Direct Access Components Reference
The following topics provide detailed information for Delphi and C++Builder developers:
MicroKernel Engine Components
The set of Btrieve components includes the following:
These components use no relational functionality and do not require the Relational Engine or ODBC at run time.
The components replace Embarcadero ones as listed in the following table.
The components can be used standalone (that is, without the Borland Database Engine (BDE) installed) or coincident with the BDE within a single application. Use of the components is the same as the corresponding BDE components, with exceptions noted under specific components where applicable and in
PDAC Classes, Properties, Events, and Methods.
Provides thread safety and Client ID support. Its functionality is similar to the TSession VCL component.
Related Information
See the following in this chapter pertaining to TPvSession:
Provides database connection-specific functionality for non-SQL databases, such as login control, transaction support, persistent database connections. Its functionality is similar to the TDatabase VCL component.
Functional Differences Between TPvDatabase and Embarcadero Components
• Property DriverName, Locale, and TTraceFlags have been dropped
• Handle type is changed to DRM_DBID
• IsSQLBased always returns False
• TransIsolation has only two possible values: tiDirtyRead and tiReadCommitted (the default).
Secure Tables and Prompting for User Name and Password
If you are connecting to a secure table, PDAC prompts you for the user name and password. If you want suppress these prompts, set up connection parameters in TPvDatabase using the following as an example. (See also
Table Security under
PvDatabase.AliasName:= 'DatabaseName';
// here you specify user name and password to
// connect to remote database.
PvDatabase.Params.Add('User Name=UserName');
Related Information
See the following in this chapter pertaining to TPvDatabase:
Provides single-table access and manipulation. Its functionality is similar to the TTable VCL component.
Functional Differences Between TPvTable and Embarcadero Components
• All alias management functions perform "named database" management.
• Inherits from TPvDataSet rather than TDBDataSet.
• Properties TableLevel, UpdateObject, UnlockTable, OpenIndexFile, CloseIndexFile have been dropped. TableType is ignored.
• The Database Name property can be provided at both design time and runtime as a DSN, a Zen Named Database, or as a fully qualified path to the database.
Table Security
PDAC security for the MicroKernel Engine uses owner names for individual tables. Using this security model, you provide the owner name for the table. See the operation
Set Owner (29) in the
Btrieve API Guide for more information.
The TPvTable has the property Owner: string and the following method:
SetOwnerOnTable(AOwner: string; AccessMode: integer).
With the Owner property you can set the owner name, and with the SetOwnerOnTable method you can set or clear the owner name on the table.
As controlled by these PDAC access modes, to access the Btrieve table, provide a valid owner name.
Table Creation
Call the CreateTable method at run time to create a table using current definition in this dataset.
If the FieldDefs property contains values, these values are used to create field definitions. Otherwise the Fields property is used. One or both of these properties must contain values in order to recreate a dataset.
Use the Add method to assign field properties
procedure Add(const Name: string; DataType: TFieldType; Size: Word; Required: Boolean);
Add is provided for backward compatibility. The recommended way to add new field definitions to the Items property array is using the AddFieldDef method. You should also use it to specify precision and scale for the ftBCD data type.
Add uses the values passed in the Name, DataType, Size, and Required parameters and assigns them to the respective properties of the new field definition object.
Note: Set Required to False if the field is nullable.
Note: To activate the autoincrement property for an AutoInc field, create a unique index on this field. Also, in the current release, PDAC does not support the BIGIDENTITY data type.
Delphi Example
PvTable1.DatabaseName := 'TestData';
PvTable1.TableName := 'TestData1';
with PvTable1.FieldDefs do
Add('F_autoinc', ftAutoInc, 0, True);
Add('F_currency', ftCurrency, 0, False);
Add('F_integer', ftInteger, 0, False);
Add('F_word', ftWord, 0, False);
Add('F_fixchar', ftFixedchar, 30, False);
Add('F_varbin', tString, 25, False);
Add('F_blob', ftBlob, 60, False);
with PvTable1.FieldDefs.AddFieldDef do
Name := 'F_BCD';
DataType := ftBCD;
Size:=2; //Scale
Precision := 10; //Precision
Required := false;
with PvTable1.IndexDefs do
Add('Index1', 'F_autoinc', [ixPrimary, ixUnique]);
Add('Index2', 'F_integer', [ixCaseInsensitive]);
C++Builder Example
PvTable1->FieldDefs->Add("F_autoinc", ftAutoInc, 0, True);
PvTable1->FieldDefs->Add("F_integer", ftInteger, 0, False);
PvTable1->FieldDefs->Add("F_Curr", ftCurrency, 0, False);
PvTable1->FieldDefs->Add("F_Word", ftWord, 0, False);
PvTable1->FieldDefs->Add("F_fixchar", ftFixedChar, 0, False);
PvTable1->FieldDefs->Add("F_String", ftString, 20, False);
PvTable1->FieldDefs->Add("F_blob", ftBlob, 60, False);
TFieldDef *FieldDef = PvTable1->FieldDefs->AddFieldDef();
PvTable1->IndexDefs-> Add("Index1","F_autoinc",TIndexOptions() <<ixPrimary << ixUnique);
Related Information
See the following topics pertaining to TPvTable:
Enables applications to perform database operations on groups of records or entire tables. Its functionality is similar to the TBatchMove VCL component.
Related Information
See the following in this chapter pertaining to TPvTable:
Included with PDAC for InfoPower compatibility. It is directly derived from TPvTable and has an extra property, "Control Type."
Relational Engine Components
The set of Relational Engine components includes the following:
The components replace Embarcadero ones as listed in the following table.
The components can be used standalone (that is, without the Borland Database Engine (BDE) installed) or coincident with the BDE within a single application. Use of the components is the same as the corresponding BDE components, with exceptions noted under specific components where applicable and in
PDAC Classes, Properties, Events, and Methods.
Provides thread safety and Client ID support for Zen. Functionality is similar to the TSession VCL component.
Functional Differences Between TPvSQLSession and Embarcadero Components
• All alias management functions perform DSN management.
• The type of Property 'Handle' has been changed to SQLHENV.
• Method 'AddStandardAlias' adds an Engine DSN with default settings.
• Property 'UpdateDsnType: TDsnTypes' has been added. 'TDsnTypes = (dsnSystem, dsnUser)'. 'UpdateDsnType' means:
• In case of 'DeleteAlias' function - which DSN user is going to delete: System or User DSN?
• In case of 'AddAlias' and 'GetAliasParameters' functions - hints which DSN type is preferred.
Related Information
See the following in this chapter pertaining to TPvSQLSession:
Provides for Zen database connection-specific functionality, such as login control, transaction support and persistent database connections. Functionality is similar to the TDatabase VCL component.
Functional Differences Between TPvDatabase and Embarcadero Components
• The type of Property 'Handle' has been changed to SQLHDBC.
• Property 'IsSQLBased' is always true.
• Properties 'Tables' and 'StoredProcs' have type 'TSqlTablesInfoCollection' and 'TSqlStoredProcInfoCollection' correspondingly.
Secure Databases and Prompting for User Name and Password
If you are connecting to a secure database, PDAC prompts you for the user name and password. If you want suppress these prompts, set up connection parameters in TPvSQLDatabase using the following as an example.
PvDatabase.AliasName:= 'DatabaseName';
// here you specify user name and password to
// connect to remote database.
PvDatabase.Params.Add('User Name=UserName');
DSN-Less Connections from a Client
PDAC's relational components are able to connect from a client machine without a DSN or Named Database to a remote server database. The server must have a DSN for the database.
This feature works through the use of the property,
AliasNameIsConnectionString, which is available with the TPvSqlDatabase component. For more information, see
Specific Class Differences from VCL.
1. Drop a PvSQLDatabase on a Delphi form.
2. Supply a fictitious DatabaseName—it can be anything.
3. Set the property AliasNameIsConnectionString to True.
4. Set the AliasName property (or the DatabaseName, leaving AliasName blank) to the Connection String.
The Connection String is the complete connection string for ODBC, including the DSN on the server and the name of the server, as shown in the following example:
DRIVER={Pervasive ODBC Client Interface};ServerName=DSLINUX2; ServerDSN=DEMODATA; UID=myuserid;PWD=mypassword
Note: There are no quotation marks or line breaks in the connection string. If your editor wraps the preceding line, make it a single line in the property editor.
If a user name and password are required, they may be supplied as part of the Connection String; if they are not in the Connection String, the standard database login dialog displays if the LoginPrompt property is True.
5. Set the database to Connected and use as usual.
All these steps may be performed at design time or through code at run time.
Related Information
See the following in this chapter pertaining to TPvSQLDatabase:
Encapsulates a rowset based on a SQL statement, which provides full relational access including joins and cached updates to multiple tables. Functionality is similar to the TQuery VCL component.
Functional Differences Between TPvQuery and Embarcadero Components
• Inherited from TQuery
• The type of Property 'Handle' has been changed to SQLHSTMT.
• The type of Property 'DBHandle' has been changed to SQLHDBC.
• Property 'StmtHandle' has been dropped.
• Property 'Text' always returns text from property 'SQL'.
• Method 'CheckOpen' has been dropped.
• All index and key related properties and methods (like 'GetIndexInfo') have been dropped.
• If 'LoadBlobOnOpen' property is true, then all BLOBs will be cached in memory on query open. If 'LoadBlobOnOpen' is false, then BLOBs will be read as required.
BookMarksEnabled Property
TPvQuery contains a Boolean property BookmarksEnabled. If you do not use Bookmarks in your application, set this property to False to increase TPvQuery performance. The default value is True.
PvQuery.BookmarksEnabled :=False
Cursor Management
TPvQuery has a property, CursorType, that can be set to ctCached or ctDynamic. The following table describes the behavior of this property in more detail.
Note: Dynamic cursors can see the Inserts/Updates/Deletes of their own or other clients.
You can change CursorType on a PvQuery by changing the Property, but only at run time if Active is False. If you change it in Design mode, and the query is Active, it will deactivate the query and change the cursor type but not reactivate. At run time, changing CursorType on an Active PvQuery results in the exception "Cannot perform this operation on an open dataset."
Case Where Dynamic Cursors Change to Static
If you request a dynamic cursor (ctDynamic), but your SQL statement contains a construct that a dynamic cursor cannot process, the engine will connect and return data, but with a static cursor. For example, such a construct could be:
• A view
• A join
• An ORDER BY on a column with no index defined
In the event the cursor is transformed into a static one, this static cursor will be engine-based one that cannot see inserts, updates, or deletes made by other clients. It will perform better than the static cursors on previous releases (that is, ones using ctCached as the cursor type.).
When the dynamic to static transformation occurs, the database engine notifies the PDAC component, and sets a read-only public property named EngineCursor.
This EngineCursor property is not published, so it is not visible in the Object Inspector during design. It can have two values:
• ecDynamic
• ecStatic
You cannot modify this property, but you can check its value after opening a query. You might want to check this property for example if it is important that your application know whether your cursor includes updates made by other clients.
Related Information
See the following items pertaining to TPvQuery:
Allows transparent updating (including cached updates) of SQL row sets not otherwise updatable (multiple-table joins, and so forth). Functionality is similar to TUpdateSQL VCL component.
Related Information
See the following item pertaining to TPvTable:
Provides access to Zen stored procedures; it allows parameterized use and can return rowsets the same as the TPvQuery component. Functionality is similar to TStoredProc VCL component.
Related Information
See the following items pertaining to TPvQuery:
Included with PDAC for InfoPower compatibility. It is directly derived from TPvQuery and has an extra property, "Control Type."
Included with PDAC for InfoPower compatibility. It is directly derived from TPvStoredProc and has an extra property, "Control Type."
Database Security for ODBC and SQL
ODBC and SQL security is database security on the DDF level. There are no special methods in PDAC to set up SQL security. You should use external programs such as Zen Control Center or any ODBC tool.
If the database has security, a dialog displays in which you enter the user name and password each time you open a table or connect to a TPvDatabase component. To verify if security is set up on the database, you can check the public property
TPvDatabase.IsSecured. See also
Secure Tables and Prompting for User Name and Password.
Note: The MicroKernel Engine security uses owner names (see
Table Security). If the database has SQL security enabled, owner name security is ignored.
Differences Between PDAC and Embarcadero Components
The following table summarizes the functional differences between Zen and Embarcadero components.
TransIsolation Property Differences
The TransIsolation property behavior of PDAC is different from that of their Embarcadero equivalents.
Transaction isolation level determines how a transaction interacts with other simultaneous transactions when they work with the same tables, and how much a transaction sees of operations performed by other transactions.
Use the property TPvDatabase.TransIsolation to specify the transaction isolation level for the database.
PDAC supports only the tiReadCommitted mode. This means that other users cannot see the changes made to a file until the transaction ends. This is the only setting supported by the database engine.
PDAC Classes, Properties, Events, and Methods
This topic lists all classes, properties, events, and methods in PDAC. All are described in Pascal notation and show differences with their Embarcadero counterpart components.
Exception Classes
Class EPvDatabaseError
This class is an ancestor for all exception classes in PDAC. It has the property Owner that contains a reference to the class that generated the exception.
Class EPvDBEngineError
This is an abstract base class for all DB engine error related classes. Property Errors lists the errors (in classes, derived from the TPvDBError class) and property ErrorCount indicates the total number of errors contained in the Errors property.
Class TPvDBError
TPvDBError is an abstract base class for all classes that represent database engine errors for the EPvDBEngineError exception class. It contains follow properties:
• Property Message specifies the text of the error message.
• Property NativeError indicates the status code returned from the engine (the Btrieve status code).
Class EPvDrmEngineError
Exceptions of this class are raised by the Btrieve subset of PDAC. Property ErrorCode is a DRM error code. The Errors array of EPvDrmEngineError contains objects with type TPvDrmError.
Class TPvDrmError
Class TPvDrmError describes a DRM error. In ErrorCode it contains a DRM error code, and in NativeError it contains a Btrieve status code.
Class EPvSqlEngineError
Exceptions of this class are raised by the SQL (relational) subset of PDAC. Property ErrorCode is the return value of the last ODBC call. The Errors array of EPvSqlEngineError contains objects with type TPvSqlError.
Class TPvSqlError
Class TPvSqlError describes ODBC errors.
Class EPvDbAdminEngineError
Exceptions of this class are raised during execution of DBNames and DSN management functions, such as TPvSqlSession.AddAlias, on local and remote servers. It has an additional property ErrorType: TPvDbAdminEngineErrorTypes. If ErrorType = dbmeDTI then NativeError contains a DTI (Distributed Tuning Interface) error code, otherwise NativeError contains local error codes of DBNames and DSN related function (see EPvSqlInstallerEngineError and EPvOwnSqlInstallerEngineError).
Class EPvSqlInstallerEngineError
Exceptions of this class are raised during execution of DNSs management functions, such as TPvSqlSession.AddAlias, on local servers, i.e. if TPvSqlSession.ServerName property is empty or has name of the local server. Errors contains the value, returned by SQLInstallerError() function.
Class EPvOwnSqlInstallerEngineError
Because DSN management functions in some cases lack meaningful errors, exceptions of this class are provided to raised in order to introduce new types of errors. In the NativeError the following values are possible:
• cPvOwnSqlInstallerEngineErrorDsnAlreadyExist – user tried to create a preexisting DSN.
• cPvOwnSqlInstallerEngineErrorDsnNotFound – user tried to delete non-existent DSN.
• cPvOwnSqlInstallerEngineErrorInvalidOpenMode – value of prmOPEN_MODE ('OPEN_MODE') parameter is invalid. See prmOPEN_MODE description below for details.
• cPvOwnSqlInstallerEngineErrorClientDSNsAreNotSupported – client DSNs are not supported in remote server mode (TPvSqlSession.ServerName is not empty).
Supporting Classes
Supporting classes are required by the higher-level components and encapsulate BDE-specific functionality. These classes are "cloned" in PDAC with as few changes as possible.
Class TPvSessionList/TPvSqlSessionList
Classes TPvSessionList and TPvSqlSessionList manage session components in applications that provide multiple sessions. In this class only the types of contained objects (TSession to TPvSession or TPvSqlSession) have been changed.
Class TPvBlobStream/TPvSQLBlobStream
Classes TPvBlobStream and TPvSQLBlobStream are stream objects that let applications read from or write to field objects that represent Binary large object (BLOB) fields. They function in the same way as the TBlobStream VCL class.
Classes TParam/TParams
Class TParam represents a field parameter. Properties of a TParam are used to set the value of a parameter that represents the value of a field. TParams is list of the TParam objects. TParam and TParams in PDAC have no changes in their interface sections; they are only moved to the new file.
Class TMasterDataLink
Note: For Delphi/C++Builder 3 and 4 only
TMasterDataLink allows a dataset to establish a master/detail relationship. It has no changes in its interface section, and is only moved to a new file.
General Differences from VCL
Interfaces exposed by PDAC components correspond almost exactly to the appropriate VCL components, which work via the BDE. More detailed info about related VCL components is contained in the Delphi/C++Builder help system (file del?vcl.hlp or bcbvcl?.hlp, where ? is 3 or 4 or 5). However, since some BDE features do not exist in Zen and some Zen features do not exist in the BDE, Zen has corrected these interfaces (dropped or added properties/methods/events). The listing below enumerates only those interfaces that have been changed. All other interfaces are cloned as-is.
Global Variables
Instead of the BDE Session and Sessions global variables, PDAC has its own global variables BtvSession: TPvSession and BtvSessions: TPvSessionList for the Btrieve subset and PvSqlSession: TPvSqlSession and PvSqlSessions: TPvSqlSessionList for the relational subset. They behave the same as the Session and Sessions variables and are created automatically on application startup and destroyed automatically on application shutdown.
Btrieve Subset
In the Transactional subset, PDAC uses Zen Named Databases as aliases.
SQL Subset
In the Relational subset, PDAC uses Data Source Names (DSNs) as aliases.
Specific Class Differences from VCL
The following sections contain specific differences from the Embarcadero VCL.
TPvSession and TPvSqlSession
• TraceFlags property was dropped, since tracing of Zen API calls is carried out via an external utility or the Distributed Tuning Interface.
• Zen does not use the following properties (for compatibility purposes they are present only as storage for strings):
• NetFileDir
• PrivateDir
• Locale property was dropped, as there is no analog in Zen for this BDE-specific feature.
• Zen has no driver. All interfaces items relating to drivers were dropped (methods AddDriver, DeleteDriver, GetAliasDriverName, GetDriverNames, GetDriverParams and ModifyDriver).
• Password-related interfaces only store and retrieve strings (AddPassword, RemovePassword and RemoveAllPasswords). Event OnPassword never fires, except in GetPassword method.
• GetConfigParams method does nothing.
• New published properties have been added: ServerName, ServerAdminUser, ServerAdminPassword and ServerAdminLoginPrompt. They provide the way to connect to remote servers. ServerAdminUser and ServerAdminPassword are DTI (Distributed Tuning Interface) user name and password.
Tip... For more information see DTI documentation.
• Property ServerAdminLoginPrompt is analog to TPv(Sql)Database.LoginPrompt, except that in design time if ServerAdminLoginPrompt=false and there are problems to get list of DBNames from server, you will be prompted for user name/password after unsuccessful attempt to login.
Tip... DTI is supported only by Pervasive.SQL 2000 and above.
• LocalSystem public property.
For remote servers LocalSystem=false, for local – true.
TPvSession Specific
• All alias management functions perform Named Database management in PDAC. TPvSession allows creating local and remote DBNames and getting parameters for local and remote DBNames. To establish a connection with a database on the server, the user should create a DBName using the path to the database on the server. The developer can use the following values on entrance:
• prmDDF_PATH ('DDF_PATH') – path to data dictionary files.
• prmPATH ('PATH') – path to data files.
• prmBOUND ('BOUND') – is database bound? Default is false.
• prmINTEGRITY ('INTEGRITY') – is database has integrity constraints? Default is true.
• prmCREATE_DDF ('CREATE_DDF') – if this parameter is true, then empty database will be created.
• AddStandardAlias method adds DB name with standard settings: INTEGRITY – True, BOUND – False.
• Handle property type was changed to DRM_SESID.
• Example: Create DBName.
var MyList: TStringList;
MyList := TStringList.Create;
with MyList do
PvSession1.AddAlias('TestAlias', MyList);
TPvSqlSession Specific
• All alias management functions do DSN management. User can use follow values on entrance
• prmDB_NAME (DB) – DB name for database. Engine DSN specific.
• prmDSN_DESCRIPTION (DESCRIPTION) – description for DSN.
• prmIS_ENGINE_DSN ('IS_ENGINE_DSN') – determines, is the given DSN Engine DSN (True) or Client DSN (False).
• prmIS_SYSTEM_DSN ('IS_SYSTEM_DSN') – determines, if the given DSN is System DSN (True) or User DSN (False).
• prmOPEN_MODE (OPEN_MODE) – determines open mode for DSN. Possible values are: prmOPEN_MODE_normal (Normal), prmOPEN_MODE_accelerated (Accelerated), prmOPEN_MODE_readonly (ReadOnly) and prmOPEN_MODE_exclusive (Exclusive). Engine DSN specific.
• prmSERVER_NAME ('SERVER_NAME') – the address of the server or host name and the port number where the data resides. Client DSN specific.
• prmTCP_PORT ('TCP_PORT') – TCP port on server. Client DSN specific.
• prmSERVER_DSN ('SERVER_DSN') – the name of an Engine DSN on server. Client DSN specific.
• prmTRANSPORT_HINT ('TRANSPORT_HINT') – contains transport hint. Client DSN specific. Possible values: TCP.
• prmARRAY_FETCH_ON ('ARRAY_FETCH_ON') – enables array fetching (True/False). Client DSN specific.
• prmARRAY_BUFFER_SIZE ('ARRAY_BUFFER_SIZE') – size of the array buffer. Values between 1 and 64KB are acceptable. Client DSN specific.
• Handle property type was changed to SQLHENV.
• Remote DSNs management is supported only by Pervasive.SQL 2000 SP2a or above. Remote client and user DSNs are not supported.
• AddStandardAlias method adds a Engine DSN with default settings. Second parameter is DB name.
• UpdateDsnType: TDsnTypes property has been added. TDsnTypes = (dsnSystem, dsnUser). UpdateDsnType means:
• In case of DeleteAlias function – which DSN user is going to delete: System or User DSN.
• In case of AddAlias and GetAliasParameters functions – hints which DSN type we prefer.
• Sample program how to create system client DSN:
var MyStringList: TStringList;
MyStringList := TStringList.Create;
// DSN on the Server
PvSqlSession1.AddAlias('ATest', MyStringList);
TPvDatabase and TPvSqlDatabase
• ODBCPacketSize property is an SQLUINTEGER value that specifies the network packet size in bytes. It is used in SQLSetConnectAttr() to set the SQL_ATTR_PACKET_SIZE attribute that governs aspects of connections.
Tip... For more information on SQLSetConnectAttr(), please refer to Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference.
• The following properties were dropped:
• DriverName
• Locale
• TraceFlags
• TransIsolation property has only 1 value (tiReadCommitted), because Zen does not support other isolation levels.
• Tables property was added. It contains list of tables in database.
• StoredProcs property was added. It contains list of stored procedures in database.
• LoginPromptOnlyIfNecessary was added. Following situations are possible:
• If LoginPrompt=true, LoginPromptIfNecessary=true. Login dialog is displayed only for secured database (after unsuccessful login attempt). This is the default behavior.
• If LoginPrompt=true, LoginPromptIfNecessary=false. Login dialog is displayed always before login attempt. This is VCL's TDatabase behavior. The most suitable for secured databases. Provides fastest way to login.
• If LoginPrompt=false, LoginPromptIfNecessary=true/false (not matter). Login dialog is never displayed. User can implement own login dialog.
TPvDatabase Specific
• Handle property has been changed to DRM_DBID.
• IsSQLBased property is always false.
• Directory property on local servers (that is, if TPvSession.ServerName property is empty or has name of the local server) contains path to database's data dictionary files. For remote servers it is always empty. In both cases attempt to set it will cause exception. You could know if you work with local or remote server by examining property TPvSession.LocalSystem.
• The following properties have type TDRMTableCollection:
• Tables
• StoredProcs
• IsSecured property added boolean. It is read-only property. IsSecured = True if database has security turned on. In this case the MicroKernel Engine owner name in property TPvTable.Owner is ignored, and user must authorize in order to login in the DB.
• OEMConversion property are added.
This property indicates that the database contains characters encoded according to the OEM (DOS) code page, and that these characters should be converted to the ANSI (Windows) code page before use. The database remains in the OEM code page, but all reads and writes of character data are translated by PDAC.
This conversion uses the mapping provided by the Windows OemToCharBuff and CharToOemBuff functions. It is important to note that not all characters are round-trip convertible. Only the characters present in both the OEM and ANSI code pages will be preserved in an update. As a rule of thumb, most of the alphabetic characters are preserved, but other types of characters, such as the box-drawing characters, may not be. For characters that cannot be preserved exactly, the closest look-alike character is chosen. For example, the box-drawing characters are replaced by plus (+), minus (-), and pipe (|).
Currently, only characters stored in user tables are converted. Metadata (stored in DDF files) such as table, column, and file names are not.
TPvSqlDatabase Specific
• Handle property type was changed to SQLHDBC.
• IsSQLBased property is always true.
• Directory property is always empty. Attempt to set it will cause an exception.
• The following properties have type TSqlTablesInfoCollection and TSqlStoredProcInfoCollection correspondingly.
• Tables
• StoredProcs
• Exclusive property means nothing. It is provided for VCL compatibility only.
• AliasNameIsConnectionString property was added. This property provides possibility for DSN-less connections. If AliasNameIsConnectionString=true, then AliasName (or DatabaseName, if AliasName is empty) is connection string.
TPvTable, TPvQuery, and TPvStoredProc
• TDBDataSet properties/methods/events types have changed to TPvDataSet or derived.
• TSession properties/methods/events type have changed to TPvAbsSession or derived.
• TDatabase properties/methods/events type have changed to TPvAbsDatabase or derived.
• ExpIndex property is always false.
• The following properties were dropped.
• Locale
• DBLocale
• ObjectView
• Database property with type TPvDatabase or TPvSqlDatabase was added.
• ConstraintCallBack was dropped.
• CheckOpen method parameter type was changed to DRM_ERR.
TPvTable Specific
• Handle property type was changed to DRM_TABLEID.
• TDBHandle property type was changed to DRM_DBID.
• Owner property was added, representing the Btrieve Owner Name for the table.
• BtrHandle property: TBtrieveInfo has been added. This is helper property for function DirectBtrCall. TBtrieveInfo contains the following fields:
• pKeyBuf – pointer to key buffer;
• KeyLen – key length;
• KeyNum – key number;
• CurFilter – pointer to formed input data buffer structure for extended operations (see GetNextExtended in the Btrieve API Guide). This buffer also contains the current filter.
• CurFilterLen – length of CurFilter buffer. CurFilterLen is useful when developer want to copy CurFilter data from the buffer to another location in memory.
• DirectBtrCall (Op: Smallint function; pDataBuf: Pointer; var DataLen: Word; pKeyBuf: Pointer; KeyLen: Byte; KeyNum: Shortint): integer has been added. It allows developers to call Btrieve directly, using the TpvTable Position Block. It has the following parameters:
• Op – Btrieve operation. See Btrieve API Guide;
• pDataBuf – analog for the data buffer parameter of BTRCALL;
• DataLen – analog for the data buffer length parameter of BTRCALL;
• pKeyBuf – analog for the key buffer parameter of BTRCALL;
• KeyLen –length of the key buffer;
• KeyNum – analog for the key number parameter of BTRCALL.
DirectBtrCall returns the Btrieve status code. pKeyBuf, KeyLen and KeyNum parameters should be taken from PvTable.BtrHandle property.
Small samples below demonstrate how to lock and unlock the current record via direct calls to Btrieve:
procedure TForm1.Lock(Sender: TObject);
var b: TBookmark;
DataLen: word;
Res: integer;
b := PvTable1.GetBookmark();
DataLen := 4;
Res := PvTable1.DirectBtrCall(B_GET_DIRECT + 300, b, DataLen, PvTable1.BtrHandle.pKeyBuf, PvTable1.BtrHandle.KeyLen, PvTable1.BtrHandle.KeyNum);
procedure TForm1.Unlock(Sender: TObject);
var Res: integer;
vr: Word;
vr := 0;
Res := PvTable1.DirectBtrCall(B_UNLOCK, @vr, vr, @vr, vr, -2);
• IndexFiles property has been dropped.
• TableType property has been dropped.
• TableLevel property is ignored.
• UpdateObject property has been dropped.
• The following methods have been dropped.
• CloseIndexFile
• OpenIndexFile
• LockTable
• UnlockTable
• PvCreateTable(PvFieldDefs: TPvFieldDefs) method has been added. It allows the developer to tune the table creation process somewhat. See the appropriate section for additional details.
• SetOwnerOnTable(AOwner: string; AccessMode: integer) method has been added. It allows the developer to set the Btrieve owner name on a table. AccessMode can be:
• B_ACCESS_RWOWNER – requires an owner name for any access mode (no data encryption).
• B_ACCESS_WOWNER – permits read-only access without an owner name (no data encryption).
• B_ACCESS_RWOWNERENCRYPT – requires an owner name for any access mode (with data encryption).
• B_ACCESS_WOWNERENCRYPT – permits read-only access without an owner name (with data encryption).
TPvQuery and TPvStoredProc Specific
• Handle property type was changed to SQLHSTMT.
• DBHandle property type was changed to SQLHDBC.
• StmtHandle was dropped.
• Text property always returns text from property SQL.
• CheckOpen method was dropped.
• All index and key related properties and methods (like GetIndexInfo) were dropped.
TPvQuery Specific
The following properties were added:
• LoadBlobOnOpen
If LoadBlobOnOpen is true, then all BLOBs will be cached in memory on query open. If LoadBlobOnOpen is false, then BLOBs will be read as required.
• PassThrough
Setting this property true will force PDAC to pass the SQL Text directly to the engine, without the pre-parsing that is ordinarily done to bind parameters. This is necessary when, for instance, creating Stored Procedures with parameters. Use the property as follows:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
PvQuery1.SQL.Add('PRINT :A;');
PvQuery1.PassThrough := True;
PvQuery1.PassThrough := False;
The PassThrough Property is available at Design Time in the IDE, as well.
TPvStoredProc Specific
• Overload property was dropped.
• TQuery property type (for all properties) has been changed on TPvQuery.
• Transliterate property was dropped.
• Destination property type was changed to TPvTable.
Zen and Embarcadero Data Types
The following topics detail data type mappings:
Zen and Embarcadero Data Type Mappings
The following table shows data type mappings from Zen column types to Delphi data types. Types on the left stored in Zen databases are exposed by PDAC components as those listed on the right.
Note: In the current release, PDAC does not support the BIGIDENTITY data type.
The following table shows data type mappings from Delphi to Zen data types. When new database tables are created using PDAC, columns defined as the field types listed in the left hand column will be stored by Zen using the types listed on the right.
Btrieve and Embarcadero Data Type Mappings
The following table shows data type mappings from Btrieve to VCL.
Note: Binary flags refer to a flag in X$Fields.Xe$Flags.
The following table shows data type mappings from VCL to Btrieve.
Note: Binary flags refer to a flag in X$Fields.Xe$Flags
Additional Field Type Information
Zen (TPvTable.PvCreateTable) has a specific table create method that allows you to tune additional parameters related to field types. It has the following definition:
Procedure PvCreateTable(PvFieldDefs: TPvFieldDefs)
In PvFieldDefs you can adjust several parameters:
TPvFieldDef = class(TCollectionItem)
FieldNum: integer;
BtrType: integer;
DrmType: word;
ColumnSize: integer;
DefaultValue: string;
IsColumnCaseInsensitive: boolean;
ACS_FileName: string;
ACS_Name: string;
ACS_ID: string;
• FieldNum – field number in primary FieldDefs.
• BtrType – Btrieve type.
• DrmType – data record manager type. Developer does not need to use this field. It was added for use in TPvBatchMove only.
• ColumnSize – Column size in bytes.
• DefaultValue – Default value for column in string format.
• IsColumnCaseInsensitive – Set it in true if indexes for field are case insensitive.
• ACS_FileName – Set file name with ACS data without .alt extension.
• ACS_Name – Set name of ACS data.
• ACS_ID – Set ID of ACS data.
If you do not want to set a particular field, it can be set to 0 (DrmType, ColumnSize), -1 (BtrType), false (IsColumnCaseInsensitive) or (all string fields). In this case, default values will be used. Field FieldNum is required.
Fields IsColumnCaseInsensitive, ACS_FileName, ACS_Name, ACS_ID are mutually exclusive. That is, you can set only one of them.
To match Btrieve behavior, index option ixCaseInsensitive is ignored.
The following is an example of using the PvCreateTable method:
with PvTable1.FieldDefs do
Add('F_AutoInc', ftAutoInc, 0, true);
Add('F_Bytes', ftBytes, 10, False);
PvFieldDefs := TPvFieldDefs.Create(TPvFieldDef);
PvFieldDef := PvFieldDefs.Add();
PvFieldDef.FieldNum := 1; // F_Bytes
PvFieldDef.BtrType := 10;
PvFieldDef.DrmType := DRM_coltypVarText;
PvFieldDef.ColumnSize := 20;
PvFieldDef.IsColumnCaseInsensitive := true;