4. Designing and Writing OpenROAD Server Applications : OpenROAD Parameter Data COM Object : COM (Non-OpenROAD) Client ASO Session Object : AttachRSO Method
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AttachRSO Method
The AttachRSO method attaches an existing active Remote Server Object to the ASOSession instance. If the Remote Server Object properties indicate that ASOLib should be used, a persistent session context is created in the server application.
The Remote Server Object is exposed as a property of the ASOSession class.
This method should be used only in exceptional situations when a Remote Server Object already exists and is already connected to an OpenROAD Server application. Usually, the Connect method described in Connect Method (see Connect Method) should be used.
        [in] VARIANT * RSO
This method uses the following parameter:
(Required) Specifies an instance of a Remote Server Object that must already be connected to an OpenROAD Server application