Getting Started
1. Introduction
Introducing OpenROAD
Intended Audience
A Complete Solution for Developing New Applications
Application Development and Deployment in an N-tier Environment
Accessing and Integrating Data with OpenROAD
OpenROAD Documentation Set
Installation and Configuration Guide
Installation and Configuration Guide
Getting Started
Release Summary
Server Reference Guide
Language Reference Guide
System Reference Summary
Programming Guide
Workbench User Guide
• Language Reference Guide
For More Information
Your Support Options
2. Features Overview
OpenROAD Language Environment
4GL—A Fully Object-Oriented Language
Multiple Platform Support
Open Database Access
Ingres Access
Enterprise Access Products
EDBC Products
System Classes and User Classes
Dynamic Applications
OpenROAD Development
Interactive Development Environment
Complete Development Environment with Visual Tools
OpenROAD Workbench
Template-based Development
Automatic Field Generation
Automatic Frame Generation
ActiveX Support
Interactive Testing and Debugging
Active Repository
Management Facilities
Component Reusability
Class Browser
Report Writing
Application Management Utilities
OpenROAD Server
Server Environment
Server Components
Stateful and Stateless Applications
Structured Data
Integrating Web Servers
Visual Server Administration
Fixed Signature, Dynamic Data
OpenROAD Server Interfaces
Service Call Procedures
COM Interface
XML Input and Output
HTTP Transport
Client Access
OpenROAD Clients
Java and .NET Clients
How JSP, ASP .NET, and Other Browser Clients Work
OpenROAD Deployment
Desktop Deployment
Desktop Runtime Components
Client/Server or Thin Client
Dynamic Database Connections
Web Deployment
eClient Runtime Cabinet File
eClient Application and Library Cabinet Files
How You Can Deploy Web Applications
Mobile Deployment
mClient Runtime
Mobile Device Support
3. Getting Started Using OpenROAD
Start OpenROAD Workbench
Create a Database Connection Profile
Connect to a Database Through a Connection Profile
Simple Client Applications
How You Can Create a Frame from a Template
How You Can Create Your First Application: "Hello, World!"
How You Can Create a Simple Client/Server Application
Create a Table in the Database
Create an Application
Create a Frame and Add Fields and Controls to It
Write the Frame Scripts
Compile and Run the Frame
How You Can Create a Simple Object-Oriented Application
Create a User Class
Write the Class Script
Create a Composite Field
Bind a User Class to a Composite Field
Call User Class Methods
Run an Application Using the Debugger
How You Can Make an Application Image
Set the Starting Component
Make an Application Image Using the Image Tool
Use the Build Assistant to Create a Build Command
Run the Build Command
OpenROAD 6.0
Run the Build Command