8. Working with RBF Report Specifications : Layout and Create Operations--Create New Report Components : Aggregates : Unique Aggregates
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Unique Aggregates
You can create unique aggregates for sort (break) columns only. Unique aggregates are calculated by using only the unique values of the sort columns. You cannot specify a unique aggregate for a non‑sort column.
If you change a column that has a unique aggregate associated with it from a sort to non‑sort column, RBF gives you the following options:
Deleting the unique aggregate
Changing the unique aggregate to non‑unique
The unique aggregates are described in the following table:
Unique Aggregate
Average (Unique)
Mean average of all the unique values in a sort column.
Count (Unique)
Count of all the unique values in a sort column.
Sum (Unique)
Sum of all the unique values in a sort column.