Mapping Customizations > Mapping Customizations > Configuring NetSuite CRM Connector for Steelbrick CPQ
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Configuring NetSuite CRM Connector for Steelbrick CPQ
Integrating Steelbrick Quote with NetSuite Estimate
To integrate Steelbrick Quote with NetSuite Estimate
1. Create a new trigger called SteelbrickQuote on Steelbrick SBQQ__Quote__c object. Select after insert and after update actions and do the following:
a. Copy the trigger code within AbstractCustomObject.trigger block and paste in SteelbrickQuote.trigger block.
b. Uncomment the lines that reference NSCRM.ConnectorSettings and NSCRM.OutboundSchemaUtil.
c. Change the first argument in NSCRM.OutboundSchemaUtil.sendMessage() from Abstract_Custom_Object__c to SBQQ__Quote__c. The DOUBLE-UNDERSCORE between SBQQ and Quote in the object name. We have a template object for testing with only a single underscore (SBQQ_Quote__c) - do not use it.
2. Create a new custom field on Steelbrick SBQQ__Quote__c object called NS_Internal_Id__c with the following attributes:
Unique, case-insensitive
External Id
3. Edit the Estimate SDL file located in the Netsuite bundle and change NSCRM__NS_Internal_Id__c to NS_Internal_Id__c.
4. Create two new OutboundSchema records called SBQQ__Quote__cPreLink and SBQQ__Quote__cPostLink. Use SOQL to define the fields that you want to integrate.
5. Create a custom XSLT file for Quote to map the Steelbrick Quote fields into the NetSuite Estimate fields.
6. The Steelbrick Quote is integrated with the NetSuite Estimate.
Last modified date: 12/14/2021