allowed to change data dictionary location and bind database at the same time
2337: Not allowed to change data dictionary location and unbind database at the same time
2338: Not allowed to change the dictionary location and create dictionary files at the same time
2339: Not allowed to create data dictionary files and bind database at the same time
2340: Not allowed to create data dictionary and unbind database at the same time
2341: Not allowed to bind database and change data locations at the same time
2342: Not allowed to unbind database and change data locations at the same time
2343: Named database general error
2351: Metadata version mismatch
3000 to 3099
MicroKernel Router Status Codes
3000: The MicroKernel router encountered a memory allocation error
3001: Local access is unavailable to the MicroKernel router
3002: The MicroKernel router resource DLL is unavailable
3003: The MicroKernel router detected an incompatible network component
3004: The MicroKernel is not responding to the MicroKernel router
3005: The MicroKernel router encountered an operating system error
3006: The MicroKernel router detected an invalid session
3008: Invalid configuration for MicroKernel router
3009: NETinterface.DLL is not loaded
3012: Local engine is not accessible to the MicroKernel router
3013: The remote engine is inaccessible to the MicroKernel router because the networking component is not loaded
3014: The MicroKernel router cannot find an engine
3015: The MicroKernel router encountered an initialization error
3016: The MicroKernel router encountered an internal error
3017: Data buffer of the local engine is too small
3018: The file is already closed
3019: The MicroKernel router encountered a semaphore error
3020: An error occurred while loading the MicroKernel
3021: The MicroKernel router received a badly formatted data packet
3022: The MicroKernel router could not send the request to the remote engine because the specified data buffer length resulted in a data packet object that is too large
3030: Remote access not allowed
3031: Linux requester cannot connect to this server
3032: Failed to initialize shared memory to local engine
3100 to 3199
Network Services Layer Status Codes
3103: Server name not found by Zen network services layer
3104: The Zen network services layer encountered a permission error
3105: No available transport protocol for the Zen network services layer
3106: The Zen network services layer encountered a connection failure
3107: The Zen network services layer is out of memory
3108: The Zen network services layer detected an invalid session
3110: The network layer is not connected
3111: Failure during send to the target server
3112: Failure during receive from the target server
3114: The routing table of the Zen network services layer is full
3115: Zen network services layer encountered a transport failure
3116: Zen network services layer encountered a buffer mismatch
3119: No authentication context is available
3124: Zen network services layer task table is full
3126: The Zen network services layer was unable to resolve the given file name into a valid path
3131: Zen network services layer encountered an error while reconnecting
3132: Unsupported Function
4000 to 4099
Database Utilities Status Codes
4083: Component not loaded
4086: An internal error occurred. Utilities Requester receive size too small. Verify that the correct components are loaded
5000 to 5999
Encryption Status Codes
5000: Client requires encryption
5001: Server requires encryption
6000 to 6050
Data Dictionary Status Codes
6002: Invalid Column
6003: Foreign Key Not Found
6005: Column Not Nullable
6006: Invalid Data Type
6007: Invalid Index Number
6008: Too Many Segments
6009: Index Name Duplicate
7000 to 7050
Distributed Tuning Interface Status Codes
7001: Invalid connection handle specified
7002: NULL pointer specified
7003: Buffer was too small
7004: A general failure occurred
7005: Invalid data type specified
7006: Setting value is out of range
7007: At least one selection item is invalid
7008: Invalid sequence number
7009: Data on open files is not available
7010: Client ID is invalid
7011: Insufficient access rights
7012: Named database already exists
7013: Named database does not exist
7014: DTI not initialized
7015: File not open
7016: Dictionary files already exist
7017: Dictionary path in use
7018: Invalid DSN name
7019: DSN already exists
7020: Specified DSN does not exist
7021: Invalid open mode for DSN
7022: Component not loaded
7023: The database files cannot be deleted because they are shared with another database
7024: Invalid Btrieve Security Policy
7025: Server name not found
7026: Requester not loaded
7027: Server table full
7028: Client connections limit exceeded
7029: Permissions Error
7030: Out of memory
7031: No transport is available
7032: Connection failure
7033: Connection was lost
7034: Database name is too long
7035: Insufficient number of data paths
7036: File name already exists
7037: Password is invalid
7038: Destination data path is invalid
7039: Dictionary path is invalid
7040: Filter option is invalid
7041: Cannot perform operation because database entries in FILE.DDF contain absolute paths
7042: Bound database requires data dictionary files
7043: Invalid character sent by client
7044: Invalid character received by client
7045: Internal buffer too small
7046: Invalid encoding translation option
7047: Invalid code page for database
7048: Invalid operation
7049: Cannot create DDFs due to metadata version mismatch with existing DDFs in the location provided
7064 to 7140
License Administrator Status Codes
7064: No license obtained for the product
7065: A product has not been obtained
7101: Invalid character in the license string
7102: Illegal license type is defined
7108: License key length is too long
7109: No such license exists
7110: Only temporary licenses are installed on the system and all of them have expired
7111: Temporary licenses cannot be deauthorized. The license becomes invalid after its expiration date.
7112: License is already installed
7113: Invalid license key. Verify the provided key
Special consideration for telephone authorization
7115: Invalid product ID
7116: Buffer overflow
7117: License key is too long
7118: The server is not running. Unable to show, authorize, or deauthorize a license. Verify that the server is running and that network communications are functioning.
7119: The local server is not running. Unable to show, authorize, or deauthorize a license.
7120: The license cannot be deauthorized
7122: Your trial license has expired
7124: An increase key for user count, session count, or data in use must have a vendor ID that matches the vendor ID of an authorized permanent key
7125: An active permanent license already exists
7126: Cannot increase the value beyond the maximum limit for user count, session count, or data in use
7127: This key or a related key requires deauthorization. This version of the client cannot deauthorize a key.
7130: The Zen product version for this key does not match the installed Zen engine
7131: The OS platform for this key does not match the installed Zen engine
7132: The Zen engine type for this key does not match the installed Zen engine
7133: An associated UCI key is preventing the deauthorization of the permanent key. The UCI key may already be in the failed or disabled state, or it may be set to transition into the failed state the next time it is validated. Repair the UCI key and try again to deauthorize the permanent key.
7140: The operation is not supported on this version of the engine.
7200 to 7499
Authorization Status Codes
7201: An error in one of the authorization libraries prevents further processing
7212: Invalid product key for authorization
7213: Product key does not pass checksum validation for authorization
7215: Unable to determine machine ID. Verify you are logged on with administrator permissions and retry.
7218: Debug entry logged pertaining to acquiring the machine configuration
7221: Authorizing or deauthorizing a key requires database engine to be running
7222: DTI call could not be completed or there is a problem connecting to the engine
7223: DTI returned invalid license string
7224: User lacks the appropriate rights to authorize or deauthorize a key
7226: Deauthorizing a key requires an authorized key
7235: Product authorization is not supported on this version of Zen
7239: Internet connection cannot access authorization server
7241: Authorization service support files not found
7252: Authorization key is invalid for the target machine
7254: Key cannot be authorized because it contains invalid license data. Contact your product key vendor.
7260: The offline data does not pass validation
7261: Error encountered while saving the offline authorization request data file
7262: Error encountered while loading the offline authorization key data file
7264: Product key is invalid
7265: Authorization of the authorization key data must be on the same machine where the authorization request data was generated
7267: This stage of the offline authorization is invalid or inconsistent with the requested offline operation
7268: Offline authorization must be performed locally
7269: An internal error occurred while trying to process the offline operation on the local machine
7300: Local licensing component incompatible with remote licensing server
7305: Product key not found in authorization database
7306: Product key is not in a valid state
7310: Product key has been disabled in the authorization database
7311: Product Key is not a valid length
7313: Product key is already used on a different machine
7314: This key cannot be deauthorized because it was authorized on a machine with a different machine signature. Either it is being used on a different machine or, more likely, the hardware signature of the original machine has changed. If you are cloning or copying a key licensed for use on only one machine, please purchase another valid license key. Otherwise, repair the key, then try again to deauthorize it.
7315: Product key is already used on this machine
7317: Deauthorizing a key requires an authorized key
7334: Key has no machine signature associated with it
7335: Operation is not allowed on a Multimachine Key
7336: Authorization server prohibits authorization from within a Virtual Machine session
7337: The number of cores in the system exceeds the maximum allowed by the product key.
7338: Authorization not allowed in debug mode
7340: Product key cannot be authorized because the maximum usage count has been reached. Contact your product key vendor.
7341: Product key cannot be authorized because the maximum number of authorizations has been reached. Contact your product key vendor.
7342: Product key cannot be deauthorized because the maximum number of deauthorizations has been reached. Contact your product key vendor.
7343: Product key cannot be repaired because the maximum number of repairs has been reached. Contact your product key vendor.
7346: Product key has been authorized on the maximum number of machines allowed. Contact your product key vendor.
7347: Maximum number of offline authorizations has been reached. Contact your product key vendor.
7348: Temporary License key cannot be deauthorized
7349: Temporary License key has already been authorized
7365: Record changes were blocked due to multi-user access
7366: Authorization server is busy
7367: Multi-user access is preventing the operation from being completed
7369: The server is currently unavailable. Please try again later.
7380: The Country or City is in the embargo list
7422: Login failed. The user credentials are invalid.
7423: Permission for requested operation has been denied
7424: User account is inactive
7449: Key cannot be set to active because of a pending issue with the key vendor. Contact your product key vendor.
7450: OEM ID does not exist
7451: OEM account is inactive
7452: OEM user is inactive
7456: Invalid OEM user ID for the requested record
7457: OEM product (Workgroup/Server) is not an authorized product
7458: Maximum number of resets or repairs for the product key has been reached
7471: Maximum number of seats for this OEM has been reached
7472: Maximum number of licenses for this OEM has been reached
7473: Maximum number of seats for this OEM account has been reached
7474: Maximum number of licenses for this OEM account has been reached
7475: Invalid value for user count, session count, or data in use
7477: The OS Platform type is invalid for this account
7478: Product type is invalid for this account
7479: Upgrade type is invalid for this account
8000 to 8499
Component Management Status Codes
8005: Interface not initialized
8006: The specified component was not found
8020: Error loading component
8022: Component not initialized
8097: General security error
8500 to 8589
ECAS Interface Status Codes
8500: An error occurred during the components initialization
8502: An error occurred when trying to locate W3UPIXYY.DLL
8503: An invalid W3UPIXYY.DLL has been found
8504: An error occurred when trying to create system semaphore
8505: An initialization error occurred when trying to establish a session with the Zen engine
8506: A fatal error occurred when loading the MicroKernel
8507: No valid session was found
8508: An error occurred when attempting to enable Btrieve access
8509: A timeout occurred during the initialization of the MicroKernel
8510: A fatal error occurred when loading the Scalable SQL engine
8511: An error occurred when attempting to enable SQL access
8512: A timeout occurred during the initialization of the Scalable SQL engine
8513: An error occurred when disabling Btrieve access
8514: An error occurred when unloading the MicroKernel
8515: An error occurred when disabling SQL access
8516: An error occurred when unloading the Scalable SQL engine
8517: An error occurred when closing the session with the Zen engine
8518: An error occurred when attempting to allocate system memory
8519: A fatal error occurred when loading the SRDE
8520: A timeout occurred during the initialization of the SRDE module
8521: An error occurred when unloading the SRDE module
8590 to 8599
Database Engine Service Status Codes
8590: An error occurred in the database manager while initializing Components Manager
8591: The database manager is already loaded
8592: Insufficient memory to load the database manager
8593: An error occurred while the database manager was creating a system thread
8594: Engine cannot be restarted
10000 to 10100
SQL Connection Manager Codes
10000 through 10064: You have been unexpectedly disconnected from the server
10065: Connection attempt timed out
-1000 to -5300
Relational Engine Status Codes
-1003: Invalid API parameter
-1011: Out of memory
-1020: No more file handles
-1024: File share violation
-1026: Record size limit exceeded
-1032: File access denied
-1040: Too many columns defined
-1113: Too many active sessions
-1206: Non-db file or corrupted db
-1207: Database exclusively locked
-1250: Same column cannot be renamed and modified
-1251: Multiple columns may not be renamed to the same name
-1252: Column may not be renamed multiple times
-1302: Table is exclusively locked
-1303: Table already exists
-1304: Table is in use, cannot perform operation
-1305: No such table or object
-1309: No DDLs without exclusive lock
-1312: View already exists
-1313: Trigger already exists
-1314: No such table exists
-1315: No such view exists
-1316: No such trigger exists
-1317: No such index exists
-1403: Duplicate index exists
-1404: No such index
-1504: Null not valid
-1507: No such column
-1508: Field is already defined
-1513: Index column type not supported
-1520: Key length is invalid
-1603: Currency not on a record
-1605: Illegal duplicate key
-1809: Permission denied
-1810: You are not authorized to perform this operation
-1902: Unable to log on. An invalid Username/Password may have been specified
-1903: Invalid account name
-1905: Invalid password
-1907: Access denied
-3001: User-defined functions with the same name already exist
-3002: The user-defined function name is invalid. User-defined function name can contain 1 to 30 characters
-3003: Cannot insert into a COBOL data file. Invalid operation
-3005: Cannot alter a COBOL fake table. Invalid operation
-3006: Cannot create triggers on COBOL tables. Invalid operation
-3007: Cannot create indexes on OCCURS/REDEFINES fields. Invalid operation
-3008: A dependent OCCURS table entry exists. Drop this OCCURS table to drop the main table
-3009: There is a dependent REDEFINES table. Drop this REDEFINES table to drop the main table
-3010: An OCCURS table with a mapping index to this index exists. Cannot drop index
-3011: A push-down filter has been defined on this column. This column cannot be updated
-3012: Only CREATE INDEX IN DICTIONARY operation is supported for COBOL fake main table and variant records
-3014: Trigger already exists
-3015: Procedure already exists
-3016: The fixed-portion size of a record exceeds 65535 bytes
-3017: Invalid path/file name
-3018: Invalid data type conversion to an identity column
-3019: Cannot drop a system table
-3020: Invalid USING path/file name
-3021: Invalid IN DICTIONARY
-3022: Invalid BLOB/CLOB data type in legacy table that contains NOTE/LVAR
-3023: Data type mismatch
-3024: String or binary data truncation error
-3025: Arithmetic overflow error
-3026: Invalid NULL conversion
-3027: Invalid foreign key constraint name
-3028: Invalid password
-3029: Invalid group or user name
-3030: Invalid procedure or trigger name
-3031: MKC library cannot be loaded
-3032: Column in use by primary key
-3033: Column in use by foreign key
-3034: Type cannot be null
-3035: Length of the foreign key is incompatible
-3036: Scale of the foreign key is incompatible
-3037: Precision of the foreign key is incompatible
-3038: Data Type of the foreign key is incompatible
-3039: Trigger dependency
-3040: Group already exists
-3041: User already exists
-3043: Table referenced by foreign key
-3044: Too many levels of trigger recursion
-3045: Index in use by foreign key
-3046: Integrity Constraint Violation
-3047: RI no matching primary key
-3048: Invalid page size
-3049: Invalid free space threshold
-3050: Invalid page number
-3051: The dictionary is in use
-3052: Dictionary already exists
-3053: RI table does not exist
-3054: Duplicate savepoint name error
-3055: Only one Alternate Collating Sequence per index
-3056: Add Nullable column in legacy table
-3057: Conflicting collation
-3058: Drop last column
-3059: Database could not find dictionary files
-3060: Constraint already exists
-3061: Invalid constraint name
-3062: Database has no security
-3063: Database already secured
-3064: Alter legacy table
-3065: Invalid login
-3066: Group not found
-3067: Group not empty
-3068: Not allowed to define synonym for Public
-3069: Not allowed to drop Public
-3070: Not allowed to drop Administrator
-3071: Cannot revoke synonym privileges
-3072: Cannot grant synonym privileges
-3073: Privileges cannot be revoked from Administrator
-3075: Conversion rename error
-3076: Conversion delete error
-3077: Bad index name
-3078: Bad column name
-3079: Bad table name
-3080: Data not bound
-3081: Wrong DDF bind information
-3082: DDF already bound
-3083: DDF not bound
-3084: Shared DDF
-3085: Shared data file
-3086: Index in use by primary key
-3087: Primary key already exists
-3088: Incompatible file version
-3089: Inconsistent multipath
-3090: Delete connected cycle
-3091: Self referencing delete not cascade
-3092: RI synchronization
-3093: Trigger RI conflict
-3094: Invalid delete rule
-3095: Invalid update rule
-3096: Object in use
-3097: Invalid collate
-3098: Number out of range
-3099: Foreign key invalid database name
-3348: Cannot create DDFs due to metadata version mismatch with existing DDFs in the location provided
-3358: Not allowed to unbind database and change data locations at the same time
-3359: Not allowed to bind database and change data locations at the same time
-3360: Not allowed to create data dictionary and unbind database at the same time
-3362: Not allowed to change the dictionary location and create dictionary files at the same time
-3363: Not allowed to change data dictionary location and unbind database at the same time
-3364: Not allowed to change data dictionary location and bind database at the same time
-3365: Not allowed to change data locations and change name at the same time
-3366: Not allowed to create a data dictionary files and change name at the same time
-3367: Not allowed to unbind database and change name at the same time
-3368: Not allowed to bind database and change name at the same time
-3369: Not allowed to change data dictionary location and change name at the same time
-3370: Data file for a table is bound, but does not need to be bound
-3371: Data file for a table is not bound
-3374: Data dictionary files are bound, but do not need to be bound
-3375: Data dictionary files are already bound
-3376: Data dictionary files are not bound
-3383: Cannot create DDF files for the bound database
-3385: Cannot create DBNAMES.CFG file
-3386: The bound database cannot share data dictionary files
-3387: The bound database cannot share table data files
-3390: The database is in use
-3391: The specified RI flag is invalid
-3392: Cannot open DBNAMES.CFG file
-3393: DBNAMES.CFG could not be updated
-3394: The specified path for data dictionary or data file locations is invalid
-3395: The database type is invalid
-3396: The database name must be unique; the specified database name already exists
-3397: Invalid buffer length
-3398: The database name is invalid
-3399: No more database names are defined
-3401: Invalid column-level GRANT statement
-3473: The Zen network services layer was unable to resolve the given file name into a valid path
-3475: Zen network services layer task table is full
-3480: No authentication context is available
-3484: Zen network services layer encountered a transport failure
-3485: The routing table of the Zen network services layer is full
-3487: Failure during receive from the target server
-3488: Failure during send to the target server
-3489: The network layer is not connected
-3491: The Zen network services layer detected an invalid session
-3492: The Zen network services layer is out of memory
-3493: The Zen network services layer encountered a connection failure
-3494: No available transport protocol for the Zen network services layer
-3495: The Zen network services layer encountered a permission error
-3496: Server name not found by Zen network services layer
-3777: The MicroKernel router could not send the request to the remote engine because the specified data buffer length resulted in a data packet object that is too large
-3778: The MicroKernel router received a badly formatted data packet
-3779: An error occurred while loading the MicroKernel
-3780: The MicroKernel router encountered a semaphore error
-3781: The file is already closed
-3782: Data buffer of the local engine is too small
-3783: The MicroKernel router encountered an internal error
-3784: The MicroKernel router encountered an initialization error
-3785: The MicroKernel router cannot find an engine
-3786: The remote engine is inaccessible to the MicroKernel router because the networking component is not loaded
-3787: Local engine is not accessible to the MicroKernel router
-3790: NETinterface.DLL is not loaded
-3791: Invalid configuration for MicroKernel router
-3793: The MicroKernel router detected an invalid session
-3794: The MicroKernel router encountered an operating system error
-3795: The MicroKernel is not responding to the MicroKernel router
-3796: The MicroKernel router detected an incompatible network component
-3797: The MicroKernel router resource DLL is unavailable
-3798: Local access is unavailable to the MicroKernel router
-3799: The MicroKernel router encountered a memory allocation error
-4001: No relational operator found in the specified push-down filter
-4002: Specified push-down filter field not found in the table
-4003: The push-down filter specified contains invalid relational operator
-4837: The client table is full
-4838: A key has reached a maximum limit for user count, session count, or data in use, or has changed state to expired or disabled.
-4850: Problem Firing Trigger
-4851: A roll forward error occurred
-4852: The log segment is missing
-4853: Duplicate sys key
-4856: The MicroKernel cannot allow unauthorized access to files in a secure MicroKernel database
-4860: The MicroKernel has detected an unacceptable value in the key number
-4861: The NULL indicator position is invalid
-4863: The MicroKernel cannot find the specified Alternate Collating Sequence in the file
-4864: The specified ISR table is corrupt or otherwise invalid
-4865: The MicroKernel cannot read the International Sorting Rule
-4866: More than 5 concurrent users attempted to access the same data file
-4867: The file has reached its size limit
-4869: The MicroKernel ran out of system locks
-4884: The file is owned by another MicroKernel engine acting as a Gateway
-4885: The MicroKernel cannot access the archival logging dump file
-4886: The archival log for the specified file is invalid
-4887: The MicroKernel cannot find the archival log for the specified file
-4888: The specified file is in use by another client
-4889: The specified file name was not found in the archival logging configuration file
-4890: The MicroKernel cannot access the archival logging configuration file
-4891: An unknown error was encountered either creating or accessing a semaphore
-4892: The application attempted to perform a chunk operation on a pre-6.0 file
-4893: The MicroKernel cannot perform a Get Next Chunk operation
-4894: The file cannot be created with Variable-tail Allocation Tables (VATs)
-4895: The MicroKernel does not recognize the locale
-4896: The chunk offset is too big
-4897: Insufficient stack space is available
-4898: Insufficient operating system memory is available
-4899: No cache buffers are available
-4902: The data buffer is too small
-4903: A communications environment error occurred
-4904: The session is no longer valid
-4905: The application encountered a permission error
-4906: The record lock types are incompatible
-4907: The transaction table is full
-4908: The application encountered a server error
-4909: The redirected device table is full
-4910: A name error occurred
-4911: The application encountered an incompatible mode error
-4912: The handle table is full
-4913: The file table is full
-4914: File is locked
-4915: Record is locked
-4916: The MicroKernel attempted to update or delete a record that was read outside the transaction
-4917: The MicroKernel lost positioning
-4918: The MicroKernel encountered a lock error
-4919: The MicroKernel encountered a record-level conflict
-4920: A programming error occurred
-4921: The MicroKernel detected a deadlock condition
-4922: The application encountered a wait error
-4923: There is a conflict on the referenced file
-4926: The RI definition is out of sync
-4927: The MicroKernel cannot open the RI referenced file
-4928: There is a violation of the RI definitions
-4930: The Delete operation specified a file that is damaged
-4931 The MicroKernel cannot perform the RI Delete Cascade operation
-4932: The MicroKernel cannot open the SQL data dictionary files
-4933: The maximum number of open databases has been exceeded
-4934: The field offset is incorrect
-4935: The filter limit has been reached
-4936: The data buffer parameter specified on an Insert Extended operation is invalid
-4937: The descriptor is incorrect
-4938: The work space is too small
-4939: The specified reject count has been reached
-4940: The specified file already exists
-4941: The compression buffer length is too short
-4942: An expanded memory error occurred
-4943: An index is incomplete
-4944: The application specified an invalid attribute for an AUTOINCREMENT key
-4945: The variable-length portion of the record is corrupt
-4946: The language interface version is invalid
-4947: An error occurred while writing to the cache
-4948: The owner name is invalid
-4949: The file owner is already set
-4950: The extended key type is invalid
-4951: The alternate collating sequence definition is invalid
-4952: The number of files opened exceeds the maximum allowed
-4953: Access to the requested file is denied
-4954: The specified key flags are invalid
-4955: The specified key path is invalid
-4956: The specified record address is invalid
-4957: A file previously opened in Accelerated mode was not closed
-4958: The MicroKernel does not allow the attempted operation
-4959: The file access request exceeds the maximum number of files allowed
-4960: A Begin Transaction operation must precede an End/Abort Transaction operation
-4961: The MicroKernel encountered a transaction control file I/O error
-4962: Another transaction is active
-4964: The application encountered a directory error
-4965: The specified extension name is invalid
-4966: The MicroKernel cannot unload
-4967: The file cannot be extended
-4968: The file is already extended
-4969: The file specified is not a MicroKernel file
-4970: The key length is invalid
-4971: The record length is invalid
-4972: The key position is invalid
-4973: The number of keys specified is invalid
-4974: The application cannot create the specified file
-4975: The page size or data buffer size is invalid
-4976: The position block parameter is not 128 bytes long
-4977: The data buffer parameter is too short
-4978: The key buffer parameter is too short
-4979: The MicroKernel or Btrieve Requester is inactive
-4980: The application encountered an unrecoverable error
-4981: The disk is full
-4983: The application encountered an expansion error
-4984: The application encountered an I/O error during pre-imaging
-4985: The MicroKernel cannot create or open the pre-image file
-4986: The MicroKernel could not open the extension file for an extended file
-4987: The MicroKernel cannot find the specified file
-4988: The specified file name is invalid
-4989: The key field is not modifiable
-4990: The operation encountered the end-of-file
-4991: The current positioning is invalid
-4992: The key number has changed
-4993: The key number parameter is invalid
-4994: The record has a key field containing a duplicate value
-4995: The application cannot find the key value
-4996: The file is not open
-4997: The application encountered an I/O error
-4998: The operation parameter is invalid
-5022: Columns in the selection list and the returns clause do not match
-5025: Only IN parameter types allowed for user-defined functions
-5027: Invalid Syntax. The last statement included within a function must be a return statement
-5031: Default value cannot have the same UDF name as the UDF being created
-5032: RETURN statements in a UDF must have an argument
-5099: Error condition pertaining to a stored procedure
-5202: Record is locked
-5204: Table is not open
-5208: Invalid date
-5219: Translation failed
-5220: Invalid procedure name
-5221: Invalid predicate name
-5222: Invalid Code Page value
-5223: User-defined function name cannot be same as built-in function name
-5225: Cannot drop an in-built function or an aggregate function
-5226: Cannot invoke a user-defined function using CALL statement
-5229: Invalid user-defined or scalar function
-5230: No such stored procedure
-5231: Stored procedure already exists
-5232: UDF already exists
-5233: Only database qualifier is allowed
-5235: Domain Authentication Failed
-5236: Bad Domain User Name or Password
-5237: No Zen Group Associated to Domain User
-5238: Multiple Zen Groups Associated to Domain User
-5239: Domain Authentication is a Windows Platform Security Option
-5240: The RPC Server is Unavailable
-5241: Session Credential Conflict Error
-5243: Specified column number is not valid
-5245: Procedure/view permissions not supported on this metadata version
-5247: This feature is not supported for the current metadata version
-5248: Invalid partial column
-100 to -199
Informative Status Codes
-101: The SET statement completed successfully
-102: The INSERT statement completed successfully
-103: The UPDATE statement completed successfully
-104: The DELETE statement completed successfully
-105: The CREATE statement completed successfully
-106: The ALTER TABLE statement completed successfully
-107: The DROP statement completed successfully
-108: The statement contains unresolved substitution variables and cannot be executed
-109: The view contains no more records
-110: The GRANT statement completed successfully
-111: The REVOKE statement completed successfully
-112: The START TRANSACTION statement completed successfully
-113: The COMMIT WORK statement completed successfully
-114: The ROLLBACK WORK statement completed successfully
-115: The MicroKernel successfully recalled the stored SQL statement
-116: The MicroKernel successfully executed the stored SQL statement
-118: The DECLARE statement completed successfully
-119: The SET assignment statement completed successfully
-120: The OPEN statement completed successfully
-121: The CLOSE statement completed successfully
-122: The FETCH statement completed successfully
-123: The positioned UPDATE statement completed successfully
-124: The positioned DELETE statement completed successfully
-125: The CALL stored procedure statement completed successfully
(No prefix)
Generic Messages
Bfloat and Float Fields Must Be 4 or 8 Bytes
Column level permissions not allowed on views
First and Second Password Entries Do Not Match, Please Retype
Incorrect Parameter
Insufficient Memory
Invalid Load File Format. End of Record Marker Not Found
Local Engine Is Already Loaded
Must Have DOS 3.1 or Greater
Only Master user name can be specified in Execute As clause
Redirection List Not Large Enough
Specifying EXECUTE privilege for a Table is illegal
Specifying REFERENCES or EXECUTE privilege for a view is illegal
Specifying SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or REFERENCES privilege for a Procedure is illegal
SQL Requester Is Already Loaded
Requester Utility Messages
BREQUTIL-8: MicroKernel or MKDE Requester is not loaded
BREQUTIL-9: MKDE operation nn was unsuccessful. The number of the applicable MKDE status code is nn
BREQUTIL-16: MicroKernel or MKDE Requester cannot be removed from memory while the MKDE is loaded
Maintenance Utility Messages
BUTIL-1: Message file initialization failed
BUTIL-2: Message file initialization failed. BUTIL was unable to access BTIUTILD.MSG
BUTIL-6: The BUTIL command is invalid
BUTIL-8: The command completed, but one or more errors occurred
BUTIL-9: The command did not complete due to an unrecoverable error
BUTIL-10: The command line contains a syntax error
BUTIL-11: The command line requires the index file
BUTIL-12: The command line requires the key number
BUTIL-13: The key size for key of type xxxx is invalid
BUTIL-14: The file that caused the error was <filename>
BUTIL-15: Error occurred on key segment descriptor xxx of description file
BUTIL-16: BUTIL could not open the description file
BUTIL-18: An error occurred during access of the sequential file
BUTIL-19: BUTIL could not open the alternate collating sequence file
BUTIL-20: An error occurred during access of the alternate collating sequence file
BUTIL-21: The file version is earlier than 6.0
BUTIL-23: The /D parameter specified to the Requester was too small for BUTIL to receive the entire record. BUTIL is writing only nn bytes
BUTIL-25: The /D parameter specified to BUTIL was too small for BUTIL to receive any part of the record
BUTIL-26: The data buffer is too small to hold any part of the record
BUTIL-27: An error occurred during the access of the variable page. BUTIL is writing the obtainable portion of the variable page.
BUTIL-30: The key position cannot exceed the record length
BUTIL-31: The key position plus key length cannot exceed the record length
BUTIL-32: The key length must be an even number for key type xxxx
BUTIL-36: The page size must be a multiple of 512, from 512 to 4,096
BUTIL-37: The record length cannot exceed the page size
BUTIL-38: The record length must be at least 4 and no greater than 4,096
BUTIL-41: The alternate collating sequence cannot be found
BUTIL-43: The file exists, but the Replace option was not specified
BUTIL-44: The file access error nn occurred for file filename
BUTIL-45: The number of duplicate keys must be between 1 and 119
BUTIL-47: BUTIL cannot open the command file
BUTIL-48: The command file is empty
BUTIL-49: The command file exceeds 1,000 bytes
BUTIL-50: An internal error caused BUTIL to terminate
BUTIL-52: MKDE cannot be stopped when SQL is loaded
BUTIL-53: MKDE error nn occurred for file or command xxxx
BUTIL-60: The end of the file occurred while BUTIL was expecting keyword xxxx on key segment descriptor nn
BUTIL-61: The end of the file occurred while BUTIL was expecting keyword xxxx
BUTIL-62: BUTIL was expecting keyword xxxx on key segment descriptor nn
BUTIL-63: BUTIL was expecting keyword xxxx
BUTIL-65: BUTIL has loaded no records
BUTIL-66: BUTIL has loaded nn records so far
BUTIL-70: The MKDE error nn occurred on closing a file
BUTIL-74: MKDE error nn was returned for the Stop Command
BUTIL-76: When BUTIL wrote the Page Allocation Table at page #nn, an error occurred
BUTIL-77: When BUTIL wrote a mirror copy of the Page Allocation Table at page #nn, an error occurred
BUTIL-82: Error occurred on file specification of the description file
BUTIL-84: BUTIL internal error
BUTIL-90: BUTIL could not allocate enough memory
BUTIL-91: BUTIL could not determine the size of the file
BUTIL-100: An internal status code nn
BUTIL-101: The list of files that were not processed is: list
BUTIL-102: A Roll Forward error occurred
BUTIL-103: Log segment number nn is missing
BUTIL-131: BUTIL was unable to create or open the sequential file
BUTIL-132: The disk volume is full
BUTIL-134: BUTIL was unable to create or open the new file
BUTIL-136: BUTIL was unable to write the new backup file
BUTIL-141: File xx has an invalid extension. This extension is reserved for extended unformatted files
BUTIL-142: File xx exists
BUTIL-143: File xx exists. This file is a potential extension of file yy. Remove this file and other potential extension files in this directory
BUTIL-144: File xx has reached the size limit. The utility created one or more extension files. The last extension file is yy
BUTIL-145: The utility found file xx. Remove this file before loading data from file yy
BUTIL-146: The source file and output file cannot be the same.
BUTIL-147: The utility cannot read record number xx due to MicroKernel error yy. The utility will attempt to read the remaining records from the opposite direction.
BUTIL-148: Program aborted by user
BUTIL-149: The utility cannot create a temporary file in the current directory to process the STAT command.
BUTIL-152: There was an error opening file filename
BUTIL-155: BUTIL cannot open the file filename
BUTIL-156: Failed to login to database. MicroKernel status xx is returned
BUTIL-157: Failed to logout from database. MicroKernel status xx is returned
BUTIL-158: Invalid level value. Level must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.
MicroKernel Engine Messages
MKDE-12: The value specified for the –option is invalid
MKDE-13: The option specified is not a valid option
MKDE-16: There is insufficient memory to load the MicroKernel Engine
MKDE-20: The log file filename cannot be written. Check disk space
MKDE-25: The file filename is rolling back
MKDE-51: Program initialization failed; the program was not loaded
MKDE-57: The file filename cannot be created in the log segment directory xxxx
MKDE-58: The file filename cannot be opened in the log segment directory xxxx
MKDE-59: The log segment file filename cannot be created
MKDE-75: The log file format is invalid
MKDE-76: An Open operation failed on “xxxx” with MKDE error nn
MKDE-77: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on INSERT to “xxxx”
MKDE-78: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on UPDATE in “xxxx”
MKDE-79: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on DELETE from “xxxx”
MKDE-80: The system is out of memory
MKDE-81: An internal error nn occurred
MKDE-82: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on GET EQUAL in “xxxx”
MKDE-83: The log file is corrupt
MKDE-84: An error occurred while reading the log file
MKDE-85: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on CREATE INDEX to filename
MKDE-86: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on DROP INDEX to filename
MKDE-87: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on BEGIN TRANSACTION to filename
MKDE-88: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on END TRANSACTION to filename
MKDE-89: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on ABORT TRANSACTION to filename
MKDE-90: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on CLOSE to filename
MKDE-91: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on GET POSITION to filename
MKDE-92: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on BEGIN TRANSACTION
MKDE-93: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on END TRANSACTION
MKDE-94: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on ABORT TRANSACTION
MKDE-98: The log segment file SYS:SYSTEM/MKDE/LOG/0000XXX.LOG cannot be created. There was an error on the console or in zen.log
MKDE-103: System Error
MKDE-1001: The value specified for Cache Allocation is invalid
MKDE-1002: The value specified for Longest Compressed Record Size is invalid
MKDE-1003: The value specified for Extended Operation Buffer Size is invalid
MKDE-1004: The value specified for Open Files is invalid
MKDE-1005: The value specified for Operation Bundle Limit is invalid
MKDE-1007: The value specified for Number of Handles is invalid
MKDE-1008: The value specified for I/O Threads is invalid
MKDE-1009: The value specified for Maximum Sort Buffer is invalid
MKDE-1010: The path specified for Temporary Sorting Files is invalid
MKDE-1011: Info: The Number of Handles cannot be less than the Number of Open Files
MKDE-1015: The value specified for Maximum Record Size is invalid
MKDE-1017: The value specified for System Transaction Hold Limit is invalid
MKDE-1019: The value specified for Maximum Active Clients is invalid
MKDE-1020: The value specified for Worker Threads is invalid
MKDE-1021: The value specified for Thread Priority Delta is invalid
MKDE-1022: The value specified for Initiation Time Limit is invalid
MKDE-1023: The value specified for Disk I/O Wait Time is invalid
MKDE-1024: The value specified for Page Write Group Size is invalid
MKDE-1025: The value specified for Auto-Terminate Delay is invalid
MKDE-1026: The value specified for Number of Lines Allocated is invalid
MKDE-1027: The value specified for Message Log File Limit is invalid
MKDE-1028: The path specified for Home Directory is invalid
MKDE-1030: The value specified for the option_name option is invalid
MKDE-1032: The option specified is not a valid option
MKDE-1152: MKDE cannot get sufficient memory to complete the operation
MKDE-1156: The log file filename cannot be written. Check disk space
MKDE-1157: System Error: nn.nn.nn
MKDE-1161: The file filename is rolling back
MKDE-1164: Error creating/accessing semaphore
MKDE-1165: Error creating execution thread
MKDE-1166: Could not open Zen Event Log file. This file is created in the home directory. Verify that the directory is present and sufficient space is available.
MKDE-1167: Could not create IPC queue
MKDE-1168: Client(s) active - Shutdown anyway?
MKDE-1169: Could not open BTI.INI
MKDE-1171: The file BTI.INI is flagged as read only. The MKDE can temporarily override this attribute to save the current settings. Do you wish to continue?
MKDE-1172: Error writing to BTI.INI
MKDE-1175: I/O error - filename
MKDE-1176: Variable page error - filename
MKDE-1177: Help is not available
MKDE-1178: Resources allocated
MKDE-1179: Resources released
MKDE-1180: System Error: nn.nn.nn
MKDE-1183: Not enough available cache to complete an operation
MKDE-1184: Unable to set number of file handles to requested value. Maximum open files reduced to nn.
MKDE-1192: Settings read from NOVDB.INI - To change to BTI.INI, save current settings
MKDE-1193: The MKDE is using default settings
MKDE-1194: Additional worker thread spawned
MKDE-1207: The log file format is invalid
MKDE-1208: An Open operation failed on “xxxx” with MKDE error nn
MKDE-1209: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on INSERT to “xxxx”
MKDE-1210: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on UPDATE in “xxxx”
MKDE-1211: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on DELETE from “xxxx”
MKDE-1212: The system is out of memory
MKDE-1213: An internal error nn occurred
MKDE-1214: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on GET EQUAL in “xxxx”
MKDE-1215: The log file is corrupt
MKDE-1216: An error occurred while reading the log file
MKDE-1217: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on CREATE INDEX to filename
MKDE-1218: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on DROP INDEX to filename
MKDE-1219: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on BEGIN TRANSACTION to filename
MKDE-1220: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on END TRANSACTION to filename
MKDE-1221: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on ABORT TRANSACTION to filename
MKDE-1222: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on CLOSE to filename
MKDE-1223: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on GET POSITION to filename
MKDE-1224: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on BEGIN TRANSACTION
MKDE-1225: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on END TRANSACTION
MKDE-1226: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on ABORT TRANSACTION
MKDE-2001: The value specified for the Cache Allocation option is invalid
MKDE-2002: The value specified for the Largest Compressed Record Size option is invalid
MKDE-2004: The value specified for the Number of Open Files option is invalid
MKDE-2005: The value specified for the Operation Bundle Limit option is invalid
MKDE-2007: The value specified for the Number of Handles option is invalid
MKDE-2008: The value specified for the I/O Threads option is invalid
MKDE-2009: The value specified for the Active Clients option is invalid
MKDE-2010: The value specified for the Sort Buffer Size option is invalid
MKDE-2011: The path specified for the Temporary Directory option is invalid
MKDE-2012: The value specified for the option is invalid
MKDE-2013: The option specified is not a valid option
MKDE-2015: MKDE cannot get sufficient memory to complete the operation
MKDE-2019: The log file filename cannot be written. Check disk space
MKDE-2024: The file filename is rolling back
MKDE-2027: Error creating/accessing semaphore
MKDE-2028: Error creating execution thread
MKDE-2029: Could not open Event Log file.
MKDE-2039: System Error: nn.nn.nn
MKDE-2053: Additional worker thread spawned
MKDE-2055: Error creating named pipe
MKDE-2060: Error reading the registry. Error code: nn
MKDE-2061: Error writing the registry. Error code: nn
MKDE-2065: Error calling Service Control dispatcher
MKDE-2067: There is no suitable protocol available on this computer
MKDE-2068: The communications server is not available
MKDE-2075: The transaction log file LAST_SEG.LOG cannot be opened
MKDE-2076: An Open operation failed on “xxxx” with MKDE error nn
MKDE-2077: The log file format is invalid
MKDE-2078: An Open operation failed on “xxxx” with MKDE error nn
MKDE-2079: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on INSERT to “xxxx”
MKDE-2080: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on UPDATE in “xxxx”
MKDE-2081: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on DELETE from “xxxx”
MKDE-2082: The system is out of memory
MKDE-2083: An internal error nn occurred
MKDE-2084: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on GET EQUAL in “xxxx”
MKDE-2085: The log file is corrupt
MKDE-2086: An error occurred while reading the log file
MKDE-2087: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on CREATE INDEX to filename
MKDE-2088: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on DROP INDEX to filename
MKDE-2089: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on BEGIN TRANSACTION to filename
MKDE-2090: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on END TRANSACTION to filename
MKDE-2091: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on ABORT TRANSACTION to filename
MKDE-2092: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on CLOSE to filename
MKDE-2093: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on GET POSITION to filename
MKDE-2094: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on BEGIN TRANSACTION
MKDE-2095: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on END TRANSACTION
MKDE-2096: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on ABORT TRANSACTION
MKDE-2109: Page server detects cache engine IP address, not requesting invalid pages for n seconds
MKDE-2111: System Error: nn.nn.nn File: filename
MKDE-2130: JSON filter parse error at or around character nn
MKDE-2131: JSON filter query error: nn
MKDE-2140: Zen VSS Writer successfully started
MKDE-2141: Zen VSS Writer failed to start - problem with resource
MKDE-2142: Zen VSS Writer failed to start - error from Windows library: library
MKDE-2143: Zen VSS Writer - error from Windows library: library
MKDE-2144: Zen VSS Writer - invalid event sequence detected by state state
MKDE-2145: Zen VSS Writer received not-supported VSS request: request
MKDE-2146: Zen VSS Writer - exception in state state
MKDE-2147: Zen VSS Writer received an ABORT event during: state state
MKDE-2148: Zen VSS Writer state: state
MKDE-2149: Zen VSS Writer unable to freeze MicroKernel Database Engine
MKDE-2150: Zen VSS is not supported by Windows XP. Use Backup Agent instead.
MKDE-2151: Zen VSS Writer is not supported as a 32-bit WOW64 process. Use Backup Agent instead.
MKDE-2154: Zen VSS Writer watchdog detected that engine was frozen too long [nn secs].
MKDE-2160: Unable to set the process working set size to a minimum of nn% MB and a maximum of nn% MB.
MKDE-2161: Unable to get the process working set size.
MKDE-2162: Cache engine open of (normal|SQL Notify) NSL session by PID %d to server %s failed. Error code: %d
MKDE-2163: Cache engine close of (normal|SQL Notify) NSL session to server %s by PID %d failed. Error code: %d
MKDE-2164: Cache engine SQL listener for server %s failed. Error code: %d
MKDE-2165: Failed to start cache engine SQL listener for server %s.
MKDE-2166: Failed to stop cache engine SQL listener for server %s.
MKDE-2167: More than one cache engine SQL listener detected for server %s.
MKDE-2172: Defragmentation: filename encountered error nn.
Rebuild Utility Messages
REBUILD-2: The utility could not allocate memory
REBUILD-3: The utility could not rename file_name to file_name. The MicroKernel Database Engine status code was code_number.
REBUILD-4: The utility could not retrieve the MicroKernel Database Engine version information. The MicroKernel Database Engine status code was code_number.
REBUILD-5: The utility could not delete file_name
REBUILD-7: The utility could not open file_name. The MicroKernel Database Engine status code was code_number.
REBUILD-8: The utility could not open file_name in the Accelerated mode. The MicroKernel Database Engine status code was code_number.
REBUILD-9: The utility could not create the new file or files with the MicroKernel Database Engine 6.x advanced features
REBUILD-10: An invalid parameter or value was specified, or the command line was invalid
REBUILD-14: The utility did not rebuild file_name for the following reason:
REBUILD-15: MicroKernel Database Engine returned status code_number while operating on the following file: file_name
REBUILD-16: The file_name file is already in 6.x format
REBUILD-17: The file_name file is not a valid MicroKernel data file. The utility cannot rebuild the file.
REBUILD-18: The utility could not obtain the characteristics of file_name. The MicroKernel Database Engine status code was code_number.
REBUILD-19: The utility could not access the output directory specified. Directory_name might not exist or did not allow write access.
REBUILD-20: The utility is processing file_name
REBUILD-24: An error occurred accessing file_name. Make sure you specified a valid file name.
REBUILD-25: The utility is setting the owner name of an empty target file
REBUILD-26: The utility is dropping the indexes of an empty target file
REBUILD-27: The utility could not create the temporary file in the output directory during conversion
REBUILD-31: The utility could not create file_name. The MicroKernel Database Engine status code was code_number.
REBUILD-34: Key number code_number is invalid
REBUILD-35: Page size page_size is invalid. The page size will be changed to page_size. The rebuild process has ended.
REBUILD-38: The utility was terminated by the user
REBUILD-39: The utility may not be unloaded. Use Control-C to stop the utility.
REBUILD-44: The utility could not clone file_name. The MicroKernel Database Engine status code was code_number.
REBUILD-45: The command file file_name does not have an <end> or [end] delimiter.
REBUILD-48: The utility could not initialize the user interface library
REBUILD-63: The utility could not initialize the localized message table
REBUILD-65: The utility could not open file file_name for the following reason:
REBUILD-66: Operation(s) complete. See file_name for results.
REBUILD-67: Errors occurred. See file_name for results.
REBUILD-68: Status code code_number was returned while copying records from the following file: file_name.
REBUILD-69: Internal status internal_code was returned while copying records from the following file: file_name
REBUILD-71: The file file_name is already in a later format than the current MicroKernel Database Engine setting
REBUILD-72: The utility only converts files to file_format or later
REBUILD-73: The MicroKernel Database Engine is configured to create files in the same format as the source file. This is allowed only for file_format or later files.
REBUILD-74: The source file file_name does not contain system key. The utility could not rebuild the file as specified by user. The MicroKernel Database Engine returned status code_number.
REBUILD-75: File_format is not a valid file format value. Valid inputs for file format parameter are 6, 7, 8, 9, 95 and 13.
REBUILD-78: The logfile specified, file_name, is not valid. It is longer than maximum path length allowed.
REBUILD-79: Invalid database name specified. Database name cannot be longer than length bytes.
REBUILD-80: Password specified is longer than the maximum limit of length bytes
REBUILD-81: User ID specified is longer than the maximum limit of length bytes
REBUILD-82: Login to database failed. MicroKernel status code_number was returned.
REBUILD-85: The size of the output file exceeds the available disk space
REBUILD-86: Long owner name cannot be set on pre-9.5 file formats
REBUILD-90: Conversion not allowed due to long owner name. Clear the owner name before rebuilding.
REBUILD-91: Rebuild with System Data v2 not allowed on files older than v13. Specify file format 13 or newer.
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