7. Configuring and Managing VectorH
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Configuring and Managing VectorH
X100 Configuration File (vectorwise.conf)
X100 Per-node Configuration File
X100 Configuration File Format
X100 Configuration Parameters
When to Change the Default Configuration Values
Memory Settings
I/O Settings
OS Settings
Using Multiple Databases
SQL Settings
Performance Tips
Data Size Consideration for Some Queries
Database Write-Ahead Log
Error Reporting--vectorwise.log
Session Management
Identifying Unused Table Files
Configure the Checking of Free Disk Space
Configure MPI Runtime
Configuration Parameters in config.dat
X100 Configuration File (vectorwise.conf)
The Vector engine uses its own configuration file called vectorwise.conf.
A configuration file is not required. If no configuration file exists, default values are used.
Per-installation configuration file
This file is installed by default. It contains examples of available configuration parameters.
Per-database configuration file
where dbname is the name of the database, and
$DATABASE_ROOT_AREA is the area associated with the data location specified with the createdb -v option, or -d if no -v was given, or II_DATABASE if neither was given.
No per-database configuration file is installed automatically, but there is a template in $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/vectorwise.db.conf_TMPL that can be used as a guide if a per-database configuration is needed.
Important!  If you want to configure settings for a single database that influence the database creation process (for example: [cbm] block_size), you must create the vectorwise.dbname.conf file with the desired settings before creating the database.
The order of precedence of the various configuration files is as follows (#1 overrides #2, which overrides #3):
1. vectorwise.conf in the vectorwise/dbname directory
2. vectorwise.dbname.conf in the vectorwise directory
3. vectorwise.conf (the installation wide configuration)