DataExchange User's Guide > Data Synchronization Deployment Models
Data Synchronization Deployment Models
The following topics explain conceptual information pertaining to the various deployment methods and options available in Data Synchronization. They also provide step-by-step instructions for each available method.
Data Synchronization Deployment Methods
Data Synchronization offers two methods for deploying replication, depending on database properties and business needs. The methods are 1-way and 2-way.
To determine the best deployment method, see the following table. It lists database properties and the best deployment method to meet those needs. So, if your database contains the properties listed in the first column, select the corresponding deployment method in the second column.
Your Database Properties
Deployment Method
If you need one or both of the following:
A data replication solution to ensure that you can restore data from a backup copy. Replication is 1-way from one machine to another.
A data portal solution to ensure data backup and be able to run reports on the backup server
If one or both of the following is true:
You want a data synchronization solution (2-way replication).
You do not require sophisticated conflict handling. That is, record conflicts can be handled at the column level based on the most recent time stamp and other criteria.
DataExchange Implementation Options
DX Deployment Wizard and the DXdeploy utility are implementation options for the deployment methods.
DX Deployment Wizard
DX Deployment Wizard is used to implement 1-way and 2-way deployment methods. It walks you through entry of necessary information to deploy a replication database and, if desired, create a replication schedule. The wizard creates a deployment bundle when you deploy at the First Site. This bundle is then used at the Partner Sites to complete the deployment. The wizard automates designing a replication template, activating the database for replication, synchronizing tables, performing an initial replication, and setting a replication schedule.
See dpwizard for more information on DX Deployment Wizard.
DXdeploy Utility
The DXdeploy utility can be used to implement 1‑way and 2-way deployment methods. This command line utility reads information from an XML descriptor file that you create to include specific information about your database and replication environment. You then include this file as an argument when you execute the utility. DXdeploy uses the XML descriptor file to design a replication template, activate the database for replication, synchronize tables, and perform an initial replication.
DataExchange includes two XML descriptor templates that you can use to create your own XML descriptor file to use with DXdeploy. You must make a copy of the template and edit it to include information needed by DXdeploy to replicate your own data. The default values in the template files cannot successfully replicate your data. See dxdeploy for more information on these templates and how to use them with DXdeploy.
Note:  The use of the DXdeploy utility and XML description templates is optional. Most users simply run the DX Deployment Wizard from the Start menu or the ZenCC DataExchange menu.
Where To Go From Here
By now, you should have a good idea as to the deployment method and implementation option that is right for you. The next table lists each deployment method and implementation option described and lists where to find specific instructions for implementing each specific scenario.
DataExchange Deployment Method and Implementation Option
For step-by-step instructions
1-way using Deployment Wizard
1-way using DXdeploy
2-way using Deployment Wizard
2-way using DXdeploy
Last modified date: 12/01/2023