Types of Toolbar Items
There are a variety of toolbar items that you can create in OpenROAD Workbench, each serving a different functional purpose. These toolbar items are the same as those available in the Frame Editor. For more information, see:
• The corresponding classes in the Language Reference Guide
Bar Field
Displays scaled data as two overlaid rectangles: a background rectangle and a foreground rectangle. The data value scales the foreground rectangle relative to the minimum and maximum values.
Specific properties are listed in Bar Field Properties.
Box Trim
Creates a box that you can fill with text. The text wraps automatically if it is longer than the length of the box.
Specific properties are listed in Box Trim Properties.
Button Field
Lets the user initiate an operation by clicking it. You can specify text or an image as the label for the button.
Control Button
Creates a button that you can use to provide menu operations. Most commonly used in table fields for the operations menu, control buttons can also be coded independently of table fields and populated with any menu items.
Ellipse Shape
Creates an ellipse that you can place on the shape layer of a form or composite field.
Entry Field – Single Line or Multiline
Specifies a field into which the user can enter data. Depending on the data type defined for the field, the data can be character, numeric, or a date.
Specific properties are listed in Single-line Entry Field Properties and Multiline Entry Field Properties.
Flexible Form
Combines a set of fields that you can move as a group or independently of each other. The bounding box for a flexible form conforms to the locations of the fields rather than constraining them.
Free Trim
Places text trim that you enter directly by typing. You can move FreeTrim but you cannot resize it.
Specific properties are listed in Free Trim Properties.
Image Field
Defines a field that displays a two-color or full-color bitmap. You must assign a named variable of the BitmapObject data type that you will reference in your 4GL to load a bitmap into the image field at runtime.
Image Trim
Specifies a bitmap used in image trim. It is a static version of an Image Field. Because you can specify the Click event for image trim, you can use it for icon buttons.
List Field
Displays a list of text strings that the end user can scroll through to select a single value or multiple values, depending on how the SelectionType attribute is set.
Listview Field
Displays a finite table of values from which end users can select a single value.
Matrix Field
Organizes a collection of component fields as a two-dimensional stack field. Matrix fields maintain the relative alignment of their component fields even when the component fields change size.
Option Field
Appears as a drop-down list of values from which the user can make one selection. Only the current value is displayed. In addition to selecting the current value, the user can click the down arrow to select another value from the drop‑down list.
Palette Field
Displays a list of values, represented as images, from which the user selects a single value. Because all choices are always displayed, the list should contain few choices.
Popup Button
Creates a button that the users can click to initiate an action. When clicked, an option menu pops up.
Radio Field
Displays a set of buttons that represent a few mutually exclusive choices.
Rectangle Shape
Creates a rectangle that you can place on the shape layer of a form or a composite field.
Creates a scrollbar.
Segment Shape
Lets you draw a line segment, which will be displayed behind any fields.
Slider Field
Lets the user drag a slider box to set a value somewhere within a specified range.
Separates toolbar items for display purposes only.
Stack Field
Creates a collection of separate fields that are organized as a one-dimensional array, either horizontal or vertical. Stack fields maintain the alignment of their component fields.
Represents a group of fields, contained in a fixed bounding box, that you can move on the toolbar as a unit. The bounding box constrains the locations of the fields. You cannot move the fields outside the box.
Tab Folder
Creates a TabPageArray with two pages in it. It also creates a TabBar with default attributes. The TabBar, in turn, creates an empty TabFieldArray for all of the TabFields.
Toggle Field
Appears as an option that the user can click on or off (enable or disable). The label for a toggle can be either text or an image. You can supply one text phrase for both states and use the toggle indicator, or you can turn off the toggle indicator and supply separate phrases or images for the on and off states.
Treeview Field
Displays a visual representation of the hierarchical structure of a tree view. The tree is initially empty.
Viewport Field
Defines a fixed area that acts as a window for another field. Viewports are useful if the field displayed in the viewport varies in size but you want to ensure that it always takes up the same space on the toolbar.