Guidelines for Creating an Aggregate
When creating aggregates, you:
• Must create an aggregate in a footer (break, page, or report)
• Can create an aggregate on any column (the column does not have to be a sort column)
• Can create more than one aggregate in a footer and more than one type of aggregate for a particular column
For example, in a table containing the columns Project, Employee, and Salary, you can create a break footer for the Project column (Project_Break_Footer). Then, you can create Average and Sum aggregates (non‑cumulative) for the Salary column in the Project_break_footer. This instructs RBF to:
• Break each time it finds a new value in the Project column
• Calculate the total salary and average salary cost of each project
After creating an aggregate, you can edit it in the same way you edit columns. You can:
• Change its display format
• Edit it or the associated headings
• Move it to another footer section
• Delete the aggregate