Replication Stage | Utility/Service Name | File Name | For more information... |
Activation | Activate a Project Release | See dxact | |
Deactivation | Deactivate a Project Release | See dxdeact | |
Activation | Utility to read/write the event handler DLL path to the database. | See dxdeploy | |
Design / Activation | Deployment Utility | See dxdeploy | |
Design / Activation | Deployment Wizard | See dpwizard | |
Design | Dynamic Table Configuration and Test Utility (Real-Time Backup Edition only) | See dxdynpath | |
Design | Template Remover Wizard | See trwizard | |
Replication | DataExchange Agent | See dxagent | |
Replication | Control Table Cleanup Configuration Utility | See dxcleanup | |
Replication | Table Synchronization and Check Utility | See dxsynctables | |
Replication | Administrator | See da and Using DataExchange Manager | |
Replication | Statistics and Log View | ||
Replication | Console Replication Initiation Utility | See dxrepl | |
All | Zen Replication | See replserv |
Utility File Name | Utility Name | Description |
Database Activation Utility | Activates an enabled database by registering it with the local runtime environment as belonging to a site on the replication network. | |
Control Table Cleanup Configuration Utility | Sets/gets control table cleanup schedules for an activated database. | |
Database Deactivation Utility | Deactivates a release that was previously activated using dxact. | |
Deployment Utility | Deploys DataExchange on two sites using settings given in the XML deployment descriptor file. | |
(Real-Time Backup Edition only) | Dynamic Table Configuration and Test Utility | Supports appending, replacing, showing and testing regular expressions and file patterns for a designed database. |
Console Replication Initiation Utility | Replicates files from DSN to Partner Site. | |
Table Synchronization and Check Utility | Finds modified data missed by DataExchange event handler and returns control tables to the consistent state. |
Argument | Description |
<DSN> | Data Source Name for the database to be activated. |
Option | Description |
/DES[CRIPTION]=<string> | Description of this replication site, e.g. "My First Site". Database name will be automatically appended to it. [default=MyFirstSite] |
/DL[LPATH]=<string> | Full path to the event handler DLL, if specified. [default=<null>] |
/FI[RSTSITE] | Use this switch only if this is the First Site at which this release is being activated |
/FO[RCEINSTALL] | If specified, allows activation of a database that is a copy of an already-activated site |
/LOG={flags} | Specify which messages types to log: I = informational messages W = warning messages E = error messages For example, '/log=e /log=w' or '/log=we' (the default) logs errors and warnings only. Any message type left unspecified is suppressed. [default=iwe] |
/LOGF[ILE]=<string> | File name for log messages. Specifying '/LOGFILE=' alone sets logging to the console. [default=C:\ProgramData\Actian\Zen\Replication\LogFiles\DXACT.log] |
/LOGH[ISTORY]=nnn | Number of files to maintain in the log history [default=5] |
/LOGS[IZE]=nnn | Maximum size of the log file (0 means 'no limit') [default=0] |
/LOGW[IDTH]=nnn | Log messages are wrapped to fit within this line length. (minimum 50) [default=79] |
/NOI[NITIALREPL] | If specified, the replication engine will not perform an initial replication after the release has been activated. |
/NOL[OGO] | Do not display starting logo. |
/ODBCC[ONNSTR]=<string> | Additional ODBC connection string parameters in the form: <name>=<value>[;<name>=<value>...] [default=<null>] |
/ODBCN[AME]=<string> | User name for ODBC connection [default=PDUSER] |
/ODBCP[ASSWORD]=<string> | Password for ODBC connection [default=<null>] |
Argument | Description |
<Operation> | Valid arguments include SET or SHOW |
<DSN> | Database datasource name |
Option | Description |
/C[LEANUPPERIOD]=nnn | Time (in days) between cleanup cycles [default=7] |
/DXA[DMIN]=<string> | DX administrator name [default=ADMIN] |
/DXP[ASSWORD]=<string> | DX administrator password [default=password] |
/H[ELP] | Displays the command usage help text. |
/LOG={flags} | Specify which message types to log: I = informational messages W = warning messages E = error messages For example, '/log=e /log=w' or '/log=we' (the default) logs errors and warnings only. Any message type left unspecified is suppressed. [default=iwe] |
/LOGF[ILE]=<string> | File name for log messages. Specifying '/LOGFILE=' alone sets logging to the console. [default=C:\ProgramData\Actian\Zen\Replication\LogFiles\DXCLEANUP.log] |
/LOGH[ISTORY]=nnn | Number of files to maintain in the log history [default=5] |
/LOGS[IZE]=nnn | Maximum size of the log file (0 means 'no limit') [default=0] |
/LOGW[IDTH]=nnn | Log messages are wrapped to fit within this line length. (minimum 50) [default=79] |
/N[OLOGO] | Do not display starting logo. |
/ODBCN[AME]=<string> | User name for this database (if security enabled) [default=<null>] |
/ODBCP[ASSWORD]=<string> | Password for the user specified as ODBCName (if security enabled) [default=<null>] |
/OL[DESTALLOWED]=nnn | Age (in days) of oldest allowed record [default=90] |
/PA[RTNERNETADDR]=<string> | The network address of the Partner Site we should replicate with first. If this switch is not specified, DXact will display a prompt for the user to enter the partner network address. [default=<LocalHost>] |
/PN[LICENSE]=<string> | Specifies name of PNLicense file to register (specify at network First Site only) [default=C:\Program Files (x86)\Actian\Zen\bin\repllicense.pnl] |
/PR[EPROCESS] | If specified, preprocessing of starter data will be performed. This should be done unless it is known that no database changes occur between design and activation, and that starter data was preprocessed at design time. Otherwise, starter data will not get replicated. |
/REC[ONCILEREP] | If specified, the replication engine will perform reconciliation processing during the initial replication after the release has been activated. Should be specified unless data is identical between the site being activated and the First Site. Otherwise, reconciliation will not be performed. |
/SI[TETYPE]=<string> | Override new site's default site type. Must be one of: COMPLETE or HIGH [default=COMPLETE] |
/SU[BSCRIBESITES] | If specified, this site will be automatically subscribed to all new sites (via the dSite table). |
Argument | Description |
<DSN> | Database datasource name |
Option | Description |
/K[EEPINFO] | Keep Activation Information in system database (by default, that info is removed) |
/LOG={flags} | Specify which messages types to log: I = informational messages W = warning messages E = error messages For example, '/log=e /log=w' or '/log=we' (the default) logs errors and warnings only. Any message type left unspecified is suppressed. [default=iwe] |
/LOGF[ILE]=<string> | File name for log messages. Specifying '/LOGFILE=' alone sets logging to the console. [default=C:\ProgramData\Actian\Zen\Replication\LogFiles\DXDEACT.log] |
/LOGH[ISTORY]=nnn | Number of files to maintain in the log history [default=5] |
/LOGS[IZE]=nnn | Maximum size of the log file (0 means 'no limit') [default=0] |
/LOGW[IDTH]=nnn | Log messages are wrapped to fit within this line length. (minimum 50) [default=79] |
/N[OLOGO] | Do not display starting logo. |
/ODBCN[AME]=<string> | User name for this database (if security enabled) [default=<null>] |
/ODBCP[ASSWORD]=<string> | Password for the user specified as ODBCName (if security enabled) [default=<null>] |
/H[ELP] | Displays the command usage help text. |
Argument | Description |
<XML file> | XML Deployment Descriptor file. XML Descriptor file templates (EXPRESS.XML and CUSTOM.XML) are located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Actian\Zen\Replication\docs on 64-bit systems. |
Option | Description |
/LOG={flags} | Specify which messages types to log: I = informational messages W = warning messages E = error messages For example, '/log=e /log=w' or '/log=we' (the default) logs errors and warnings only. Any message type left unspecified is suppressed. [default=iwe] |
/LOGF[ILE]=<string> | File name for log messages. Specifying '/LOGFILE=' alone sets logging to the console. [default=C:\ProgramData\Actian\Zen\Replication\LogFiles\DXDEPLOY.log] |
/LOGH[ISTORY]=nnn | Number of files to maintain in the log history [default=5] |
/LOGS[IZE]=nnn | Maximum size of the log file (0 means 'no limit') [default=0] |
/LOGW[IDTH]=nnn | Log messages are wrapped to fit within this line length. (minimum 50) [default=79] |
/N[OLOGO] | Do not display starting logo. |
/S[ITE]=<string> | Choose which site in Sites list to deploy: First | Partner (This setting is optional and is used for demonstration purposes only.) [default=<null>] |
/H[ELP] | Displays the command usage help text. |
Argument | Description |
<Operation> | Valid arguments include APPEND, REPLACE, SHOW or TEST. |
<DSN> | Database datasource name created by DataExchange. |
Option | Description |
/F[ILEPATH]=<string> | Absolute file path to test (valid only for <Operation> TEST). The path used here is the absolute path to the database created by DataExchange. [default=<null>] |
/LOG={flags} | Specify which messages types to log: I = informational messages W = warning messages E = error messages For example, '/log=e /log=w' or '/log=we' (the default) logs errors and warnings only. Any message type left unspecified is suppressed. [default=iwe] |
/LOGF[ILE]=<string> | File name for log messages. Specifying '/LOGFILE=' alone sets logging to the console. [default=C:\ProgramData\Actian\Zen\Replication\LogFiles\DXDYNPATH.log] |
/LOGH[ISTORY]=nnn | Number of files to maintain in the log history [default=5] |
/LOGS[IZE]=nnn | Maximum size of the log file (0 means 'no limit') [default=0] |
/LOGW[IDTH]=nnn | Log messages are wrapped to fit within this line length. (minimum 50) [default=79] |
/N[OLOGO] | Do not display starting logo. |
/ODBCN[AME]=<string> | User name for this database (if security enabled) [default=<null>] |
/ODBCP[ASSWORD]=<string> | Password for the user specified as ODBCName (if security enabled) [default=<null>] |
/P[ATTERN]=<string> | Glob-style pattern (e.g. "dir newfile*.mkd") or regular expression. For <Operation> APPEND or REPLACE, PATTERN is applied to Dynamic Table Configuration. For <Operation> TEST, PATTERN is used to test for a match, otherwise ignored [default=<null>] |
/T[YPE]=<string> | INCLUDE, EXCLUDE or BOTH (BOTH is valid only for <Operation> SHOW) [default=INCLUDE] |
/H[ELP] | Displays the command usage help text. |
Argument | Description |
<Operation> | Valid arguments include REGISTER, UNREGISTER or SHOW |
<DSN> | Datasource name |
Option | Description |
/DXA[DMIN]=<string> | DX administrator name [default=ADMIN] |
/DXP[ASSWORD]=<string> | DX administrator password [default=password] |
/LOG={flags} | Specify which messages types to log: I = informational messages W = warning messages E = error messages For example, '/log=e /log=w' or '/log=we' (the default) logs errors and warnings only. Any message type left unspecified is suppressed. [default=iwe] |
/LOGF[ILE]=<string> | File name for log messages. Specifying '/LOGFILE=' alone sets logging to the console. [default=C:\ProgramData\Actian\Zen\Replication\LogFiles\DXREGEVNT.log] |
/LOGH[ISTORY]=nnn | Number of files to maintain in the log history [default=5] |
/LOGS[IZE]=nnn | Maximum size of the log file (0 means 'no limit') [default=0] |
/LOGW[IDTH]=nnn | Log messages are wrapped to fit within this line length. (minimum 50) [default=79] |
/N[OLOGO] | Do not display starting logo. |
/ODBCN[AME]=<string> | User name for this database (if security enabled) [default=<null>] |
/ODBCP[ASSWORD]=<string> | Password for Administrator. [default=<null>] |
/P[ATH]=<string> | Absolute path to an event handler (a shared library) [default=<null>] |
/H[ELP] | Displays the command usage help text. |
Argument | Description |
<SiteID> | The target site for the replication session [default=<null>] |
<DSN> | The Zen replication data source name |
Option | Description |
/LOG={flags} | Specify which messages types to log: I = informational messages W = warning messages E = error messages For example, '/log=e /log=w' or '/log=we' logs errors and warnings only. Any message type left unspecified is suppressed. [default=iwe] |
/LOGF[ILE]=<string>/ | File name for log messages. Specifying '/LOGFILE=' alone sets logging to the console. [default=C:\ProgramData\Actian\Zen\Replication\LogFiles\DXREPL.log] |
/LOGH[ISTORY]=nnn/ | Number of files to maintain in the log history [default=5] |
/LOGS[IZE]=nnn | Maximum size of the log file (0 means 'no limit') [default=0] |
/LOGW[IDTH]=nnn | Log messages are wrapped to fit within this line length. (minimum 50) [default=79] |
/N[OLOGO] | Do not display starting logo. |
/ODBCN[AME]=<string> | User name for this database (if security enabled) [default=<null>] |
/ODBCP[ASSWORD]=<string> | Password for the user specified as ODBCName (if security enabled) [default=<null>] |
/H[ELP] | Displays the command usage help text. |
Argument | Description |
<Table> | Name of table to be updated (*=All tables) |
<DSN> | Datasource name |
Option | Description |
/E[XCLUDE]=<string> | Optional comma-separated list of tables to exclude [default=<null>] |
/F[ORCE] | Forces update of timestamped columns. |
/LOG={flags} | Specify which messages types to log: I = informational messages W = warning messages E = error messages For example, '/log=e /log=w' or '/log=we' (the default) logs errors and warnings only. Any message type left unspecified is suppressed. [default=iwe] |
/LOGF[ILE]=<string> | File name for log messages. Specifying '/LOGFILE=' alone sets logging to the console. [default=C:\ProgramData\Actian\Zen\Replication\LogFiles\]. |
/LOGH[ISTORY]=nnn | Number of files to maintain in the log history [default=5] |
/LOGS[IZE]=nnn | Maximum size of the log file (0 means 'no limit') [default=0] |
/LOGW[IDTH]=nnn | Log messages are wrapped to fit within this line length. (minimum 50) [default=79] |
/M[SD] | Mark the data with starter data timestamp |
/N[OLOGO] | Do not display starting logo. |
/ODBCN[AME]=<string> | User name for this database (if security enabled) [default=<null>] |
/ODBCP[ASSWORD]=<string> | Password for the user specified as ODBCName (if security enabled) [default=<null>] |
/H[ELP] | Displays the command usage help text. |
Utility File Name | Utility Name | Description |
Manager | GUI DX Administration utility. Sets up notifications, user access, and replication schedule information. | |
Replication Progress and Log Viewers | GUI statistics and logging view utility. Configures replication sessions, monitors data replication, and sets logging options. | |
Deployment Wizard | Wizard to deploy replication. | |
Template Remover Wizard | Wizard to remove a replication template. |
File Name | Utility Name | Description |
DataExchange Agent | Detects critical replication failures, and notifies administrators by email. | |
Zen Replication | Performs data replication between databases. |