G. Bulk Load Configuration Files
The following topics describe the configuration files used by Zen Bulk Load.
Using Zen Bulk Load for more information about this feature.
Sample Bulk Data Configuration File
The bulk format configuration file is produced when either a table or a DataReader is exported (unloaded) using the BulkCopy and BulkLoad operation.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Sample DDL
DECIMALCOL number(15,5), NUMERICCOL decimal(15,5), SMALLCOL number(38), \
INTEGERCOL integer, REALCOL number, \
FLOATCOL float, DOUBLECOL number, LVCOL clob, \
BITCOL number(1),TINYINTCOL number(19), BIGINTCOL number(38), BINCOL raw(10), \
TIMECOL date, TSCOL date) -->
<table codepage="UTF-16" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="file:///c:/Documents and Settings/jbruce/My Documents/Current Specs/BulkData.xsd">
<column codepage="UTF-16" datatype="CHAR" length="10" nullable="true">CHARCOL</column>
<column codepage="UTF-16" datatype="LONGVARCHAR" length="10">VCHARCOL</column>
<column codepage="UTF-16" datatype="DECIMAL" precision="15" scale="5">DECIMALCOL</column>
<column codepage="UTF-16" datatype="DECIMAL" precision="15" scale="5">NUMERICOL</column>
<column codepage="UTF-16" datatype="DECIMAL" precision="38">SMALLCOL</column>
<column codepage="UTF-16" datatype="INTEGER">INTEGERCOL</column>
<column codepage="UTF-16" datatype="SINGLEPRECISION"">REALCOL</column>
<!-More definitions can follow here -->
XML Schema Definition for a Bulk Data Configuration File
The bulk configuration XML schema governs bulk configuration files. The bulk configuration files in turn govern bulk load data files that are processed by Zen Bulk Load.
This schema, which is published at
https://media.datadirect.com/download/docs/ns/bulk/BulkData.xsd, provides a foundation for any third-party functionality to be built using this standard. Custom applications or tools that manage large amounts of data can employ this schema as a loosely coupled Zen Bulk Load across ODBC, JDBC, and ADO.NET APIs and across multiple platforms.
If you want to generate CSV data that can be consumed by Zen Bulk Load, you must supply an XML Schema for your XML configuration file.
Each bulk operation generates an XML configuration file in UTF-8 format that describes the bulk data file produced. If the bulk data file cannot be created or does not comply with the schema described in the XML configuration file, an exception is returned.
Last modified date: 11/04/2024