Zen can return a variety of messages to users. The messages are documented here in alphabetic order by category. Some of the messages listed may be generated by utilities that are not part of your Zen distribution.
Messages are not the same as status codes (see
Status Codes). Messages are returned to end users by utilities or specific components and generally begin with a prefix and a number. For example:
MKDE-16: There is insufficient memory to load the MicroKernel Engine.
Some messages refer to status codes, as in the following example:
Error Accessing INDEX.DDF. Status = nn
The status code is tied to a particular component, and it varies depending on the nature and source of the error. The value for nn or xx refers to a software-supplied number (for example, a status code, operation code, or number of records) and xxxx refers to a software-supplied name (for example, a filename, a data type or key type, or a command).
The messages are arranged according to the originating component. The following table lists the prefixes for each type of message.
(No prefix)
Generic Messages
The following messages may be returned by more than one utility or component. These messages are not preceded by a component prefix or number.
Bfloat and Float Fields Must Be 4 or 8 Bytes
You have defined a FLOAT or BFLOAT column with a size other than 4 or 8 bytes. Change the column size to 4 or 8 bytes.
Column level permissions not allowed on views
Permissions for individual columns of a view are not supported. You can GRANT or REVOKE permissions for the entire view.
First and Second Password Entries Do Not Match, Please Retype
The password you entered the second time is not the same as the first one you specified. Specify and verify your password again.
Incorrect Parameter
The Client Requester returns this message if it encounters an error while loading at a DOS client machine. You specified an invalid configuration option. For information about configuration properties and specifying the configuration options, see Advanced Operations Guide.
Insufficient Memory
The Client Requester returns this message if it encounters an error while loading at a DOS client machine. The Requester cannot allocate enough memory for the configuration options specified. Ensure that the client machine has enough memory to load all the programs you want to run.
Invalid Load File Format. End of Record Marker Not Found
The Maintenance utility (BUTIL) encountered an invalid record terminator in the sequential load file. The Maintenance utility expects a carriage return/line feed at the end of each record in a load file. This error usually occurs because the length specified at the beginning of the sequential record is incorrect.
Local Engine Is Already Loaded
The Client Requester returns this message if it encounters an error while loading at a DOS client machine. A local engine (XQL v2.11 or earlier) is loaded at the machine. You cannot load the older local engine and the newer Requester at the same time.
Must Have DOS 3.1 or Greater
The Client Requester returns this message if it encounters an error while loading at a DOS client machine. The Requesters require DOS v3.1 or later.
Only Master user name can be specified in Execute As clause
The clause “WITH EXECUTE AS ‘Master’,” which can be used in the creation of a trusted view or stored procedure, can contain only “Master” as the user name. No other user name is permissible.
Redirection List Not Large Enough
The SQL Requester returns this message if it encounters an error while loading at a DOS client machine, and it cannot store all the redirected devices in its internal redirection list. Increase the value for the /R configuration option.
Specifying EXECUTE privilege for a Table is illegal
Table permissions do not include EXECUTE.
Specifying REFERENCES or EXECUTE privilege for a view is illegal
View permissions do not include REFERENCES or EXECUTE.
Specifying SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or REFERENCES privilege for a Procedure is illegal
Stored procedures permissions do not include SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or REFERENCES.
SQL Requester Is Already Loaded
The SQL Requester returns this message if you try to load the Requester when it is already loaded at the DOS client machine.
Requester Utility Messages
This section lists the messages that the Client Requester utilities generate.
BREQUTIL-8: MicroKernel or MKDE Requester is not loaded
You must load the MicroKernel or a MKDE Requester before you can perform a MKDE operation.
BREQUTIL-9: MKDE operation nn was unsuccessful. The number of the applicable MKDE status code is nn
Status Codes for a description of status code
nn, where
nn is the number of the status code.
BREQUTIL-16: MicroKernel or MKDE Requester cannot be removed from memory while the MKDE is loaded
If you want to unload the MicroKernel or MKDE Requester, unload the MKDE first.
Maintenance Utility Messages
The following messages are specific to the Maintenance utility.
BUTIL-1: Message file initialization failed
Only BUTIL.EXE in DOS returns this message. The utility could not find the BUTILDOS.MSG file, which contains messages that the utility uses.
BUTIL-2: Message file initialization failed. BUTIL was unable to access BTIUTILD.MSG
Only BUTIL.EXE in DOS returns this message. The utility could not find the BTIUTILD.MSG file, which contains messages that the utility uses. Ensure that you installed the Transactional engine for DOS correctly.
BUTIL-6: The BUTIL command is invalid
The syntax of the command you entered is incorrect. Verify the syntax before reentering the command.
BUTIL-8: The command completed, but one or more errors occurred
An error occurred when you executed a command that performed a number of MicroKernel operations. These commands include COPY, LOAD, or CLONE. This message is accompanied by additional messages that can help you identify the problem.
BUTIL-9: The command did not complete due to an unrecoverable error
Verify that the syntax you entered is correct before reentering the command. This message is accompanied by additional messages that can help you identify the problem.
BUTIL-10: The command line contains a syntax error
The syntax of the command you entered is incorrect. Verify the syntax before reentering the command.
BUTIL-11: The command line requires the index file
If you specify the BUTIL -INDEX or -SAVE command (modified by the Y parameter) to the Maintenance utility, you must specify the full pathname of an external index file.
BUTIL-12: The command line requires the key number
If you specify the DROP command or the SAVE command (modified by the N parameter) to the Maintenance utility, you must specify the key number of the key you want to drop or by which you want to save the data file.
BUTIL-13: The key size for key of type xxxx is invalid
In a description file, the specified value of the Key Length element for a particular key is incorrect. Ensure that the value of each Key Length element is appropriate for the matching Key Type element.
BUTIL-14: The file that caused the error was <filename>
This is an informative message that identifies the file that caused the error.
BUTIL-15: Error occurred on key segment descriptor xxx of description file
An error occurred when the Maintenance utility attempted to read the key segment descriptor portion of the description file. Ensure that the elements that describe the specified key segment are valid.
BUTIL-16: BUTIL could not open the description file
Before attempting to reenter the CREATE, INDEX, or SINDEX commands, ensure that the file exists and that you specify the correct full pathname.
BUTIL-18: An error occurred during access of the sequential file
Ensure that the source file is valid.
BUTIL-19: BUTIL could not open the alternate collating sequence file
Ensure that you assigned a valid pathname to the Alternate Collating Sequence filename element in the description file.
BUTIL-20: An error occurred during access of the alternate collating sequence file
Ensure that the information in the alternate collating sequence file is formatted correctly.
BUTIL-21: The file version is earlier than 6.0
The RECOVER command cannot recover data from a Btrieve v5.x file.
BUTIL-23: The /D parameter specified to the Requester was too small for BUTIL to receive the entire record. BUTIL is writing only nn bytes
The Maintenance utility is writing only as many bytes as the value of the /D option allows. If you want the utility to write all the bytes in the record, specify a value for the /D option that is at least as large as the affected record.
BUTIL-25: The /D parameter specified to BUTIL was too small for BUTIL to receive any part of the record
You specified an invalid value for the Requester /D option. Go to the configuration properties to increase the value specified.
BUTIL-26: The data buffer is too small to hold any part of the record
The MicroKernel cannot return any data in the data buffer because the data buffer is too small to hold it. Go to the configuration properties to increase the value specified for the Largest Record Size configuration option.
BUTIL-27: An error occurred during the access of the variable page. BUTIL is writing the obtainable portion of the variable page.
An error occurred during the recovery of a file with variable-length records. The file is corrupt.
BUTIL-30: The key position cannot exceed the record length
The range of the specified key position is invalid. The key position you specify on a MicroKernel Engine call must be within the range of the record’s length. For example, for a record that is 100 bytes long, a key position of 50 is within the correct range. However, a key position of 150 is not.
BUTIL-31: The key position plus key length cannot exceed the record length
The range of the key position you specified is invalid. The key position of a key plus its length cannot be larger than the record length. Verify that the key is defined so that its position plus its length does not exceed the record length.
BUTIL-32: The key length must be an even number for key type xxxx
You specified an invalid key length for the key type. Some key types must contain an even number of bytes. Specify a valid Key Length element.
BUTIL-36: The page size must be a multiple of 512, from 512 to 4,096
The page size you specified is invalid. Specify a page size based on file versions shown in the following table.
BUTIL-37: The record length cannot exceed the page size
The record length you specified is invalid. In the description file, the record length you specified for the Record Length element is larger than the page size you specified for the Page Size element. Specify a record length that is smaller than the page size or increase the page size.
BUTIL-38: The record length must be at least 4 and no greater than 4,096
Specify a record length between 4 and the maximum as shown in the following table.
Internal overhead for page data is as follows, in bytes:
• Pre-8.x file format = 8
• 8.x file format = 10 (4096 - 10 = 4086)
• 9.0 file format = 10 (8192 - 10 = 8182)
• 9.5 file format = 12 (16384 - 12 = 16372)
• 13.0 or 16.0 file format = 20 (16384 - 20 = 16364)
Note that it is advisable to leave some margin and not to use every available byte, since the amount of overhead may increase in future file formats. For more information, see
Record Length in
Zen Programmer’s Guide.
BUTIL-41: The alternate collating sequence cannot be found
The Maintenance utility cannot find the alternate collating sequence file you specified in the definition file. Verify that the alternate collating sequence file exists and that the name is correct in the definition file.
BUTIL-43: The file exists, but the Replace option was not specified
The Maintenance utility did not create a file when you specified the BUTIL -CREATE command because the file already exists. To recreate this file, specify the Replace Existing File element in the description file as Y.
BUTIL-44: The file access error nn occurred for file filename
The Maintenance utility returns the appropriate status code and filename for a file on which a file access error occurred during the beginning or end of continuous operation. The corrective measure depends on the status code received. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
BUTIL-45: The number of duplicate keys must be between 1 and 119
Check the value specified for the Duplicate Key element in the description file.
BUTIL-47: BUTIL cannot open the command file
Ensure that the command file exists and that you specified the command file location and filename correctly.
BUTIL-48: The command file is empty
Specify the desired commands in the command file before attempting to use the command file again. In addition, ensure you specified the correct command filename.
BUTIL-49: The command file exceeds 1,000 bytes
A command file cannot contain more than 1,000 bytes. Verify that the command file adheres to this requirement.
BUTIL-50: An internal error caused BUTIL to terminate
The Maintenance utility detected an internal diagnostic error that caused it to terminate.
BUTIL-52: MKDE cannot be stopped when SQL is loaded
Unload the MKDE before attempting to unload the MicroKernel.
BUTIL-53: MKDE error nn occurred for file or command xxxx
The Maintenance utility returns a status code related to a particular file or command. The corrective measure depends on the status code received. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
BUTIL-60: The end of the file occurred while BUTIL was expecting keyword xxxx on key segment descriptor nn
Check the syntax of the description file.
BUTIL-61: The end of the file occurred while BUTIL was expecting keyword xxxx
Check the syntax of the description file.
BUTIL-62: BUTIL was expecting keyword xxxx on key segment descriptor nn
Check the syntax of the description file.
BUTIL-63: BUTIL was expecting keyword xxxx
Check the syntax of the description file.
BUTIL-65: BUTIL has loaded no records
Verify that you specified the command correctly and that the input file is in the correct format.
BUTIL-66: BUTIL has loaded nn records so far
The utility loaded the stated number of records since you issued the BUTIL -LOAD command. When you receive this message, the command is still executing.
BUTIL-70: The MKDE error nn occurred on closing a file
The Maintenance utility returns this status code while closing a file. The corrective measure depends on the status code received. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
BUTIL-74: MKDE error nn was returned for the Stop Command
This message applies only to the DOS environment. The Maintenance utility returns this status code after you issue the BUTIL -STOP command. The corrective measure depends on the status code received. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
BUTIL-76: When BUTIL wrote the Page Allocation Table at page #nn, an error occurred
The Maintenance utility returns this message while salvaging a file if the file is corrupt, or when a hardware error occurs.
BUTIL-77: When BUTIL wrote a mirror copy of the Page Allocation Table at page #nn, an error occurred
The Maintenance utility returns this message while salvaging a file if the file is corrupted, or when a hardware error occurs.
BUTIL-82: Error occurred on file specification of the description file
An error occurred when the Maintenance utility attempted to read the file specification portion of the description file. Ensure that the elements that describe the file specification are valid.
BUTIL-84: BUTIL internal error
The Maintenance utility encountered an internal error, such as an invalid pointer. Try to run the Maintenance utility again.
BUTIL-90: BUTIL could not allocate enough memory
Free some memory at the server by unloading unused applications.
BUTIL-91: BUTIL could not determine the size of the file
Try to recover the file using the BUTIL –RECOVER command.
BUTIL-100: An internal status code nn
The value nn specifies the ID of a status code whose string resource could not be found. If there is no additional information about the status code in this documentation, call Zen Technical Support with this information.
BUTIL-101: The list of files that were not processed is: list
The Maintenance utility returns this error during the ROLLFWD operation if the utility encounters a file that cannot be rolled forward. The utility stops rolling forward and lists the remaining files not processed.
If you receive this message in conjunction with the Maintenance utility message number 103, restore the missing log segment and any log segments created after it to the log directory. If you cannot restore all missing log segments, restore as many as possible. Then, perform the ROLLFWD operation and specify the segment_number parameter of the earliest log segment you could restore.
BUTIL-102: A Roll Forward error occurred
An internal error occurred while the MicroKernel was rolling forward files.
BUTIL-103: Log segment number nn is missing
The Maintenance utility returns this error during ROLLFWD operation if you do not specify a segment_number parameter and one of the files to be rolled forward has a Restore Segment Number that indicates a log segment number that the MicroKernel cannot find.
BUTIL-131: BUTIL was unable to create or open the sequential file
The Maintenance utility returns this message when it is unable to create or open the specified file. Check the sequential file to make sure it exists and has the read-only attribute set.
BUTIL-132: The disk volume is full
You must have more disk space to create or enlarge any data files.
BUTIL-134: BUTIL was unable to create or open the new file
Check the file specified for the BUTIL –SAVE or –RECOVER command. The file may already exist.
BUTIL-136: BUTIL was unable to write the new backup file
Verify that you specified the correct path and filename for the backup file. Also, ensure you have enough disk space for the file to be written.
BUTIL-141: File xx has an invalid extension. This extension is reserved for extended unformatted files
Specify a valid extension. For more information, see Advanced Operations Guide.
BUTIL-142: File xx exists
For more information about extended files, see Advanced Operations Guide.
BUTIL-143: File xx exists. This file is a potential extension of file yy. Remove this file and other potential extension files in this directory
For more information about extended files, see Advanced Operations Guide.
BUTIL-144: File xx has reached the size limit. The utility created one or more extension files. The last extension file is yy
For more information about extended files, see Advanced Operations Guide.
BUTIL-145: The utility found file xx. Remove this file before loading data from file yy
For more information about extended files, see Advanced Operations Guide.
BUTIL-146: The source file and output file cannot be the same.
Specify separate source and output files.
BUTIL-147: The utility cannot read record number xx due to MicroKernel error yy. The utility will attempt to read the remaining records from the opposite direction.
Reference the documentation for the specific status code to resolve this condition
BUTIL-148: Program aborted by user
The utility was stopped by the user.
BUTIL-149: The utility cannot create a temporary file in the current directory to process the STAT command.
Make sure that you have write permission in the current directory.
BUTIL-152: There was an error opening file filename
Check the data file attributes, path, and filename.
BUTIL-155: BUTIL cannot open the file filename
Check the path, filename, and file attributes.
BUTIL-156: Failed to login to database. MicroKernel status xx is returned
Reference the documentation for the specific status code to resolve this condition
BUTIL-157: Failed to logout from database. MicroKernel status xx is returned
Reference the documentation for the specific status code to resolve this condition
BUTIL-158: Invalid level value. Level must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.
Reference butil -setowner documentation and change the level value to a valid entry.
MicroKernel Engine Messages
This following list of messages are generated by the MicroKernel. They use the prefix MKDE for MicroKernel Database Engine.
MKDE-12: The value specified for the –option is invalid
In Zen Control Center, enter the correct value for the configuration properties setting. For versions before PSQL 9, enter the correct value in the bstart.ncf, bti.ini, or bti.cfg file. Note that engine configuration settings reside in the Microsoft registry on Windows platforms and in the Zen registry for Linux platforms.
MKDE-13: The option specified is not a valid option
Remove the invalid option from the bstart.ncf, bti.ini, or bti.cfg file. Note that MicroKernel Engine configuration settings reside in the registry on Windows platforms and in the Zen registry for Linux platforms.
MKDE-16: There is insufficient memory to load the MicroKernel Engine
The system has insufficient memory to allow the MicroKernel to load as it is configured. Use the configuration properties to reconfigure the MicroKernel to use less memory, or unload any unnecessary applications.
MKDE-20: The log file filename cannot be written. Check disk space
If the disk is full, free some space by deleting any unnecessary files. When an error occurs while writing to the transaction log file, the MicroKernel attempts to resume transaction logging after every update to a data file containing system data. Therefore, when the condition causing the error is corrected (for example, when more disk space is made available), the MicroKernel automatically resumes transaction logging.
MKDE-25: The file filename is rolling back
Rolling back is the procedure the MicroKernel uses to restore a file to a consistent state after a system crash. This procedure undoes the most recent changes to the file (changes in the most recent system transaction).
MKDE-51: Program initialization failed; the program was not loaded
This is an informative message that the MicroKernel returns when an error prevents the MicroKernel from loading. Another message accompanies this one and provides more specific information about the nature of the error.
MKDE-57: The file filename cannot be created in the log segment directory xxxx
While initializing, the MicroKernel could not find the specified transaction log segment directory, so it did not load. Ensure that the directory exists and that the MicroKernel has rights to it. Use the configuration properties to specify the transaction log directory.
MKDE-58: The file filename cannot be opened in the log segment directory xxxx
While initializing, the MicroKernel could not open the specified file in the transaction log segment directory, so it did not load. Ensure that the directory and file exist and that the MicroKernel has rights to it. Another possibility is that someone has opened the file with an exclusive lock. Use the Monitor utility to see if another user has locked the file.
MKDE-59: The log segment file filename cannot be created
The MicroKernel could not create the specified transaction log segment file. Ensure that you have enough disk space and that the MicroKernel has rights to the file. Another possibility is that someone has opened the file with an exclusive lock. Use the Monitor utility to see if another user has locked the file.
This error can occur while the MicroKernel is loading, or later, during normal operations. If it occurs while the MicroKernel is loading, the loading fails and no operations are possible until the problem is corrected. If the error occurs later, during normal operations, there are some additional issues to consider.
If the MicroKernel is already loaded when an error occurs creating the transaction log file, it ceases transaction logging; however, the MicroKernel attempts to resume transaction logging after every update to a data file containing system data. Therefore, when the condition causing the error is corrected (for example, when more disk space is made available), the MicroKernel automatically resumes transaction logging.
MKDE-75: The log file format is invalid
The MicroKernel returns this message when the log segment file format is incompatible. Ensure that the version of the MicroKernel doing the roll forward is the same as the version of the MicroKernel that created the log file.
MKDE-76: An Open operation failed on “xxxx” with MKDE error nn
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an engine error occurs. The MicroKernel returns the specified status code for the specified file. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-77: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on INSERT to “xxxx”
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an Insert error occurs. The MicroKernel returns the specified status code for the specified file. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-78: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on UPDATE in “xxxx”
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an Update error occurs. The MicroKernel returns the specified status code for the specified file. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-79: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on DELETE from “xxxx”
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when a Delete error occurs. The MicroKernel returns the specified status code for the specified file. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-80: The system is out of memory
The MicroKernel returns this message when the server has insufficient memory to allow the program to operate. Unload any unnecessary applications and retry the roll forward operation.
MKDE-81: An internal error nn occurred
The MicroKernel returns this message when an internal error occurs. Try to perform the operation again.
MKDE-82: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on GET EQUAL in “xxxx”
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when a Get Equal error occurs. The MicroKernel returns the specified status code for the specified file. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-83: The log file is corrupt
The MicroKernel returns this message when the log segment file is damaged and unreadable. The Log Segment Manager cannot perform roll forward operations using this log segment.
MKDE-84: An error occurred while reading the log file
The MicroKernel returns this message when an error prevents the program from reading the log segment file. The MicroKernel cannot perform roll forward operations using this log segment.
MKDE-85: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on CREATE INDEX to filename
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on a CREATE INDEX operation for the specified file. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-86: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on DROP INDEX to filename
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on a DROP INDEX operation for the specified file. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-87: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on BEGIN TRANSACTION to filename
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on a BEGIN TRANSACTION operation for the specified file. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-88: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on END TRANSACTION to filename
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on an END TRANSACTION operation for the specified file. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-89: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on ABORT TRANSACTION to filename
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on an ABORT TRANSACTION operation for the specified file. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-90: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on CLOSE to filename
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on a CLOSE operation for the specified file. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-91: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on GET POSITION to filename
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on a GET POSITION operation for the specified file. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-92: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on BEGIN TRANSACTION
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on a BEGIN TRANSACTION operation. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-93: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on END TRANSACTION
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on an END TRANSACTION operation. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-94: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on ABORT TRANSACTION
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on an ABORT TRANSACTION operation. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-98: The log segment file SYS:SYSTEM/MKDE/LOG/0000XXX.LOG cannot be created. There was an error on the console or in zen.log
The MicroKernel could not create the specified transaction log segment file. Ensure that you have enough disk space and that the MicroKernel has rights to the file. Another possibility is that someone has opened the file with an exclusive lock. Use the Monitor utility to see if another user has locked the file.
This error can occur while the MicroKernel is loading, or later, during normal operations. If it occurs while the MicroKernel is loading, the loading fails and no operations are possible until the problem is corrected. If the error occurs later, during normal operations, there are some additional issues to consider.
If the MicroKernel is already loaded when an error occurs creating the transaction log file, it ceases transaction logging; however, the MicroKernel attempts to resume transaction logging after every update to a data file containing system data. Therefore, when the condition causing the error is corrected (for example, when more disk space is made available), the MicroKernel automatically resumes transaction logging.
MKDE-103: System Error
The MicroKernel Engine returns this message when a system error occurs. See
MKDE-2039: System Error: nn.nn.nn for more information.
MKDE-1001: The value specified for Cache Allocation is invalid
Specify a valid value. For more information about valid values, see Advanced Operations Guide.
MKDE-1002: The value specified for Longest Compressed Record Size is invalid
This message became obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000i. This setting is managed dynamically by the engine.
MKDE-1003: The value specified for Extended Operation Buffer Size is invalid
This message became obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000i. This setting is managed dynamically by the engine.
MKDE-1004: The value specified for Open Files is invalid
This message became obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000i. This setting is managed dynamically by the engine.
MKDE-1005: The value specified for Operation Bundle Limit is invalid
Specify a valid value. For more information about valid values, see Advanced Operations Guide.
MKDE-1007: The value specified for Number of Handles is invalid
This message became obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000i. This setting is managed dynamically by the engine.
MKDE-1008: The value specified for I/O Threads is invalid
Specify a valid value. For more information about valid values, see Advanced Operations Guide.
MKDE-1009: The value specified for Maximum Sort Buffer is invalid
Specify a valid value. For more information about valid values, see Advanced Operations Guide.
MKDE-1010: The path specified for Temporary Sorting Files is invalid
Specify a valid path. For more information about valid values, see Advanced Operations Guide.
MKDE-1011: Info: The Number of Handles cannot be less than the Number of Open Files
This message became obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000i. These settings are managed dynamically by the engine.
MKDE-1015: The value specified for Maximum Record Size is invalid
This message became obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000i.
MKDE-1017: The value specified for System Transaction Hold Limit is invalid
This message became obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000i.
MKDE-1019: The value specified for Maximum Active Clients is invalid
This message became obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000i. This setting is managed dynamically by the engine.
MKDE-1020: The value specified for Worker Threads is invalid
Obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000i. The number of Worker Threads is managed dynamically by the engine. If you receive this message, contact Actian Technical Support.
MKDE-1021: The value specified for Thread Priority Delta is invalid
Obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000.
MKDE-1022: The value specified for Initiation Time Limit is invalid
Specify a valid value. For more information about valid values, see Advanced Operations Guide.
MKDE-1023: The value specified for Disk I/O Wait Time is invalid
Obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000.
MKDE-1024: The value specified for Page Write Group Size is invalid
Obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000.
MKDE-1025: The value specified for Auto-Terminate Delay is invalid
Obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000.
MKDE-1026: The value specified for Number of Lines Allocated is invalid
Obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000.
MKDE-1027: The value specified for Message Log File Limit is invalid
Obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000.
MKDE-1028: The path specified for Home Directory is invalid
Obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000.
MKDE-1030: The value specified for the option_name option is invalid
The MicroKernel Engine returns this message when the value specified for the option_name option is invalid. Specify a valid value.
MKDE-1032: The option specified is not a valid option
The MicroKernel Engine returns this message when the option you specified is not valid. Specify a valid configuration option.
MKDE-1152: MKDE cannot get sufficient memory to complete the operation
The computer has insufficient memory to allow the MicroKernel to load as it is configured. Configure the MicroKernel to use less memory or unload any unnecessary applications.
MKDE-1156: The log file filename cannot be written. Check disk space
The transaction log file filename cannot be written. Check the disk space. If the disk is full, free some space by deleting any unnecessary files. When an error occurs while writing to the transaction log file, the MicroKernel attempts to resume transaction logging after every update to a data file containing system data. Therefore, when the condition causing the error is corrected (for example, when more disk space is made available), the MicroKernel automatically resumes transaction logging.
MKDE-1157: System Error: nn.nn.nn
The MicroKernel Engine returns this message when a system error occurs. See
MKDE-2039: System Error: nn.nn.nn for more information.
MKDE-1161: The file filename is rolling back
Rolling back is the procedure the MicroKernel uses to restore a file to a consistent state after a system crash. This procedure undoes the most recent changes to the file (changes in the most recent system transaction).
MKDE-1164: Error creating/accessing semaphore
The MicroKernel returns this message if an internal error occurs.
MKDE-1165: Error creating execution thread
Decrease the value of the Number of Input/Output Threads configuration option.
To perform this task, open ZenCC and right-click the database engine you wish to configure, then click Properties. Click Performance Tuning and then set the desired value for Number of Input/Output Threads.
MKDE-1166: Could not open Zen Event Log file. This file is created in the home directory. Verify that the directory is present and sufficient space is available.
The MicroKernel returns this message when it cannot create the event log zen.log in the directory. Make sure that the disk on your computer is not full.
MKDE-1167: Could not create IPC queue
The MicroKernel returns this message if an internal error occurs.
MKDE-1168: Client(s) active - Shutdown anyway?
The MicroKernel returns this message when you attempt to shut down the Workgroup engine while at least one application is still using the engine. If you choose to shut down anyway, you could lose data.
MKDE-1169: Could not open BTI.INI
The MicroKernel returns this message when it cannot open the file BTI.INI. Make sure that the file is in the home directory. Note that engine configuration settings reside in the registry on Windows platforms and in the Zen registry for Linux platforms.
MKDE-1171: The file BTI.INI is flagged as read only. The MKDE can temporarily override this attribute to save the current settings. Do you wish to continue?
The MicroKernel returns this message if the BTI.INI file is flagged as read only and you attempt to changes to the BTI.INI configuration settings. If you choose to continue, the MicroKernel updates the BTI.INI file but maintains its read only status. If you choose not to continue, the MicroKernel does not update the BTI.INI file. You can still change the configuration settings, but they are only in effect for the current session. Note that engine configuration settings reside in the registry on Windows platforms and in the Zen registry for Linux platforms.
MKDE-1172: Error writing to BTI.INI
Make sure that your system disk is not full and that you have the appropriate rights to the file. Note that engine configuration settings reside in the registry on Windows platforms and in the Zen registry for Linux platforms.
MKDE-1175: I/O error - filename
The MicroKernel returns this message when it encounters an I/O error while reading from or writing to a file. This message typically accompanies status code 2.
MKDE-1176: Variable page error - filename
The MicroKernel returns this message when it encounters an error on a variable page. This message typically accompanies status code 2.
MKDE-1177: Help is not available
This message became obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000.
The MicroKernel returns this message when it cannot find the help file (btrieve.hlp). Make sure that the file is located in the home directory.
MKDE-1178: Resources allocated
This is an informative message from the MicroKernel Engine. No action is required.
MKDE-1179: Resources released
This is an informative message from the MicroKernel Engine. No action is required.
MKDE-1180: System Error: nn.nn.nn
The MicroKernel Engine returns this message when a system error occurs. See
MKDE-2039: System Error: nn.nn.nn for more information.
MKDE-1183: Not enough available cache to complete an operation
Configure the MicroKernel to use more cache memory or reduce the file’s page size.
MKDE-1184: Unable to set number of file handles to requested value. Maximum open files reduced to nn.
This message became obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000i. This setting is managed dynamically by the engine.
The MicroKernel is unable to set the Maximum Open Files to the value you specified; instead the MicroKernel uses the value indicated in the message. To avoid receiving this message, run fewer applications at the same time.
MKDE-1192: Settings read from NOVDB.INI - To change to BTI.INI, save current settings
The MicroKernel returns this message when it loads and then finds a NOVDB.INI file where it expects to find the BTI.INI file. To use the BTI.INI file, open the configuration properties and save the current settings. This message pertains to legacy versions of the product and no longer applies to more recent versions. Also note that the MicroKernel Engine configuration settings reside in the registry on Windows platforms and in the Zen registry for Linux platforms.
MKDE-1193: The MKDE is using default settings
The MicroKernel returns this message when it cannot find values for any configuration options in the location they are normally stored (Zen registry for Linux and the registry on Windows). This message means that the internal default values are being used and saved off to the default location. You may update the configuration options using the Zen Control Center. See
Configuration Reference in
Advanced Operations Guide.
MKDE-1194: Additional worker thread spawned
The MicroKernel returns this message when it must create more worker threads than the number specified by the Number of Worker Threads configuration option. To avoid receiving this message, increase the value for the Number of Worker Threads option.
MKDE-1207: The log file format is invalid
The MicroKernel returns this message when the log segment file format is incompatible. Ensure that the version of the MicroKernel doing the roll forward is the same as the version of the MicroKernel that created the log file.
MKDE-1208: An Open operation failed on “xxxx” with MKDE error nn
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs. The MicroKernel returns the specified status code for the specified file. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-1209: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on INSERT to “xxxx”
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an Insert error occurs. The MicroKernel returns the specified status code for the specified file. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-1210: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on UPDATE in “xxxx”
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an Update error occurs. The MicroKernel returns the specified status code for the specified file. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-1211: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on DELETE from “xxxx”
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when a Delete error occurs. The MicroKernel returns the specified status code for the specified file. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-1212: The system is out of memory
The MicroKernel returns this message when the server has insufficient memory to allow the program to operate. Unload any unnecessary applications and retry the roll forward operation.
MKDE-1213: An internal error nn occurred
The MicroKernel returns this message when an internal error occurs. Try to perform the operation again.
MKDE-1214: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on GET EQUAL in “xxxx”
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when a Get Equal error occurs. The MicroKernel returns the specified status code for the specified file. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-1215: The log file is corrupt
The MicroKernel returns this message when the log segment file is damaged and unreadable. The MicroKernel cannot perform roll forward operations using this log segment.
MKDE-1216: An error occurred while reading the log file
The MicroKernel returns this message when an error prevents the program from reading the log segment file. The MicroKernel cannot perform roll forward operations using this log segment.
MKDE-1217: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on CREATE INDEX to filename
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on a CREATE INDEX operation for the specified file. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. For more information about status code
nn, see
Status Codes.
MKDE-1218: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on DROP INDEX to filename
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on a DROP INDEX operation for the specified file. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. For more information about status code
nn, see
Status Codes.
MKDE-1219: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on BEGIN TRANSACTION to filename
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on a BEGIN TRANSACTION operation for the specified file. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. For more information about status code
nn, see
Status Codes.
MKDE-1220: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on END TRANSACTION to filename
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on an END TRANSACTION operation for the specified file. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. For more information about status code
nn, see
Status Codes.
MKDE-1221: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on ABORT TRANSACTION to filename
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on an ABORT TRANSACTION operation for the specified file. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. For more information about status code
nn, see
Status Codes.
MKDE-1222: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on CLOSE to filename
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on a CLOSE operation for the specified file. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. For more information about status code
nn, see
Status Codes.
MKDE-1223: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on GET POSITION to filename
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on a GET POSITION operation for the specified file. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. For more information about status code
nn, see
Status Codes.
MKDE-1224: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on BEGIN TRANSACTION
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on a BEGIN TRANSACTION operation. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. For more information about status code
nn, see
Status Codes.
MKDE-1225: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on END TRANSACTION
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on an END TRANSACTION operation. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. For more information about status code
nn, see
Status Codes.
MKDE-1226: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on ABORT TRANSACTION
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on an ABORT TRANSACTION operation. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. For more information about status code
nn, see
Status Codes.
MKDE-2001: The value specified for the Cache Allocation option is invalid
The MicroKernel returns this message when the value specified for the Cache Allocation Size option is invalid. Use the configuration properties and specify a valid value for this option. Starting in Pervasive.SQL 8, this value can be managed dynamically by the MicroKernel.
MKDE-2002: The value specified for the Largest Compressed Record Size option is invalid
This message became obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000i.
The MicroKernel returns this message when the value specified for the Largest Compressed Record Size option is invalid. Use the configuration properties to specify a valid value for this option.
MKDE-2004: The value specified for the Number of Open Files option is invalid
This message became obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000i. This setting is managed dynamically by the engine.
The MicroKernel returns this message when the value specified for the Number of Open Files option is invalid. Use the configuration properties and specify a valid value for this option.
MKDE-2005: The value specified for the Operation Bundle Limit option is invalid
The MicroKernel returns this message when the value specified for the Operation Bundle Limit option is invalid. Use the configuration properties and specify a valid value for this option.
MKDE-2007: The value specified for the Number of Handles option is invalid
This message became obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000i. This setting is managed dynamically by the engine.
The MicroKernel returns this message when the value specified for the Number of Handles option is invalid. Use the configuration properties and specify a valid value for this option.
MKDE-2008: The value specified for the I/O Threads option is invalid
The MicroKernel returns this message when the value specified for the number of Number of Input/Output Threads option is invalid. Use the configuration properties and specify a valid value for this option.
MKDE-2009: The value specified for the Active Clients option is invalid
This message became obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000i. This setting is managed dynamically by the engine.
The MicroKernel returns this message when the value specified for the Active Clients option is invalid. Use the configuration properties and specify a valid value for this option.
MKDE-2010: The value specified for the Sort Buffer Size option is invalid
This message became obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000i. This setting is managed dynamically by the engine.
The MicroKernel returns this message when the value specified for the Sort Buffer Size option is invalid. Use the configuration properties and specify a valid value for this option.
MKDE-2011: The path specified for the Temporary Directory option is invalid
The MicroKernel returns this message when the value specified for the Working Directory option is invalid. Use the configuration properties to specify a valid path.
MKDE-2012: The value specified for the option is invalid
The MicroKernel returns this message when the value for an option is not valid. Return to the configuration properties and enter the correct value.
MKDE-2013: The option specified is not a valid option
The MicroKernel Engine returns this message when the option specified is not a valid option. Return to the configuration properties and remove the invalid option.
MKDE-2015: MKDE cannot get sufficient memory to complete the operation
The MicroKernel returns this message when the server has insufficient memory to allow the MicroKernel to load as it is configured. Use the configuration properties to reconfigure the MicroKernel to use less memory (Cache Allocation Size attribute), or unload any unnecessary applications.
MKDE-2019: The log file filename cannot be written. Check disk space
The MicroKernel returns this message when log file filename cannot be written. Check the disk space. If the disk is full, free some space by deleting any unnecessary files. When an error occurs while writing to the transaction log file, the MicroKernel attempts to resume transaction logging after every update to a data file containing system data. Therefore, when the condition causing the error is corrected (for example, when more disk space is made available), the MicroKernel automatically resumes transaction logging.
MKDE-2024: The file filename is rolling back
The MicroKernel returns this message when the file filename is rolling back. Rolling back is the procedure the MicroKernel uses to restore a file to a consistent state after a system crash. This procedure undoes the most recent changes to the file (changes in the most recent system transaction).
MKDE-2027: Error creating/accessing semaphore
The MicroKernel returns this message if an internal error occurs.
MKDE-2028: Error creating execution thread
This message became obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000i. This setting is managed dynamically by the engine.
MKDE-2029: Could not open Event Log file.
The MicroKernel returns this message when it cannot create the Zen event log, the file named zen.log. Make sure that the home directory exists and that the disk on your computer is not full. Also, ensure that the MicroKernel has rights to the home directory and event log file.
MKDE-2039: System Error: nn.nn.nn
The MicroKernel returns this message when a system error occurs.
The MicroKernel Engine uses the System Error messages to record unexpected errors resulting from an operating system call made by the engine. For example, if an error is returned when the engine makes a file I/O call to the operating system, that error is recorded in the zen.log file as a system error.
The format of a system error is id.op.rc where:
The id corresponds to a section of code in the MKDE where the operating system call took place. There are different ID ranges depending on which engine is being used:
The common code base contains all the file I/O requests, variable allocations, caching, and so on. The platform specific ranges cover other file open, close, read, and lock requests. These codes can guide us to the portion of the engine code that was executing when the System Error occurred. For example, IDs ranging from 110 to 124 correspond to the I/O Subsystem of the MicroKernel where disk I/O calls are made, and system errors with these ids usually correspond to file corruption problems. A list of IDs is not available publicly because a list without the specific engine and knowledge of the code would not have much value.
The second piece of the system error is the operation code. This corresponds to the Btrieve request that was being processed when the error occurred. For example, a 5 is a GetEqual operation. See Btrieve API Guide for more information about Btrieve operation codes. If the system error occurs while the MicroKernel Engine is performing some task that is not specifically associated with a Btrieve operation, the op will be set to -1.
The third piece of the system error is the OS return code. The meaning of the values reported here varies depending on the OS call made and the type of failure that occurred. A return code value of 0 for different IDs is likely to have different meanings, but in each case the OS did not return an actual error code. An example of a System Error where the OS return code is zero is when the OS call returns successfully, but the data returned by the call is not what was expected. In many cases, the appearance of an occasional System Error does not indicate a problem. It is likely that the operation being performed was retried without an error and processing continued normally.
If there is a problem that would cause an interruption in normal operation, the System Error would correspond to a Zen status code returned to the application. For example, attempting to access a physically corrupt file will produce a system error such as 116.5.0 and the application will receive a status code 2.
If you experience repeated occurrences of a specific system error, along with abnormal behavior of your application, and you do not find any documentation in our knowledge base about the error, you should contact Zen with a description of the system error and the symptoms of failure in the application, and we will provide more details about the system error in question.
In addition, you can check the Microsoft website for a list of Win32 error codes.
MKDE-2053: Additional worker thread spawned
This message became obsolete in Pervasive.SQL 2000i. Worker threads are managed dynamically by the engine.
This is an informative message the MicroKernel returns when it must create more worker threads than the number specified by the Number of Worker Threads configuration option. To avoid receiving this message, increase the value for the Number of Worker Threads option.
MKDE-2055: Error creating named pipe
The MicroKernel returns this message when it is unable to create a named pipe for the pipe-manager thread.
MKDE-2060: Error reading the registry. Error code: nn
The MicroKernel returns this message when it is unable to find a predefined setting in the registry. Use the –REGINSTALL startup parameter next time you start the MicroKernel. This parameter forces the MicroKernel to recreate its section in the registry with the default values for each configuration option.
MKDE-2061: Error writing the registry. Error code: nn
The MicroKernel returns this message when it encounters an error while trying to write into the registry. Use the –REGINSTALL startup parameter next time you start the MicroKernel. This parameter forces the MicroKernel to recreate its section in the registry with the default values for each configuration option.
MKDE-2065: Error calling Service Control dispatcher
The MicroKernel returns this message when it encounters an error during the service initialization.
MKDE-2067: There is no suitable protocol available on this computer
The MicroKernel returns this message when none of the supported protocols are installed on the computer. The Communications Server cannot initialize.
MKDE-2068: The communications server is not available
The MicroKernel returns this message when it encounters an error loading the Communications Server. Make sure the system path includes the directory where the Communications Server that was shipped with this version of the MicroKernel.
MKDE-2075: The transaction log file LAST_SEG.LOG cannot be opened
The MicroKernel returns this message when the log file format is invalid or the Transaction Log Directory does not exist. Ensure that the version of the MicroKernel that returns this message is the same as the version of the MicroKernel that created the log file.
MKDE-2076: An Open operation failed on “xxxx” with MKDE error nn
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs. The MicroKernel returns the specified status code for the specified file. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-2077: The log file format is invalid
The MicroKernel returns this message when the log segment file format is incompatible. Ensure that the version of the MicroKernel doing the roll forward is the same as the version of the MicroKernel that created the log file.
MKDE-2078: An Open operation failed on “xxxx” with MKDE error nn
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs. The MicroKernel returns the specified status code for the specified file. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-2079: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on INSERT to “xxxx”
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an Insert error occurs. The MicroKernel returns the specified status code for the specified file. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-2080: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on UPDATE in “xxxx”
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an Update error occurs. The MicroKernel returns the specified status code for the specified file. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-2081: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on DELETE from “xxxx”
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when a Delete error occurs. The MicroKernel returns the specified status code for the specified file. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-2082: The system is out of memory
The MicroKernel returns this message when the server has insufficient memory to allow the program to operate. Unload any unnecessary applications and retry the roll forward operation.
MKDE-2083: An internal error nn occurred
The MicroKernel returns this message when an internal error occurs. Try to perform the operation again.
MKDE-2084: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on GET EQUAL in “xxxx”
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when a Get Equal error occurs. The MicroKernel returns the specified status code for the specified file. See
Status Codes for a description of status code
MKDE-2085: The log file is corrupt
The MicroKernel returns this message when the specified log segment file is damaged and unreadable. The MicroKernel cannot perform roll forward operations using this log segment.
MKDE-2086: An error occurred while reading the log file
The MicroKernel returns this message when an error prevents the program from reading the log segment file. The MicroKernel cannot perform roll forward operations using this log segment.
MKDE-2087: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on CREATE INDEX to filename
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on a CREATE INDEX operation for the specified file. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. For more information about status code
nn, see
Status Codes.
MKDE-2088: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on DROP INDEX to filename
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on a DROP INDEX operation for the specified file. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. For more information about status code
nn, see
Status Codes.
MKDE-2089: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on BEGIN TRANSACTION to filename
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on a BEGIN TRANSACTION operation for the specified file. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. For more information about status code
nn, see
Status Codes.
MKDE-2090: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on END TRANSACTION to filename
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on an END TRANSACTION operation for the specified file. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. For more information about status code
nn, see
Status Codes.
MKDE-2091: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on ABORT TRANSACTION to filename
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on an ABORT TRANSACTION operation for the specified file. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. For more information about status code
nn, see
Status Codes.
MKDE-2092: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on CLOSE to filename
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on a CLOSE operation for the specified file. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. For more information about status code
nn, see
Status Codes.
MKDE-2093: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on GET POSITION to filename
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on a GET POSITION operation for the specified file. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. For more information about status code
nn, see
Status Codes.
MKDE-2094: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on BEGIN TRANSACTION
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on a BEGIN TRANSACTION operation. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. For more information about status code
nn, see
Status Codes.
MKDE-2095: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on END TRANSACTION
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on an END TRANSACTION operation. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. For more information about status code
nn, see
Status Codes.
MKDE-2096: An unexpected MKDE error nn occurred on ABORT TRANSACTION
The MicroKernel returns this message during roll forward operations when an error occurs on an ABORT TRANSACTION operation. You may have a corrupted file, or your log file may be corrupt. For more information about status code
nn, see
Status Codes.
MKDE-2109: Page server detects cache engine IP address, not requesting invalid pages for n seconds
The cache engine regularly sends requests for invalid pages to the page server. The MicroKernel returns this message when the cache engine at the specified IP address has not made a request for a time period longer than expected, which may indicate a problem.
MKDE-2111: System Error: nn.nn.nn File: filename
The MicroKernel returns this message when a system error occurs. It is identical to MKDE-2039 except that it includes a file name.
MKDE-2130: JSON filter parse error at or around character nn
The MicroKernel returns this message when query parsing fails. Rewrite the query to solve the problem.
MKDE-2131: JSON filter query error: nn
The MicroKernel returns this message when a query error occurs. Rewrite the query to solve the problem.
MKDE-2140: Zen VSS Writer successfully started
This message is informational only.
MKDE-2141: Zen VSS Writer failed to start - problem with resource
Due to an error in the named resource, the Zen VSS Writer failed to start. Contact Actian Support for assistance.
MKDE-2142: Zen VSS Writer failed to start - error from Windows library: library
Due to an error in the named Windows library, the Zen VSS Writer failed to start. Contact Actian Support for assistance.
MKDE-2143: Zen VSS Writer - error from Windows library: library
The Zen VSS Writer encountered an error from the named Windows library. Contact Actian Support for assistance.
MKDE-2144: Zen VSS Writer - invalid event sequence detected by state state
An invalid event sequence was detected by the named state. Contact Actian Support for assistance.
MKDE-2145: Zen VSS Writer received not-supported VSS request: request
The request received is not supported by the Zen VSS Writer. Contact Actian Support for assistance.
MKDE-2146: Zen VSS Writer - exception in state state
The Zen VSS Writer encountered an exception while in the named state. Contact Actian Support for assistance.
MKDE-2147: Zen VSS Writer received an ABORT event during: state state
During the named state the Zen VSS Writer encountered an ABORT command. Contact Actian Support for assistance.
MKDE-2148: Zen VSS Writer state: state
This message is informational only. The Zen VSS Writer is in the named state.
MKDE-2149: Zen VSS Writer unable to freeze MicroKernel Database Engine
An operation failed to complete during the freeze stage. Contact Actian Support for assistance.
MKDE-2150: Zen VSS is not supported by Windows XP. Use Backup Agent instead.
This message is informational only.
MKDE-2151: Zen VSS Writer is not supported as a 32-bit WOW64 process. Use Backup Agent instead.
This message is informational only.
MKDE-2154: Zen VSS Writer watchdog detected that engine was frozen too long [nn secs].
The Zen VSS Writer aborted because it took too long to quiesce.
MKDE-2160: Unable to set the process working set size to a minimum of nn% MB and a maximum of nn% MB.
The MicroKernel returns this message when it requests the Windows operating system to reserve memory, but resource demands on the hardware result in denial of the request. Despite this warning, in most cases the MicroKernel continues to run. For more information for why this warning occurred and performance tuning actions you may want to take, see
Max MicroKernel Memory Usage in
Advanced Operations Guide.
MKDE-2161: Unable to get the process working set size.
The MicroKernel returns this message when a query to the Windows operating system for the process working set size is denied because the MicroKernel has insufficient permissions or access rights. Despite this warning, in most cases the MicroKernel continues to run.
MKDE-2162: Cache engine open of (normal|SQL Notify) NSL session by PID %d to server %s failed. Error code: %d
The MicroKernel reports this message when an attempt to establish a cache engine connection to a remote engine fails. The application will not be able to open files. Correcting this condition may require reestablishing network connectivity and may require restarting the application or the local engine.
MKDE-2163: Cache engine close of (normal|SQL Notify) NSL session to server %s by PID %d failed. Error code: %d
The MicroKernel reports this message when an error occurs during the shutdown of a cache engine connection to a remote engine. The application has probably completed data operations. Correcting this condition may require reestablishing network connectivity and may require restarting the local engine.
MKDE-2164: Cache engine SQL listener for server %s failed. Error code: %d
The MicroKernel reports this message when a cache engine connection to a remote engine is interrupted. This interrupts data operators for the application. Correcting this condition may require restarting the application or the local engine.
MKDE-2165: Failed to start cache engine SQL listener for server %s.
The MicroKernel reports this message when the cache engine is unable to start the SQL Notify listener. This may permit stale records to be read following changes by a SQL ODBC statement from this host. Correcting this condition requires restarting the local engine. This is an abnormal event and should be reported to Actian Technical Support.
MKDE-2166: Failed to stop cache engine SQL listener for server %s.
The MicroKernel reports this message when the cache engine is unable to stop the SQL Notify listener. This may permit stale records to be read following changes by a SQL ODBC statement from this host. Correcting this condition requires restarting the local engine. This is an abnormal event and should be reported to Actian Technical Support.
MKDE-2167: More than one cache engine SQL listener detected for server %s.
The MicroKernel reports this message when the cache engine detects that more than one SQL Notify listener is executing. This may permit stale records to be read following changes by a SQL ODBC statement from this host. Correcting this condition requires restarting the local engine. This is an abnormal event and should be reported to Technical Support.
MKDE-2172: Defragmentation: filename encountered error nn.
Defragmentation stopped because validation of the defragmentation failed. No changes have been made to the file, and the operation of your system is unchanged. If database performance is a concern, please contact Technical Support.
Rebuild Utility Messages
This section lists the messages that the Rebuild utility generates.
REBUILD-2: The utility could not allocate memory
Check the amount of available memory and exit any applications or processes not needed to provide more memory.
REBUILD-3: The utility could not rename file_name to file_name. The MicroKernel Database Engine status code was code_number.
Check the meaning of the status code to help determine why the file could not be renamed.
REBUILD-4: The utility could not retrieve the MicroKernel Database Engine version information. The MicroKernel Database Engine status code was code_number.
Ensure that the database engine is running and check the meaning of the status cod, then try the rebuild again.
REBUILD-5: The utility could not delete file_name
Check file and directory permissions to help determine why the file could not be deleted.
REBUILD-7: The utility could not open file_name. The MicroKernel Database Engine status code was code_number.
Check the meaning of the status code to help determine why the file could not be opened.
REBUILD-8: The utility could not open file_name in the Accelerated mode. The MicroKernel Database Engine status code was code_number.
Check the meaning of the status code to help determine why the file could not be opened.
REBUILD-9: The utility could not create the new file or files with the MicroKernel Database Engine 6.x advanced features
Ensure that the correct version of the database engine is loaded and the file format option is not prior to 6.0.
REBUILD-10: An invalid parameter or value was specified, or the command line was invalid
Check the parameters and values passed to the utility.
REBUILD-14: The utility did not rebuild file_name for the following reason:
Take corrective action based on the reason provided and try the rebuild operation again.
REBUILD-15: MicroKernel Database Engine returned status code_number while operating on the following file: file_name
Check the meaning of the status code to help determine the result of the rebuild operation.
REBUILD-16: The file_name file is already in 6.x format
The file to be rebuilt is already in a 6.x format. Select a different format.
REBUILD-17: The file_name file is not a valid MicroKernel data file. The utility cannot rebuild the file.
Ensure that the file to be rebuilt is a valid MicroKernel data file and try the rebuild operation again.
REBUILD-18: The utility could not obtain the characteristics of file_name. The MicroKernel Database Engine status code was code_number.
Check the meaning of the status code to help determine the result of the rebuild operation.
REBUILD-19: The utility could not access the output directory specified. Directory_name might not exist or did not allow write access.
Verify that the directory exists and that the person running the rebuild utility has read/write permissions to the directory.
REBUILD-20: The utility is processing file_name
For a successful rebuild, the utility reports “The file was rebuilt successfully.”
REBUILD-24: An error occurred accessing file_name. Make sure you specified a valid file name.
Verify that the file name is correct and try the rebuild operation again.
REBUILD-25: The utility is setting the owner name of an empty target file
Verify that file being rebuilt and the target file are what you want.
REBUILD-26: The utility is dropping the indexes of an empty target file
The rebuild process outputs the following information to provide a status of its operation.
REBUILD is reading the first record from the old file.
REBUILD is inserting records into the new file.
REBUILD is reading records from the old file.
REBUILD is putting back indexes on the new file.
REBUILD-27: The utility could not create the temporary file in the output directory during conversion
Verify the directory and that the person running the rebuild utility has read/write permissions to the directory.
REBUILD-31: The utility could not create file_name. The MicroKernel Database Engine status code was code_number.
The rebuild utility also outputs the following information to help you troubleshoot the operation:
REBUILD copied a total of number records.
The rebuild operation start time is time.
REBUILD-34: Key number code_number is invalid
Verify that the keys in the file to be rebuilt are valid.
REBUILD-35: Page size page_size is invalid. The page size will be changed to page_size. The rebuild process has ended.
The rebuild utility detected an invalid page size for the desired format and changed the page to a valid one.
REBUILD-38: The utility was terminated by the user
The rebuild utility was stopped.
REBUILD-39: The utility may not be unloaded. Use Control-C to stop the utility.
An attempt to stop the rebuild utility could not be honored by the utility. Use Control-C to stop the utility.
REBUILD-44: The utility could not clone file_name. The MicroKernel Database Engine status code was code_number.
Check the meaning of the status code to help determine the result of the rebuild operation.
REBUILD-45: The command file file_name does not have an <end> or [end] delimiter.
Each entry in the command file must contain the utility parameters (if any) and the set of files to convert followed by <end> or [end].
REBUILD-48: The utility could not initialize the user interface library
Close other applications to free up memory.
REBUILD-63: The utility could not initialize the localized message table
Close other applications to free up memory.
REBUILD-65: The utility could not open file file_name for the following reason:
Take corrective action based on the reason provided and try the rebuild operation again.
REBUILD-66: Operation(s) complete. See file_name for results.
Review the item specified for the results.
REBUILD-67: Errors occurred. See file_name for results.
Review the results for the errors. The rebuild operation also provides the following information to help with troubleshooting:
File: file_name Records Processed: number_processed
REBUILD-68: Status code code_number was returned while copying records from the following file: file_name.
Check the meaning of the status code to help determine the result of the rebuild operation.
REBUILD-69: Internal status internal_code was returned while copying records from the following file: file_name
Check the meaning of the status code to help determine the result of the rebuild operation. If the internal status code is not listed in the Zen documentation, contact Actian Technical Support.
REBUILD-71: The file file_name is already in a later format than the current MicroKernel Database Engine setting
Configure the MicroKernel to create files using the file format version to which you want the specified file to be converted. See
Create File Version in
Advanced Operations Guide.
REBUILD-72: The utility only converts files to file_format or later
Verify the file format to which you want to convert the file.
REBUILD-73: The MicroKernel Database Engine is configured to create files in the same format as the source file. This is allowed only for file_format or later files.
Configure the MicroKernel to create files using the file format version to which you want the specified file to be converted. See
Create File Version in
Advanced Operations Guide.
REBUILD-74: The source file file_name does not contain system key. The utility could not rebuild the file as specified by user. The MicroKernel Database Engine returned status code_number.
Check the meaning of the status code to help determine the result of the rebuild operation.
REBUILD-75: File_format is not a valid file format value. Valid inputs for file format parameter are 6, 7, 8, 9, 95 and 13.
Specify a valid file format value and try the rebuild operation again.
REBUILD-78: The logfile specified, file_name, is not valid. It is longer than maximum path length allowed.
Specify a shorter full path name for the log file.
REBUILD-79: Invalid database name specified. Database name cannot be longer than length bytes.
Verify the database name and try the rebuild operation again.
REBUILD-80: Password specified is longer than the maximum limit of length bytes
Verify the password name and try the rebuild operation again.
REBUILD-81: User ID specified is longer than the maximum limit of length bytes
Verify the user name and try the rebuild operation again.
REBUILD-82: Login to database failed. MicroKernel status code_number was returned.
Check the meaning of the status code to help determine the result of the rebuild operation.
REBUILD-85: The size of the output file exceeds the available disk space
Check the amount of disk space and create additional space on the physical storage.
REBUILD-86: Long owner name cannot be set on pre-9.5 file formats
Clear the owner name then try the rebuild operation again.
REBUILD-90: Conversion not allowed due to long owner name. Clear the owner name before rebuilding.
Clear the owner name then try the rebuild operation again.
REBUILD-91: Rebuild with System Data v2 not allowed on files older than v13. Specify file format 13 or newer.
Convert the file version to 13.0 or 16.0 before rebuilding with System Data v2.
VSS Writer
VSS Writer Messages
The messages generated by the Zen VSS Writer component are described in the section for the
MicroKernel Engine Messages (MKDE messages) beginning with