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In addition to the main menu ribbon tabs, Director has three toolbars: one at the top of the Instance Explorer (see Instance Explorer Toolbar), one at the top of query documents (see Query Document Toolbar), and one at the top of many dialogs (see Dialog Toolbar).
Clicking a toolbar icon invokes the relevant command or functionality. For example, clicking the Refresh button on the Instance Explorer toolbar refreshes the list of objects in the Instance Explorer.
When you hover the mouse cursor over tool icons, tool tips are displayed that briefly describe the functionality of the tool. Some tool tips display the shortcut key to invoke the function.
Toolbar buttons are disabled if the functionality that they invoke is not applicable given the current state and context of Director.
Instance Explorer Toolbar
The Instance Explorer has a toolbar with the following options:
Opens the Connect to Instance dialog. For more information, see Connect to an Actian Database Instance.
Disconnects the current installation in the Instance Explorer. For more information, see Disconnect from an Actian Database Installation.
Refreshes the objects in the Instance Explorer
Shortcut: F5
Show All Objects
Toggles display of current user’s objects or all objects in the Instance Explorer
Dialog Toolbar
Many dialogs have a toolbar with the following options:
Cuts the selected text and stores it in the clipboard
Copies the selected text and stores it in the clipboard
Pastes the contents of the clipboard at the insertion point
Opens help for the particular dialog
Shortcut: F1
Query Document Toolbar
All new or opened Query documents have a toolbar with the following options:
Opens the Connect to Instance dialog to connect to an instance (see Connect to an Actian Database Instance) in the Instance Explorer
Disconnects the currently selected instance (see Disconnect from an Actian Database Installation)
Select a Database
Lets you select a database in the current instance to run the query against
Execute Query
Runs the query displayed in the MDI tab. If text is selected in the query, it runs that portion of the query.
Shortcut: F9
Halts execution of the running query
Parse Query
Checks some syntax of the entered query and reports any errors it finds. This command does not perform a full syntax check of the SQL.
Opens the Query Options dialog (see Query Options Dialog)
Select Authorization
Lets you select an authorization context used in connecting to the database—a user, group, role, or profile name or schema, if appropriate
Results to Grid
Displays the results in a grid in the lower half of the MDI, below the query
Results to Text
Displays the results in text format on a tab in the lower half of the MDI, below the query
Results to File
Sends the results to a text file, whose name you must specify in the Save As dialog after executing the query
Results to Spreadsheet
Sends comma-delimited results to a CSV file, whose name you must specify in the Save As dialog, and opens the file in the default spreadsheet program (Windows only)
Show Find/Replace Options
Displays or hides the Find/Replace toolbar above the query. For more information, see Find or Replace Text in a Query.
Last modified date: 06/06/2024