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Actian Connector Credentials
You must have the following user account information to complete the setup:
o Salesforce Sandbox: It is required to have a Salesforce sandbox for testing purposes.
o NetSuite Sandbox: It is recommended to have a NetSuite sandbox for testing purposes.
o Enable Quotes: Even if you do not use the Salesforce Quote object, Quote activation allows Salesforce and NetSuite to communicate.
o NetSuite Credentials: User name and password for an account.
It is suggested to use a dedicated user license for auditing purposes.
o NetSuite Access Required: Administrator privileges.
o Salesforce Credentials: User name, password, and security token for the sandbox and production organizations.
It is required to use a dedicated user license.
o Salesforce Sandbox Access Required: System Administrator privileges.
o System of Record: As discussed, either Salesforce or NetSuite must be set as the System of Record for Products and Pricing (NetSuite describes them as Items).
Last modified date: 12/14/2021