A. Command Reference : ingstatus Command--Show Server Status
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ingstatus Command--Show Server Status
The ingstatus command shows the status (Running or Not active) of all server-side processes.
This command has the following format:
ingstatus [-iigcn|-dmfrcp|-dmfacp|-client|-rmcmd|
[-iidbms|-iigcc|-iigcb|-iigcd| ‑mgmtsvr|-spark_provider [-c | -cluster]
[= connect_id]]] [-f] [-timeout=minutes] [-kill] [-show |-check] [-force|-immediate]
Shows status of the Name Server.
Shows status of the recovery process.
Shows status of the archiver process.
Shows status of the DBMS and X100 Server.
Shows status of the Communications Server.
Shows status of the Bridge Server.
Shows status of the Data Access Server.
Shows status of the Management Server used by Actian Director.
-c, -cluster
Shows the status of cluster services, including basic node health, Kerberos access if enabled, MPI access, HDFS Safemode, and HDFS fsck. This option is the same as invoking vhclstatus -S (see  vhclstatus Command--Display Status of Cluster Services).
Shows the status of the Spark-Vector Provider.