Workbench User Guide > Workbench User Guide > A. Environment Variables > Environment Variables for All Platforms
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Environment Variables for All Platforms
The following environment variables apply to OpenROAD on all platforms:
Specifies that OpenROAD produces a trace listing of all 3GL procedures (defined in the Component Catalog) as they are called during execution. This can be useful for debugging.
Specifies the decimal point character used for 4GL source input. Valid values are “.” and “,”. This variable is different from II_DECIMAL, which OpenROAD uses for data representation and database access, so you must set both to completely change the decimal point character.
Default: “.”
Specifies the name of a character set file used for string operations.
IMPORTANT!  After Ingres is installed, you cannot change the character set from its current setting (II_CHARSET) at any time without risking the corruption of your data.
Ingres-supported character sets are as follows:
Character Set
Support of Cyrillic on DOS
Single byte
Single byte
Traditional Chinese - Taiwan
Double byte
Simplified Chinese - PRC
Double byte
Traditional Chinese - Taiwan, BIG5
Double byte
Traditional Chinese - Taiwan, EUC
Double byte
Traditional Chinese - Taiwan, HP ROC15
Double byte
Simplified Chinese - GB2312
Double byte
Simplified Chinese - GBK
Double byte
Cyrillic on Windows 3.1
Single byte
DEC Multinational (superset of ASCII) and default for VMS
Single byte
IBM DOS ASMO Arabic (cp708)
Single byte
Greek for PC/RS6000/SCO-UNIX
Single byte
DEC Greek Elot
Single byte
DEC Hebrew
Single byte
HP Roman8 (superset of ASCII)
Single byte
IBM PC Code Page 437 (US and English)
Single byte
IBM PC Code Page 850 (Multilingual), includes accented characters
Single byte
IBM PC 866 (Cyrillic for DOS)
Single byte
ISO 8859/2 (Latin and some Greek). Identical to ISO 8859/1 Latin, except for eight characters, including the Euro currency symbol (€, Unicode U+20AC).
Single byte
ISO 8859/1 Latin and default for UNIX (superset of ASCII)
Single byte
8859/5 (Latin and Cyrillic)
Single byte
8859/9 (Latin and some Turkish) CP 920
Single byte
ISO 8859/15 (Latin and Euro sign)
Single byte
Japanese, EUC
Double byte
KOI 8-bit (ISO 6937/8), Russia
Single byte
Double byte
IBM PC Code page 857 - Turkish
Single byte
Single byte
Shift-JIS Japanese
Double byte
IBM PC Code Page 852 (Slavic)
Single byte
DEC Thai Tis
Single byte
Unicode encoding form UTF-8
Single byte
Microsoft Windows Hebrew
Single byte
Eastern Europe: Windows page 1250
Single byte
Windows code page 1252 - Latin 1 (Western Europe) and default for Windows
Single byte
IBM/Windows Thai (cp874)
Single byte
Default: the default internal character set
For more information, see How You Can Use International Characters.
Specifies the name of a character set file for this OpenROAD installation. The xx suffix is the value of the II_INSTALLATION variable. If you do not define II_INSTALLATION, II_CHARSET is used instead. Default and valid values are the same as for II_CHARSET.
IMPORTANT!  The value of II_CHARSETxx is set during installation and cannot be changed without corrupting data.
For more information, see How You Can Use International Characters.
For more information about using II_CHARSETxx in the SessionObject.GetEnv method, see GetEnv Method.
Specifies the name of a color table file in the “files” directory of the OpenROAD installation. If neither II_COLORTABLE nor II_COLORTABLE_FILE is given, the default is wdepth4.ctb or wdepth8.ctb for Windows and depth4.ctb or depth8.ctb for UNIX, depending on the pixel depth of the display being used. Displays with fewer than 256 colors (such as 64 or 16) use the depth4 files; displays with 256 or more use the depth8 files. Specifying II_COLORTABLE_FILE overrides this variable.
For more information, see How You Can Specify Color Tables.
Specifies the full path specification of a color table file. If you do not set this, OpenROAD uses II_COLORTABLE instead.
Specifies the full location for a variety of configuration and message files used by OpenROAD and Ingres. These files include symbol.tbl, which holds other environment variable settings. These files are opened in both read-only and read-write modes. You must have read-write permissions for the directory that this variable specifies. You can set this environment variable using symbol.tbl. You can also redirect log files using II_LOG. If II_CONFIG is not set, OpenROAD uses the value of II_SYSTEM.
Specifies the date format for DATE values retrieved by a database access. This is different from the display formatting you can use to show DATE values in a form. It is defined installation-wide.
If set, it replaces the default format (the US setting) with an alternative format. The following are valid II_DATE_FORMAT settings and their output formats:
Output Format
US (default)
yyyymmdd unless the date includes a time, in which case the format is: yyyymmddThh:mm:ss
For example, if the II_DATE_FORMAT setting is ISO, the dates are output as yymmdd. If you enter a date using a similar, six-character format, such as mmddyy, the date is interpreted on output as yymmdd. For example, if you enter the date March 9, 1912, as 030912 (mmddyy) and II_DATE_FORMAT is set to ISO, this date is interpreted as Sept. 12, 1903 (030912 as yymmdd). If the date you entered cannot be interpreted as a valid date in the output format, you will receive an error message.
Note:  When using the _date4() function (MULTINATIONAL4), the output format for the year value always returns ‘yyyy’.
Default: US
For more information about date input and output settings, see II_DATE_FORMAT for ingresdate.
Specifies the decimal point character for floating and decimal data values retrieved by database access. It specifies the character used to separate fractional and non-fractional parts of a number. This variable is set installation-wide.
Valid characters are the period (.) (as in 12.34) or the comma (,) (as in 12,34). This is different from II_4GL_DECIMAL, which OpenROAD uses for 4GL source, so you must set both variables to completely change the decimal point character.
Default: “.” (period)
Note:  If II_DECIMAL is set to comma, be sure that when SQL syntax requires a comma (such as a list of table columns or SQL functions with several parameters), that the comma is followed by a space. For example:
select col1, ifnull(col2, 0), left(col4, 22) from t1:
If II_DICTIONARY_OK variable is set to anything, the usual frontend dictionary check when connecting to a DBMS is omitted.
Note:  Some OpenROAD runtime methods will require existing frontend dictionary tables (for example, ii_stored_strings, ii_stored_bitmaps, ii_sequence_values), so they would fail if these tables are missing.
Specifies the location and file name of a system editor that OpenROAD uses instead of its own Script Editor for viewing or editing scripts
Specifies a font convention file that describes mappings for font names. OpenROAD provides these files in the “files” directory of the OpenROAD installation.
To use one of these files, specify its name (without the .ff suffix) as the value of II_FONT_CONVENTION. Also see the II_FONT_FILE variable.
Specifies a font convention file that describes mappings for font names. If this file does not have the suffix .ff or is not located in the “files” directory of the OpenROAD installation, specify the path and full file name as the value of II_FONT_FILE.
Specifies a network installation code used by many subsystems of OpenROAD. It is also referred to as an instance ID. Valid values are up to three alphabetic characters, or one alphabetic and one numeric character (for example, “II” or “IJ2”).
This variable is typically set during OpenROAD installation. If you install OpenROAD and another Ingres toolset on the same computer, the values of II_INSTALLATION for the two installations must be different.
Default: the empty string for some things and II for others
Specifies the name of a keyboard mapping file contained in the “files” directory of your OpenROAD installation. For more information, see Speed Key Mapping and II_KEYBOARD. See also the II_KEYBOARD_FILE variable.
Specifies the full path and file name of a keyboard mapping file that either does not have the default .kbd suffix or does not reside in the “files” directory of your OpenROAD installation. Specifying this variable overrides the II_KEYBOARD variable. For more information, see Speed Key Mapping and II_KEYBOARD_FILE.
Specifies the language this OpenROAD installation uses for screen messages, menu items, and prompts. This variable determines the default location of the message text files and other things. Possible values are:
ENGLISH English (Default)
DEU German
ESN Spanish
FRA French
ITA Italian
JPN Japanese
PTB Brazilian Portuguese
SCH Simplified Chinese
Default: English
Specifies the file names of the dynamic link libraries containing your 3GL procedures. If you specify more than one file, separate file names with semicolons (;).
The path (directory) is optional. It is needed only if the DLL is not in the current directory.
Specifies the location for the OpenROAD log files (including w4gl.log).
On Windows, OpenROAD shortcuts are launched using orwrap.exe, a utility that automatically sets OR_LOG at the process level to the appropriate location unique for the Ingres instance in which OpenROAD is installed.
OpenROAD needs a location that the user has write access to for the II_LOG location. In an Ingres environment, the default location for II_LOG may not allow the user write access.
If II_LOG is not specified, %II_SYSTEM%\ingres\files (for Windows) or $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files (for UNIX) is used.
Specifies the currency format to use for money values retrieved by database access. It is set installation-wide. This is different from the display formatting you can use to show money values in forms.
You can change the format by setting II_MONEY_FORMAT to a string with two symbols separated by a colon (:). The symbol to the left of the colon indicates the location of the currency symbol. It must be “L” for a leading currency symbol or a “T” for a trailing currency symbol. The symbol to the right of the colon is the currency symbol you want displayed. Currency symbols can contain up to 4 physical characters. For example:
Logical Definition
Default: L:$
Specifies the number of decimal places to be displayed for money values retrieved by database access. This is different from the display formatting you can use to show money values in forms. It is set installation-wide.
Valid values are 0, 1, and 2. The default is 2 (for decimal currency). II_MONEY_PREC is applied when a money value is converted to a character string (for printing, for example). Extra decimal places are rounded. For example, if II_MONEY_PREC is set to 0, 9.50 is rounded to 10.
Default: 2 (for decimal currency)
Specifies the location of the OpenROAD error and information message text files. Default is the “ingres/files/language” directory. (See II_LANGUAGE for possible values.) Usually set during OpenROAD installation. Users must not change this setting.
Specifies the full path to the directory that contains image trim bitmaps for use with Reporter. For more information, see Disk-resident Images and Image Directories.
Specifies whether the Scintilla-based editor should be the default 4GL script editor. This currently applies only to Windows.
Default: TRUE
Specifies the height of the display in inches. If desired, you may use millimeters instead by setting II_SCREEN_HEIGHT_MMS. Setting only one of II_SCREEN_HEIGHT_xxxx or II_SCREEN_WIDTH_xxxx enables OpenROAD to calculate the other value to preserve the aspect ratio based on the pixel size of the display. These values are used to translate OpenROAD dimensions (in 1000ths of an inch) to screen pixels.
You need not specify this value. If not specified, OpenROAD calculates the values from the information provided by the windowing system.
Specifies an alternative method of specifying screen height in millimeters. See II_SCREEN_HEIGHT_INCHES.
Specifies the height of the screen on the primary display monitor in pixels.
You need not specify this value. If not specified, OpenROAD calculates the values from the information provided by the windowing system.
Specifies the number of pixels per logical inch along the screen height.
You need not specify this value. If not specified, OpenROAD calculates the values from the information provided by the windowing system.
Specifies the number of pixels per logical inch along the screen width.
You need not specify this value. If not specified, OpenROAD calculates the values from the information provided by the windowing system.
Specifies the width of the display in inches. If desired, you may use millimeters instead by setting II_SCREEN_WIDTH_MMS. Setting only one of II_SCREEN_HEIGHT_xxxx or II_SCREEN_WIDTH_xxxx enables OpenROAD to calculate the other value to preserve the aspect ratio based on the pixel size of the display. These values are used to translate OpenROAD dimensions (in 1000ths of an inch) to screen pixels.
You need not specify this value. If not specified, OpenROAD calculates the values from the information provided by the windowing system.
Specifies the width of the screen on the primary display monitor in pixels.
You need not specify this value. If not specified, OpenROAD calculates the values from the information provided by the windowing system.
Provides an alternative method of specifying screen width in millimeters. See II_SCREEN_WIDTH_INCHES.
Specifies the full path of a file that contains the integer forms of OpenROAD warnings, separated by newline (\n) characters to cause the OpenROAD compiler to ignore the associated warning messages. Although the following example is for Windows, this feature is available on all platforms. For example, assume a file "C:\temp\ignore_warnings.txt" contains:
Set the variable locally using:
SET II_W4GL_SILENTWARNINGS_FILE=C:\temp\ignore_warnings.txt
where the 13828668 message number was determined using the errhelp utility
located in the ingres/sig/errhelp directory:
%II_SYSTEM%\ingres\sig\errhelp>errhelp E_W40250
(13828688 0x00D30250)
W40250 Warning: '%1c' is not a subclass of '%0c'.
A value of class '%1c' is being assigned to a reference variable declared as class '%0c'.
The class '%1c' is not a subclass of '%0c'. An implicit cast is being done to cast the value to '%0c'.
If this cast fails at runtime, a runtime error will be reported.
Specifies the location that is the parent directory of your OpenROAD installation (and ingres directory) where many components of your installation are located. This environment variable is usually set during the installation process and must not be changed.
Specifies the path name of a directory that OpenROAD uses to store temporary files. If not specified, by default, OpenROAD creates these files in the user’s current directory. II_TEMPORARY can be redefined installation-wide or locally.
Specifies the time in milliseconds that OpenROAD should wait before displaying the busy cursor.
This can be useful to set when the application receives untimely events so that the cursor is flashing.
Default: 0
A reasonable value is 4000.
If the value is set too low, some problems may occur when clicking on a togglefield.
The II_TIMEZONE_NAME parameter defines the operating system time zone for the installation. This parameter tells what adjustments to make for Daylight Savings Time.
For a listing of world regions and time zone names, in the Ingres Installation Guide, see Time Zone Names.
Specifies whether the name of the logical fonts will be displayed at their creation. Valid values are TRUE or FALSE.
Default: FALSE
Specifies whether the variables related to the screen calculation will be displayed. Valid values are TRUE or FALSE.
Default: FALSE
Specifies a system editor that OpenROAD uses instead of its own Script Editor for viewing or editing scripts
Specifies the path for the location of OpenROAD application image files, often used for included applications. You may specify multiple locations by separating them with a semi-colon (;). If not set, II_W4GLAPPS_SYS is used.
Specifies the path for the location of the OpenROAD system image files. If not set, the following directories are used:
Specifies whether the nchar and nvarchar data types are enabled in OpenROAD 4GL applications. After setting this environment variable to TRUE, the nchar and nvarchar data types maybe declared and used in OpenROAD 4GL applications.
Default: TRUE
Specifies whether the QueueResponse facility is enabled at application level. If set to TRUE, the facility is enabled. For more information, see QueueResponse method in the Language Reference Guide.
Default: FALSE
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the Source Object Cache. Setting this environment variable causes OpenROAD to free unused objects when the size of the cache exceeds this amount. If you do not set this variable, objects are stored in the cache until OpenROAD exits.
Specifies whether to activate the On Details and On ChildDetails events by clicking the mouse wheel.
Specifies the level of dimming for an image.
This variable sets the point at which no lightening should be applied, defaulting to 255 (no cutoff). If set at 180, bitmaps with a grayscale average greater than 180 will not be lightened. With no cutoff, colored but light bitmaps potentially may appear not gray but white.
Calculation use to dim images:
lightened_grayscale = CUTOFF - (CUTOFF - grayscale)*FACTOR;
Default: 255.0
Defines the level of dimming an image. This variable sets the amount of lightening to apply, defaulting to 0.5. A 0,0,0 pixel becomes 127,127,127, but a 127,127,127 pixel becomes 191,191,191, and so on.
Calculation use to dim images:
lightened_grayscale = CUTOFF - (CUTOFF - grayscale)*FACTOR;
Default: 0.5
Specifies whether the Windows ghosting feature for OpenROAD applications will be disabled (if set to TRUE).
“Windows ghosting” means that the Windows OS will put a ghost window in place of the application window when it considers an application as “not responding.” The ghost window looks like the application window with its title having a “(Not responding)” text appended.
For OpenROAD frames, the Windows ghosting could cause problems during processing of events, for example:
Status bar is not updated
Moving of ghost window of frame is possible, but OpenROAD application does not get the information of the new position
Input buffering when using CurFrame.BlocksFrames=FALSE does not work
Default: FALSE
OpenROAD is DPI aware, which may make some fields smaller so the parent background becomes visible, resulting in the image of some fields with a bitmap background appearing more than once. To correct this, a new environment variable is added.
You may set this variable to these values:
DPI_UNAWARE (-1, the behavior before DPI awareness was implemented)
DPI_SYSTEM_AWARE (-2, the default)
Specifies the default export format for the w4gl backupapp out command (see Command Line Method of Exporting an Application to a File and Command Line Method of Exporting Components to a File). Valid values are:
Specifies OpenROAD proprietary ASCII format
Specifies XML format
Default: EXP
If this environment variable is not set, or is set to any other value, EXP format will be used for export.
Specifies whether XML indentation is included in export files created by the Parameters for the ExportApp Utility) or w4gl backupapp out command (see Command Line Method of Exporting an Application to a File and Command Line Method of Exporting Components to a File). Valid values are:
Specifies that XML element indentation is used in the XML export file. Including indentation can increase export file size by 50% over OpenROAD proprietary ASCII format.
Specifies that XML element indentation is not used. Whitespace characters (tabs, spaces, newlines) are not included. Therefore, XML elements are not separated onto different lines, and subnodes are not indented in a hierarchy.
Default: FALSE
Specifies whether XML export of components or applications additionally writes attributes having default values into the export file. Valid values are:
Specifies that all attributes (including those having default values) with their current values be included in the XML export file.
Specifies that only those attributes with current values different from the attribute's default value are included in the XML export file. Attributes having default values are not included.
Default: FALSE
For example, the attribute xleft, defined for all FormField objects, has a default value of 0. If II_W4GL_EXPORT_WITH_DEFAULTS=FALSE, the attribute would appear only for those fields that have a different value (greater than 0). The exported XML would contain no occurrences of:
If II_W4GL_EXPORT_WITH_DEFAULTS=TRUE, you would find occurrences of xleft for all fields positioned at the left corner of their parent field. This situation applies to all other attributes.
Note:  This option increases export file size and decreases performance of export and import processing. For more information, see Effect on File Size of Including Default Attribute Values and Indenting XML Elements.
You may optionally set indentation for the output with II_W4GL_EXPORT_INDENTED.
For more information, see XML Import and Export, Command Line Method of Exporting an Application to a File (BackupApp), and Command Line Method of Exporting Components to a File (BackupApp).
(Windows only) Sets timeouts for HTTP connections through the RemoteServer class (connections with "http" or "http-jsonrpc" routing). The value of this variable should be four comma-separated integer values (in milliseconds) representing the following timeout limits:
resolveTimeout: 0 (no timeout)
connectTimeout: 60000 (60 seconds)
sendTimeout: 30000 (30 seconds)
receiveTimeout: 0 (no timeout)
For example:
Specifies the default import format for the w4gl backupapp in command (see Command Line Method of Importing an Application from a File and Command Line Method of Importing Components from a File). Valid values are:
Specifies OpenROAD proprietary ASCII format
Specifies XML format
Default: EXP
If this environment variable is not set, or is set to any other value, EXP format is tried first. If import fails, XML format is then used. See II_W4GL_IMPORT_XSD.
Specifies the full path to a URL or a file that contains the XML schema definition for the XML export format. If this variable is set, the referenced XSD will be used for validation when importing applications or components from XML-based export files.
Specifies the full location for the JSON-RPC configuration directory used by the OpenROAD Server. This location contains OpenROAD_application_name.json files. These JSON files have the OpenROAD 4GL procedures’ registration used by a JSON-RPC request.
If II_W4GL_JSON_CONFIG is not set, OpenROAD uses the “orjsonconfig” subdirectory of the directory specified by II_CONFIG.
Note:  Overrides the default settings for LW_MINIMUM, LW_EXTRATHIN, LW_VERYTHIN, LW_THIN, LW_MIDDLE, LW_THICK, and LW_MAXIMUM (and its equivalent, LW_VERYTHICK). For more information, see Line Width Settings in the appendix, "System Constants and Keywords," in the Language Reference Guide.
Note:  The value of this variable must be a list of six values separated by commas. Each value represents its respective line width in pixels. All values within the list must be present, and none can be 0 (zero). The list must be in a non-decreasing order, for example, the default values may be specified as 1,2,3,5,7,9,11 or 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 or 2,2,9,9,9,9,20.
Specifies the maximum number of image files OpenROAD keeps open at a time. If you specify 0 (zero), OpenROAD keeps an unlimited number of open image files.
Limits: minimum value is 2
Default: 10
If set to TRUE, OpenROAD will pass any user 3GL procedure parameters of the data type nvarchar as wide chars to the user 3GL procedure. If set to FALSE, nvarchars will be coerced to chars before passing them to the user 3GL procedure.
Default: FALSE
Specifies the default portlet blocking behavior for applications started with this environment variable set. The setting will be used for all callframe statements issued from within a portlet script.
This environment variable is checked only at application startup; therefore, changing its value within an application has no effect. Valid values include:
PB_GUESTFRAME (value = 0)
PB_HOSTFRAME (value = 1)
PB_GUESTFIELD (value = 2)
For more information about portlet blocking, see the ProcExec.PortletBlocking attribute in the Language Reference Guide.
Specifies whether the Query Layer is disabled for use with Enterprise Access on Microsoft SQL Server. When set to OFF, the Query Layer is disabled. The Query Layer is enabled by default if the database is Unicode enabled. For more information, see "Query Layer" in the Migration Guide.
Lets you set the path of a JSON-format file containing alternate routing information for applications running within an OpenROAD application server. It serves to convert existing applications using RemoteServer.Call4GL() statements with “http” routing into JSON RPC requests using “http-jsonrpc” routing. This eliminates the need to change any 4GL code. A protocol prefix (“http://” or “https://”) in the location is required.
In this example:
SET II_W4GL_RS_ROUTES=C:\temp\routes.json
the routes.json file contains the following for application images named “comtest” and “jsonrpcservertest”:
    "comtest": {
        "original": {
            "location": "",
            "routing": "http"
        "replace": {
            "flags": "",
            "location": "",
            "routing": "http-jsonrpc"
    "jsonrpcservertest": {
        "original": {
            "location": "",
            "routing": "http"
        "replace": {
            "flags": "",
            "location": "",
            "routing": "http-jsonrpc"

This environment variable does not enable the translation of Call4GL Method requests into JsonRpcRequest Method calls. If the Initiate Method attribute routing= is set to http-jsonrpc, when the Call4GL() method is used, the OpenROAD runtime will transparently perform the conversion.
Specifies a list of seven numbers, separated by commas, that define the size, in bytes, of the seven types of fixed buffers.
Default: 32, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
Specifies the default number of extra bytes allocated during each internal string buffer allocation (when setting the value or concatenating). The number of bytes allocated is set by the StringObject AllocatedBufferSize attribute. You can set the number of extra bytes allocated with the StringObject AllocateBufferExtra attribute. For more information, see the Language Reference Guide.
Default: 128 bytes
Specifies whether the system editor is automatically invoked instead of Workbench's built in Script Editor. Possible values are:
Specifies that the system editor is opened
Specifies that OpenROAD’s built-in Script Editor is opened
Specifies the size, in bytes, of buffer segments that OpenROAD allocates.
Default: 524160
Specifies whether a message box will pop up as a reminder that an unhandled exception has occurred in the 4GL code during runtime that must be dismissed before the application can continue. Setting this environment variable can help to ensure any errors are noted during QA and not missed inadvertently. It also could be used during development to catch errors that might stream off the trace window. Possible values are:
Specifies that unhandled 4GL exceptions open a message box that must be dismissed manually
(Default) Specifies that no message popup will appear upon encountering an unhandled exception
Specifies whether to trace 3GL procedure calls at compilation time. Possible values are:
Specifies that 3GL procedure calls should be traced
Specifies that 3GL procedures should not be traced
Specifies whether to include the number of buffers OpenROAD has allocated and freed when printing output to the trace window. Analyzing the trace may help you decide which value to use:
Specifies that the number of buffers should be written to the trace
(Default) Specifies that the number of buffers not be written to the trace
Specifies whether to start each trace message in the trace window and log file with the timestamp in square brackets. Possible values are:
Specifies that each trace message is preceded with the timestamp
Specifies that trace messages are not timestamped
Displays trace messages with timestamp in ISO format
Specifies whether the message will be wrapped in the log file. Possible values are:
Specifies that the messages will be wrapped in the log file in the same way they are in the Trace window
(Default) Specifies that the messages will not be wrapped in the log file as they are in the Trace window
Specifies whether the 4GL DBSession connection is shared with the Query and Reporting Tools Runtime. Possible values are:
(Default) Passes the -X flag to the Query and Reporting Tools Runtime
Passes the database name and Ingres flags to the Query and Reporting Tools Runtime
Specifies whether a DTD within the XML document is allowed during parsing. Possible values are TRUE or FALSE (default).
Specifies whether a DTD should be written during SessionObject.Gen_xml(), which is used for generating XML in generated SCPs (GSCPs), and when writing the %USERNAME%.bld file, which contains the saved information from the Build tab of Workbench. Possible values are TRUE or FALSE (default).
Specifies the web browser command that OpenROAD Workbench uses to display web pages instead of the system default browser, if any.
Specifies a system editor that OpenROAD uses instead of its own Script Editor for editing scripts.
For more information, see How You Can Use Your System Editor.
Specifies a system editor that OpenROAD uses instead of its own Script Editor for viewing scripts.
For more information, see How You Can Use Your System Editor.
Specifies the default system editor that OpenROAD uses instead of its own Script Editor for viewing or editing scripts. The default for the entire installation is set during the installation procedure. Users can also set this in their local environment.
Windows: You must set ING_EDIT to the full path name of the editor. For example:
Specifies the location of the OpenROAD profiles. This is set to a location that the user has write access.
You can set this environment variable using How You Can Use the symbol.tbl File. On Windows, OpenROAD shortcuts are launched using orwrap.exe, a utility that automatically sets OR_CONFIG at the process level to the appropriate location unique for the Ingres instance in which OpenROAD is installed.
Specifies the path for the directory in which to store bitmap image files. This environment variable is used by field templates that display images.
Specifies the path for the directory in which to store string object files. This environment variable is used by field templates that save and load string objects from files.
Specifies a path and file name for the OpenROAD Server Manager initialization file. (The default file is vasa.ini in the %II_SYSTEM%\ingres\files directory.) This variable is checked when the Server Manager starts. If the variable is not null and points to a valid file, then that file is used instead of the default vasa.ini.
If this variable is not specified, OpenROAD then checks the II_CONFIG variable. If this variable is not null and points to a valid file, then that file is used instead of the default vasa.ini. Lastly, II_SYSTEM is checked.
For more information about the Server Manager, see the Server Reference Guide.
More information:
Last modified date: 06/25/2024